Unidirectional Migration of Souls Physical / Metaphysical Law in Tarien | World Anvil

Unidirectional Migration of Souls

Much like the Translocation Ban, the Unidirectional Migration of Souls prevents entities from entering Tarien. In this case, the ban relates of the souls of the dead. Once they fled Tarien for their final resting places, they cannot return. This means that priests, even those of great power, cannot resurrect loved ones or otherwise reunite their spirits with their bodies. Indeed, when first discovered, many theologians feared that it would prevent souls from returning to their lands of their gods, but after discovering that communication with the dead was still possible, they were reassured. The souls simply cannot return to Tarien once they leave.
Over the centuries, scholars have learned much about the stricture, though little of it fits patters that are easily codified. It seems that upon death, souls often linger around their bodies or lives of their families and companions for some period if time. That period of time seems to vary from soul to soul, from mere seconds to upwards of several days, but during that time it is possible to reunite soul with its body, assuming that the body has been suitably repaired. Some have postulated the length of Soul Linger, as it has been called, is proportional to the faith of the individual. Others believe it relates to the soul’s sense of completeness, those that believe they have unfinished business often linger longer. Given the nature of the subject, however, it has proven both challenging to study and baffling to codify.
Sadly, this stricture seems to have had no impact on the necromantic arts. Lesser undead, those without will of their own, still rise from their graves, their horrific forms merely taking advantage of the bodies of the dead, with no need for their souls. Those undead with intelligence, either tormented sorrow, like a poltergeist or malevolent intent, seem to have retained their souls, no matter how damaged they may be.
Metaphysical, Arcane