Free Militia Organization in Tarien | World Anvil

Free Militia

Truth be told, there is little that is Free about Rathgar's Militia. The small group of men and women that make up its membership are well paid and posts hard to obtain, generally coming as part of a broader political deal. Ostensibly chartered to protect the city against foreign invasion or Goblin raid, they have yet to see real combat in their hundred years of existence. Instead, the Free Militia serves as the city's police force, maintaining order and enforcing the patchwork of laws created by the City Council. Of course, like everything else in the city, the definition of order revolves along ensuring that the steady business of the city - be it fishing, canning, or the spice trade, continues unabated. Petty crimes like pickpocketing or the occasional beating are tolerated, as long as a wealthy patron is not targeted. Other laws, like those preventing the transport of saffron without a license or spitting on a council member's walkway are often enforced mercilessly.
Like the city itself, the militia has no real hierarchy, though stronger personalities gather groups of supporters becoming small cadres within the broader militia. These cadres typically align with a group of Council members or perhaps even a single, powerful member. While the Council rarely comes to blows (that would be bad for business), the threat of a strong Militia Cadre has resolved many disputes.
Military, Paramilitary/Militia
Parent Organization
Notable Members