Tel'vanik Corvisies Alvindia Character in Tariek Rough Collection | World Anvil

Tel'vanik Corvisies Alvindia

"There is something so much more satisfying about servants whom are dead. I think its the establishing of a separation between servant and plaything. Although I admit many of my kin would find my views....odd."

Tel'vanik Corvisies Alvindia, dark elf Shadow Magister and Cultist of Sloth.

Tel'vanik is an oddity among her people. She is inherently a bit lazy, and although very prideful, is also a calm minded and thorough one, for a dark elf. A necromancer and shadow magi, she is a Cultist of Sloth, and is very aware of some fundamental truths beyond the 'Cult of the All Seeing.' Though she is loyal enough, her aims are her own in a fashion. She holds no true loyalty to this pack of fools whom worship but a forgotten twisted Primordial as if it is Ignavia himself. Her interest and reason for being here is Chill's Fang. She could even, potentially, be willing to help wipe the cult out, though the unholy relic would be her price. Tel'vanik is of the opinion this little sideshow cult is simply thinking and acting to small, be they unwilling, unable, or simply afraid to properly tap into Chill Fang's true power. In truth she holds little loyalty to this rabble at all, and her hostility to any intruders would only really be notable if they've destroyed any of her pets, such as the white bear. Even then, such experiments are replaceable, so she isn't beyond dealing. She is a formidable foe in her own right, a highly skilled practioner of Scath, that is the magickal arts of Shadow, along with being a rather potent necromancer as well. She carries no visible weapon, but needs none, as she is also a mutant, able to extrude filthy disease and plague ridden claws from her finger tips on a moments notice, a 'gift' from Ignavia for her devotion.


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