Dakrius Geographic Location in Tanari | World Anvil


The World Born to End All

Created by WolfMoon Studio, edited by WolfMoon Studio.   Article cover art https://www.wallpapermaiden.com/wallpaper/7455/planet-destruction-explosion-meteorites-sci-fi-stars-sunshine-apocalypse/download/1920x1200
Thanks to Dakrius I have the experience of learning your planet is a giant organism intent on destroying the universe. It is not a fun experience.
— Ex-Admiral Calx

A World Destroyed

I don't understand this world anymore. I look around and see creatures erupting from the earth, the air stings my lungs and burns my eyes. The powered weapon in his hand firing at the creatures surround and overrunning the city. "Groundforce come in! This is Admiral Calx, do you come in?" I reach up to the netCom attached to my ear and press the response button. "This is Captain Thurki! I'm down on the ground fighting these goddamn things!" I turn and run down the street to the center of town. I can feel the wind as the things lunge at me and I duck out of the way. "Understood Captain Thurki. We will send a ship down to retrieve..." I curse as the Admiral cuts off from the network. People from all over the city are arriving in the city center, some crying, some with expressions of shock and fear on their faces. I feel sick as I run over all the bodys laying in the street. Then I hear a voice, "This is Admiral Calx, I have received new orders from the general... were are going to bomb the planet in an attempt to destroy this thing." Shock, fear, anger, I don't know what I'm feeling. All I do is kneel with my rifle and digest the knowledge that I will die to save the rest of the galaxy

A Once Great Planet,

Once Dakrius was a beautiful planet teaming with forests. The Talakaar colonized the world in 3750 GE, building a magnificent city. When they first began exploring the planet it had a poisonous atmosphere that they soon discovered to be the result of massive pits in the ground. These could be destroyed easily and were, after that they built up a city in order to colonize the land. There was no other sentient life on the planet and nothing there suggested there had ever been any. After thirty years of exploration they found a massive skeleton of an unidentified creature. They took the skeleton to the city to research and discovered the doom of their planet.

Has Now Been Destroyed

A massive hive existed underneath the surface of the planet unnoticed by the Talakaar. A massive collective consciousness existed in the planet who were named the Dakrius Drake. They existed on the planet before the Talakaar and were almost destroyed by them. They attacked the Talakaar after they took the skeleton of their alpha and destroyed their city. It is unknown whether the Dakrius Drakes survived the bombing of Dakrius but it is known that they're brain, the planet Dakrius itself, is still out there.


Barren expanses of emptiness cover this planet. Rocky hills stand tall over a desolate wasteland of nothingness. The rivers that once covered this world have evaporated into streams and pools are toxic radiation. Before the bombing huge fields of grass and plants were all over the planet, that has since changed for the worst. The huge holes in the planet's surface have been reopened by the Dakrius Drakes. The holes in the surface lead miles down before they open into the massive cavern which serves as the central hive for the Dakrius drakes. In the center of that cavern is the massive organism known as The Dakrius. The Dakrius is a massive hive mind entity that controls the Dakrius Drakes. The Dakrius's true purpose or state is unknown. The only knowledge that is know about The Dakrius is that it wants to dominate the universe to create an everlasting source of food for it's hive.

Fauna & Flora

The world itself is almost completely barren of life. Some species have managed to get a foothold on the planet only to be destroyed by the Dakrius Drakes. The most prominent species on Dakrius are the Dakrius Drake Scavengers. The Scavengers harvest plants and animals from the surface and brings them down to the hive to be processed into food for the hive.

The Dakrius

  Is a massive organism of unknown intelligence. It has the ability to control the Dakrius Drakes and orchestrate all their movements and actions. The Dakrius drake has only ever had one known goal, to turn the universe into the ultimate larder to feed the Dakrius Drakes. The Mildoran Companions  have attempted to make contact with The Dakrius to see what it wants and to persuade it to not destroy the universe. They couldn't hold communications for long and The Dakrius made a complex series of sounds that was translated into something roughly along the lines of, "You're pathetic, disorganized realm is nothing compared to our one single mind!"
Alternative Name(s)
The Mind of Dakrius


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