Blackwell Wrecker Character in Tariek Rough Collection | World Anvil

Blackwell Wrecker

This crew of raiders and pirates are primarily human and tiefling among them, though among their numbers are two vrock, a dwarf and a gnome as well. They are skilled sailors and bonny fighters, even as one may despise their choice of application for these talents. Hatchets and cutlasses their favored armaments for close quarters combat, they also count old style flintlock pistols and blunderbusses amongst their arms. They embrace true piracy, though given their small, insular group, they prefer to ply their craft upon a river and lake region, choosing the region of Foljeim Lake and Foljeim's Path.

They make an excellent living this way, especially with their skill and understanding of smokepowder weapons and the skillful application of shock and awe tactics such weapons allow you to use in naval engagements. They have a few cannon, a major advantage and excellent fear tactic for this smaller theatre of naval interaction. Few are the barges or sloops that don't immediately surrender after the first time they hear the thunderous roar of true legitimate cannons being fired upon them, they realize swiftly that these Wreckers have them outmatched.

However this does not mean that Blackwell's crew is adverse to a good scrap, and they are quite capable of handling their own. Between the lead of their guns and the cut and bite of their steel, these river pirates can make off like master criminals through shock, awe, intimidation and true violence of action. They dress light, and armor light, relying on their agility and ability to get in, create havoc, kill or injure who they need to, take what they want, and leave. They've no desire to fight drawn out engagements, which explains their love for smokepowder weapons. The idea that one can just....end a conflict in mere seconds is an attractive one.


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