Dire White Bear Species in Tariek Rough Collection | World Anvil

Dire White Bear

What by all the endless horrors of the Abyss is that thing!!!" Robert shouted to his dwarven companion as the horrifying beast charged at them.   "T'was a white bear once!! Nae it just be an abomination o' dark magic in one's skin. C'mon ye damned mage, where's yer fire its welcome any time!!! Damned undead needs a good purging!!!" Roared Torval, his battle axe raised as he moved to meet the monster.
  Sometimes when enough death has occured in a short enough time span, the manna in a region can end up....twisted in an odd way.   This is the most common way undead creatures occur 'naturally' and the dire white bear is just one such example. With its fur missing in patches, maggots visible throughout its rotting flesh, skin sloughing to reveal muscle and even bone, it is a horrifying sight, a true terror.    Such beasts are as powerful as life, perhaps even more, the twisted and tainted manna empowering the shell that was once alive, but also bestowing upon it a ravenous need to hunt and kill the living. Such a beast does not even eat what it kills, it just seems to be the tainted rage of the wrongfully dead against the living given physical form.

Basic Information


Though the body, claws and teeth would tell you it is a white bear, one of the most feared predators of the tundra, its rotting flesh, sloughed off fur, revealed muscle and bone tells you far more, the patchwork rot informing you this beast is no longer a mere beast. It is a monster, full and true, and as such, there is no driving it off or convincing it to lose interest. There is no outrunning it, there is no tiring it for it does not rest. There is no scaring it, for it cannot feel fear, only insatiable hunger. It is a true Child of Madness, the indomintable spirit of the once majestic predator shredded and chewed up by dark magicks upon its death, twisted and morphed, the hateful tormented energy of the dying creature turned into the focus. It is defined now by an ever ravenous, insatiable need to hunt and kill the living.

Biological Traits

As a creature of the Restless Dead, it is nearly immune to the magicks of Aeir, given it is born of the tainted manna flowing through the region. Inherently these creatures, all the Restless Dead, seem to have an inherent weakness to the magicks of Domhan.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

It retains the hearing, and strong nose of a white bear, though it cannot swim, as can no undead, for they are not capable of such complex activity. It can sense the auras of life, though does not possess the second sight, or at least there is no strong evidence to suggest it does. Such beasts also have a....presence about them. As if they weigh upon one, physically with their mere presence, with that mere sharing of space.
Unknown none has ever 'died' naturally


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