All Seeing Cultist Character in Tariek Rough Collection | World Anvil

All Seeing Cultist

Worshippers and devoutees of 'The All Seeing' these cultists are primarily human and halfling, though four or five dwarves are amongst their numbers. They are violent in their devotion, but slow in their actions, lethargic even in some circumstances. They are tough and hardy, but most bear an illness or disease. They are devout in their belief of this 'All Seeing', completely devout, fully lost souls, unable to be reasoned with or guided out of the darkness. They have no real 'powers' gifted to them but in a courageous and dangerous twist, they do believe that they've been 'gifted' great power.

Among these numbers, of the fifty or so rank and file cultists, only two of them have any sort of minor power, able to manifest a bit of minor witch-craft. Otherwise most are merely your average back country run of the mill heretic cultists. Cut them down they die. Put them to the torch they die. But they are zealots so they will not run, or give up. They are true believers and wholly commited to the cause. They carry no ranged weapons, but need none, preferring their gifts of plague claws or their knives and hatchets.

These cultists are often bearing a minor mutation as well. Many carry a disease they can spread from contact, yet are not afflicted with symptoms themselves. This sickness can vary in its manifestation, indeed its very nature is random. 'Ignavia's Gift' can present in a multitude of corrupting ways, in fact for many it is very unique. Though effected by the lethargy of their worship of Ignavia and the sin of Sloth, they are also tough and hardy folk, a gift for their resting bodies, the only one from their dark master.


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