Nouedon {Elves} Species in Tariek Rough Collection | World Anvil

Nouedon {Elves} (nuˈdə)

The second long lived race, the second race that still has cultural memory of what the Sundering was actually like, are the elves. These humanoids are kind of the opposite of the dwarves. They live amongst the leaves and trees, being a part of the wild lands, their civilization and traditions very much attached to being one with nature. The elves are also the beings the most in tune with magic, which naturally comes with positives and negatives. They culturally are much more withdrawn than those of dwarven heritage. They are masters of lore and knowledge, and see themselves as the caretaker of Valerick's histories.

Basic Information


Skills: Athletics, Climb, Dodge, Intimidate, Language (Elfique), Melee (Basic), Outdoor Survival, Play (any) Perception, Ranged (Bow), Research, Stealth (Rural), Track
Talents: Acute Sense (Sight), Hardy or Second Sight, Night Vision, Read/Write or Very Resilient, Rover orSleep Immunity

Biological Traits

Of the two longest lived races, the elves are the most tightly connected to the world and magic. Even if they are not directly able to use magic, most can sense it, or even see it.

Growth Rate & Stages

0-100: Childhood
101-349: Adulthood
350-424: Elder
425-500: Ancient

Ecology and Habitats

Elves, or the Nouedon as they call themselves in their own tongue, are the one of the least populous races, but you can find them in every nation as one would expect in this age of revitalization. They are holders of ancient truths, of magic and forgotten lore. They are the ancient guardians of the natural world, as such they prefer to live near wild and ancient places, or great libraries of knowledge, history and myth. They also protect the ancient arts, it was at their insistence that the Collegiate of Magi was instituted, and has stood for five centuries hence, expanding outward to most major cities. Elves hold immense loyalty to their own slowly dwindling number, along with the land itself.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Elven social structure within their society is based on age and intellect. They value the brilliance of the mind, the well versed, the studious, the scholarly. Their elders are masters of lore, eternal students of the world.

Facial characteristics

Roll 2d10 Eye Color Roll 2d10 Hair Color
2 Jet 2 Birch Silver
3 Charcoal 3 White
4 Aquamarine 4 Rose Gold
5-7 Mossy Green 5-7 Blond
8-11 Turquoise 8-11 Brown
12-14 Chestnut 12-14 Copper Blond
15-17 Amber 15-17 Dark Brown
18 Tan 18 Auburn
19 Citrine 19 Ebony
20 Violet 20 Black

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Wooded areas, mostly, but any truly wild lands have their elves. For the most part they live amongst their own, but a few do find an almost human like wanderlust, or a curiosity about history and culture. This leads to a few elves finding homes amongst the cities and towns of many other nations and races.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Characteristic/Statistic Roll/Starting Value
Weapon Skill (WS) 30+2d10
Ballistic Skill (BS) 30+2d10
Strength (Str) 20+2d10
Toughness (T) 10+2d10
Initiative (I) 30+2d10
Agility (Ag) 30+2d10
Dexterity (Dex) 30+2d10
Intelligence (Int) 20+2d10
Willpower (WP) 30+2d10
Fellowship (Fel) 20+2d10
Attacks 1
Wounds StrB+(2xTB)+WPB
Movement 5
Corruption 0
Fate 0
Resilience 0
Extra Points (Fate/Resilience you assign) 2

Elemental Affinity: Meanma (Spirit): +1 Wound recovery per rest period
  Associated Daemon Lord: Fastus (Pride)

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Nouedon names are a complex mix of syllables, and an example table is provided below. They often also have a translated name in Valarian, called an ephipet. 5 examples will be listed below. They sometimes describe physical traits they enjoy about themselves, or things they find beautiful in their environment.
Nouedon Name Generator Table
1d10............First Component.............Second Component..................Third Component

Nicknames; Emberfell, Shadowstalker, Foamheart, Weavewatcher, Silverspray, Windrunner

Average Technological Level

Mid Renaissance-early Industrialization

Major Language Groups and Dialects


Culture and Cultural Heritage

The Nouedon see themselves as the guardians of knowledge, the educators of the world, and the race that magic is attuned to. They see their own population as a measuring stick of the planet's health, and as such, are concerned with the lack of rebounding since the Sundering. As such, whilst not anti technological advancement, they can find themselves at odds with some of the ways this is accomplished, especially in the gathering and consumption of resources to feed that appetite. But yet the elven nation of Depenwood stands with the Suranth in the economic struggle between the two technological nations, believing locomotives a safer and less harmful option through the ripples of time than aviation will be. They even claim it is not a belief, but a matter of prophetic fact. However they don't seem willing to share why, stating that to say why would insure that some fools of human or gnomish descent would attempt it.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

The Nouedon, besides how long they live, have a special status in on Valerick. For you see, they are the race that has been connected to the primordial the longest, and so given that connection, their magi end up being some of the few to dabble in 3, even 4 leylines over their career. This is because they are inherently and naturally skilled in the magick arts, and also resistant to temptation and corruption, along with simply living long enough


The Nouedon are the oldest race, and the ones closest to the primal beings that forged the world. Their inherent deep connection to the land makes them the most sensitive to the land being in distress. Elves were the first to feel the coming crisis, the Sundering, and they tried to react, preparing to defend themselves and their homes. Confidence of knowledge and understanding, overconfidence of their own abilities. When the daemon invasion came, the Nouedon still believed they would hold. Their arrogance is a big part of their history, having learned a hard lesson when they lost 60% of their population during the Sundering.

Historical Figures

Vosana Falconhand

Common Myths and Legends

Birth of the world (Mother and Father)
Elemental Primals (7 children whom crafted the world)
Draconic Wars
Abyssal Sundering

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Nouedon get along well with the Vrock, oddly enough, for they are the warriors of the world, as the elves are the scholars. They hold similar ideals. They also can get along decently well with humans and even tieflings, though they pity the struggle tieflings have, and despise the racist behavior they must suffer through. They are generally suspicious of halfling folk, for they are well known to be naturally gifted with dexterity that makes picking pockets or locks an easy skill to learn. This of course creates a heavy stereotype in Elven society, resulting in the concept that any halfling met is likely a pickpocket or lock-breaker, so keep a close eye on your possessions. Dwarves, as they have a similar lifespan, so despite their distrust of industrialization and intentions, they get along with dwarf kind to a manageable, even mildly friendly, degree. As to gnomes however, elven kind are not generally trusting or friendly towards them, seeing their reckless methods and industrial experimentation as wildly dangerous and foolish.
400-500 years (randomizer starting age=50+10d10)
Average Height
(1.8 m+3d10 cm) Elves average in height from 1.8 metres to 2.1 metres.
Average Weight
(43 kg+ 2d10 kgs) Elves generally weigh anywhere from 40-65 kgs.
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