Venter Petrograd Character in Tanaheim | World Anvil
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Venter Petrograd

Venter is a wild promoter and con man in Tellenor. Venter is technically a Lower level bureaucrat for the Rodriguez Hortalez trading company. At heart though he is a con man who owes quite a bit of money to bookies and debt collectors all over Tellenheim. His current idea is to create a dinosaur race in a field near Tellenheim. Now he just need some new investors and someone to round up some dinosaurs.   STR-10 DEX-11 CON-11 INT-12 WIS-10 CHA-16

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Venter Petrograd is actually a Halfling called Oppel Appletoe from the Halfling clan Appleton. There are a large group of Halfling that live and work in the lush farmlands of Kierke. The large town of Berkwood houses several of these families and Oppel was the third son of a store owner named Balin Appletoe. Oppel was a trouble maker and enthusiastic rule breaker even as a small child. An intelligent and adventurous Halfling, rare for his race, he quickly grew bored with the store and the surrounding farmlands. He started young with pranks and petty theft and then quickly rose to larger crimes. Once the heat got to great and every sheriff and warder in the area started coming to him for every crime committed he decided it was time to go. He hitched a ride with a merchant carriage from the Rodrigues Hortalez Trading company paying for his passage with money stolen from his fathers store. One of the few crimes he still feels a great sense of shame for. On the road as they passed up into the Eigerlands the carriage was attacked by strange creatures. Several horrific man beast hybrids rose out of the forest and charged the carriage. The Driver and the RHC merchant were maimed and killed and brutally eaten by these creatures. Oppel was able to hide and sneak away due to his small size and his rogue like nature.  He was able to steal the documentation for the RHC merchant and eventually forged new paper to reflect his race and features.  He created a new persona called Venter Petrograd and showed up at the RHC trading company main building and just started working.  He used his skills as a con man and a fast talker to convince some managers to give him some contracts and make some trades.  It worked!  He completed some sales legitimately and soon obtained some more official looking documents.   Eventually he was given the trade route linking Penthos with Stoneport and a portion of the Eastern Road as his territory.  Currently he does his jobs and makes good money but his commitment to the company is fleeting and he has a number of big ideas for new jobs. He also has his eye on a
Current Location
Year of Birth
2961 37 Years old
Dark brown
Wavy Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark tan
Aligned Organization


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