Mariah Le Smythe Character in Tarien | World Anvil

Mariah Le Smythe

High Weaver of Fate

Resplendent in her white robes and finely wrought platinum jewelry, Mariah has a calming presence on all who seek her audience. Constantly moving, never quickly, always adjusting objects around her so that fit neatly into the tapestry of the world, she seems to flow gracefully through space, much like a river gently, inexorably, flowing toward the sea. It is said that she sees not one but every possible future through the eyes of her god, constantly aware of the shifting path of time as destiny unfolds. This strange site gives her a sleepy, almost dreamlike quality to her face; serene but almost as if she is not present in the moment. Her speech flows eloquently, however, and despite the seemingly distant look in her eyes she is always quick to respond to the present conversation with great wit and wisdom. Listening to her fortellings - and watching them become history - leaves one with no doubt why she leads Landric's church despite her young years.
Current Location
Early Twenties
Clear and Blue
Dark, Full Curls to Her Shoulder
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
5 ft. 6 in.
130 lb.