Liandria Velcam Character in Tariek Rough Collection | World Anvil

Liandria Velcam

"Ahh how quaint, a witch-hunter. What did you bring to finish this job, fool follower of false gods. Did you bring holy water? Garlic? A sharpened wooden stake? Ahahahaha you are all the same, fools all of you. I guess I shall feed well this day. You should leave left hunting real monsters to your famed 'heroes' the Exemplaris. They at least don't smell like shite and foolery."

Liandria Velcam upon meeting Percival the Witch-Hunter, shortly before killing him.

This vampiric halfling is the true leader of the Cult of the All-Seeing and the one in charge. In truth , most of the cultists and even Dr. Grafwood are her puppets, victims she's fed off of enough to basically exert her will upon them, but not enough to kill or change them. She is an experienced vampire, not some ravening beast, but one whom knows what they are, and how to fully manipulate and weaponize the power it lets them wield. She is also a Shaman (read war priest) of Ignavia, and she wields unholy power gifted unto her by his will. She is a most formidable foe, and those whom ever have tried to oppose her directly, none yet still live. Some she kills quickly. Others, like Percival, she takes great delight in keeping alive, feeding slowly, weakening them with the venom she, like all vampires, naturally produces, weakening body and mind, but not letting the transition begin or death take them. She revels in the slow breaking of their will, until she can turn them into 'willing servants' read slaves to her and by virtue to Ignavia. They also serve a second purpose, so she is never without at least two or three cultists around her. She can feed on them without resistance, which will help accelerate any recovery of injuries she sustains.


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