Fell Shambler Character in Tariek Rough Collection | World Anvil

Fell Shambler

"The gift of eternal rest for the soul does not mean He who sees All does not have use for your body. Fear not your good work is not yet done, your vessel will rise again to bring salvation to many more of the unenlightened, and thus repay this blessing our Holy One has given you tenfold!"

Passage from an unholy text, a last right of Ignavia

Fell Shamblers are born from Icewater Plague victims, that is victims of the Void parasite known as the Fell-Squirm. When the host's body finally fails, this little worm 'dies' opening a small tear to the Void, allowing Ignavia to 'bless' this body with gifts. In a process that may take a week, even two, the body will bloat, its temperature dropping to the point where the fluids within become more of a slurry than anything else. Bile, pus, black ichor will replace blood and other bodily fluids, and the tainted magic of Ignavia will allow this slurry to be the hydraulic method at which the newborn Void-spawn can move. This is one of their two seemingly innate powers, for they can move and manipulate their bodies without a functioning brain, which was consumed by the Void. The only other thing they can do, besides lashing out of course, is spew a vile infectious and acidic black slurry with little bits of what might look white eggs of some sort. In truth, these little white flecks are 'eggs' of a fashion. They are the protective coating around newly made Fell-Squirms, waiting to detect a heartbeat and brain activity before they free themselves. Upon the skin, though disgusting, they are harmless. But should any have made it into your body, be it through your mouth, nose, eyes, ears or open wounds, well then the risk is great. This is how they 'propogate'.



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