Hands of Zardula Organization in Tarien | World Anvil

Hands of Zardula

Some dedicate themselves to the light, while others to evil. Some have found that in this short life as a mortal, neither matters. These rare individuals follow the voice of the dread lord of death. For them, only one master is worthy of their allegiance. Her very sight causes a panic in towns to which they travel. People flee from her path, for when she arrives, death always follows. Life is lonely for those dedicated to the service of the lord of death. She rarely pays for equipment or lodging, for who would charge death any price? Most folk, however, simply flee from her sight and do their best to avoid her while she remains in town.
Hands of Zardalu wander the world, listening to the bidding of their master, who’s true name they refuse to speak, performing the grim duties he assigns. All are not marked for death, but if it is someone’s time, then the Hand of Zardalu must obey her master’s wishes. Her lord may send her on perilous missions, seeking the death of one who upsets the balance. Necromancers and powerful healers (who save the dying) attract the Hands of Zardalu’s lord the most, since both are means to cheat him. Other times, she is sent into a pitched battle, wandering from fallen soldier to fallen soldier, performing last rites and easing the soul on its journey after life.
Hands of Zardalu are rare. Few find the calling appealing so only the most devout or the most disenfranchised join the order. She may be an active member of churches devoted to the lord of death, but she rarely takes interest in the affairs of mortals.
Religious, Holy Order