Captain Azalanti Blackwell Character in Tariek Rough Collection | World Anvil

Captain Azalanti Blackwell

"Well I see no issue making easy money lads. We get to keep the booty and can sell off any whom live instead o' risking witnesses. Sounds like a win all around!"

Captain Azalanti Blackwell

Some might think this Wrecker and his crew must be bloodslaves, or else why would they willingly work with such an abomination. In truth they are just truly black-hearted scoundrels with no real morals. The pay is good and the booty is all theres, to them its a win. And of the handful that make up this small lake pirate force, their leader Captain Azalanti Blackwell is the worst and most cruel of the bunch. He is known to enjoy torturing captives, and gets a genuinely uncomfortable amount of joy out of taking children captive the rare times the opportunity presents, to then sell them to Grafwood and Liandria for 'experimentation.' He doesn't understand or care, but something to do with needing a 'purely innocent vessel' to corrupt. All he cares about is the money he's making, and his crew shares that opinion. They've never had it so easy. Azalanti is eager to take things further and the latest plans being formed, to raid Port Tiller directly, have him and his crew in a giddy and excited mood. They are very eager, and the promise of blood, booty and plunder has them in quite the celebratory mindset. Their patience is beginning to be tested though, as this plan was laid out a month ago, yet still the order hasn't been given. Azalanti believes it will be soon though, as he did hear from Tel'vanik that the strange doctor was only to bring one more 'shipment' in a weeks time, and would be taking back a larger boat with a load of 'other cargo'. According to their employer Liandria the raid is to be two things. A chance for a big payday for the pirates, yes, but also a distraction to allow this 'other cargo' to be brought in from their hidden cove, to the northern edge of the town and with the help of Tel'vanik's magic, unleash their 'cargo' of six of the almost thirty Fell-Shamblers they've managed to make upon the unsuspecting town. The goal is to see how much initial damage they can cause and then observe for a few weeks to see what the....spread rate of those whom survive but were contaminated is.


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