C2 Upcoming in 2024 Plot in Tanaheim | World Anvil
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C2 Upcoming in 2024

Our current stories and upcoming plots for this year!

Plot points/Scenes

The End of the Second Age - 

We know that sometime at the end before the shatterfall around SF2 2659 that elven armies invaded the southern Eigerlands.  A powerful Lich took advantage of the continent wide death and destruction to empower himself to godlike levels.  As the main leaders of the armies fought expertly on the field, The Dark One Aer'Chabadzael was using the dead to create an army of zombie and skeleton warriors.   Encealadus Calwyn led the human armies as the main field marshal, and Verilius Treta Rivendrias led the Elven armies. 
At some point in the third year of the war both found out that their conflict had created an even greater menace.  The Dark One had risen and achieved a power greater than anything anyone had ever seen.  With their governments and monarchies refusing to listen to them they were ordered to continue prosecuting the war.  Both of the generals began to meet in secret and they teamed up with other great warriors who had taken up arms against the Dark One.
  Shaanth'Ah Kubrickar -
A great Half-orc hero of the second age. A barbarian.
  The Orcs and Half-orcs of this time were relegated to the sidelines, their food stores and land pillaged by the massive armies that did battle all througout the Eigerlands.  Shaanth'Ah began to lead a guerilla force against both sides trying to keep his people alive.  He was one of the first to bear witness to a zombie horde gathering, the horde tore through one of his villages and all were lost. 
  The Artful Badger -
A tiefling woman who was a famous rogue in the second age.
Her real name was Kelindria Redhorn, and she used the conflict to steal from kings and queens of both sides of the war.  She was often hired by one side or the other to reclaim artifacts or powerful magic weapons.  She was said to be the best, but she abruptly stopped answering their calls.  She began a mission of revenge when her wife and family were torn apart by revenants sent by the Dark One.  The revenants were sent to claim a necklace with a pendant.  the Pendant of Chrovath.  It has the power to summon a Kaiju size demon onto the material plane.
  Estellevan Rez'Doh Goldscale -
A female dragon born Cleric of Kurramira The Bronze.
Sent forth by the leaders of Dragon Mouth to warn of the coming of the Dark One.  She was instrumental in gathering the heroes together despite the war and to hold fast against the Dark One.  She eventually sacrificed herself during the ritual that created the Dark One's Prison. 
  Acer Alderleaf Greenshanks -
A famous Green elven Ranger from the second age.
This Green Elven man became the champion of the Green Elves when he fought against conscription into the Human Elven wars.  His people were being impressed into service even though they had sworn to remain neutral.  He helped to create a rebellion against the Elven monarchies despite the risk to his family and home.  He was recruited by Rivendrias when they realized that the dead were rising from the battlefields.  
  Roaritun "Firehoof" Ebonclad -
A famous mage of the second age. He was a fire genasi wizard whose power rivaled that of the Fallen.
Ebonclad was one of the most powerful wizards of the second age.  He and his mages guild stayed neutral during the conflict.  When they detected the explosion of necrotic magic that was being wielded, Ebonclad headed to the Eigerlands.  Though he joined with the heroes many historians claim that he did so out of ego and not altruism.  He refused to let a lich be more powerful than himself and he tried to destroy the Dark One.  Instead of admitting his failure he designed the prison and the seals so that he could train up for a round 2.  It is quite possible that his need to prove himself stronger than the Dark One forced Goldscale to sacrifice herself to complete the ritual. 
[DM Note: Recently Charmayne Daedaulus used Mausim to steal the pendant of Chrovath. His presence opened Calwyn and his wife's tombs allowing Daedalus access to the necklace. She intends to use the power of the necklace to summon a great demon into being.]
Aramis D'Artagnan
The Knight of the Dead Rose is a cursed hero of the second age.
His real name was Aramis D'Artagnan the Swift. He was a friend and swordbrother of Encealadus Calwyn. They fought in the Human Elven wars and both of them realized the true threat of the Dark One too late.
  Aramis was defeated by Vernabogge and Electra at some point before or during the shatterfall of that era. Concurrently during the shatterfall was when the Dark One was imprisoned. Using the incredible power surge of the weave during that event a group of wizards (the precursor to the Assembly of the Weave) created the seals and banished the Dark One into a dark domain of his own.
  To save the life of Aramis a sorceror polymorphed him into something small. A wild magic surge turned the spell into true polymorph and changed him into the miniscule Knight of the Deadrose. This also gave him a measure of immortality but also took away his ability to speak. His sword skills and mind remained the same however, just much diminished in size.
  In the last few decades he has taken up residence in the Ashen Forest. Here there are many dangers and many secrets pertaining to the rise of the Dark One. It also holds the phylactery that empowers Vernabogge. Aramis swore that he would destroy Vernabogge and has finally found a way to do it.
  The Ashen Forest used to be a forest on the scale of any of those in Oraheim. During the wars of the second age it was burned to the ground strategically. One of the last acts of Encealadus before the shatterfall. It was a way to destroy a large portion of the Elven forces in a slash and burn strategy that destroyed thousands of miles of ancient forest. At the beginning of the Third age over 3000 years ago the area was given the name the Ashen Forest due to it's stark desert like appearance of Ashe and spindly black tree husks. In the last thousand years the forest regrew and became the incredibly lush vegetation that it is now.


Mausim Stories

Mausim is the reincarnation of the great human general Encealadus Calwyn.  Recently he and his team killed the Fallen known as Vernabogge permanently by destroying the Fallen's Phylactery deep under the Ashen Forest. 
His greatest enemy currently is the Fallen Known as Electra.  Electra blames Calwyn for trapping her in a magical Sarcophagus for the last 3200 years.  After trapping the Dark One in his dark domain, Calwyn and his team began to hunt down the Fallen.  These Fallen were a response to the team of heroes who had stood up against him.  Electra was a former sorceror who had worked with Roaritun Ebonclad as his acolyte.  She rebelled against him when he sided with the heroes.  She wields magic irresponsibly and drinks deeply of the weave.  In her unhinged state she threatened to raze the city of Warshaw with a wild magic explosion never seen before. 
The heroes used a shardrock infused device shaped like a sarcophagus to drain her magic and render her vulnerable.  During the battle Calwyn and Ebonclad spared her life and hoped to rehabilitate her.  The reality is that Bella Caix La'Couer tricked her back into the sarcophagus using an illusion of Calwyn.



Finn Storylines 

Exatron Saul has developed an airship and has abducted Sava Cogson.  Now Rega and Finn must rescue Sava before Saul can take him off planet.  Saul is going to take him back to Eberron to pass him off as Cog and get the reward money.  Rega and Finn need Sava to find Cog, he is their last link to Cog's location. 

Wes Storylines

Wes has been copied and his memories replicated in this Tannelmimic. It has yet to be found and is going to continue it's murderous spree throughout the Eigerlands. It was given these orders by Lord Vedemire who is still very angry at his defeat. Though he is still reconstituting he has sent different creatures out into the world to try to kill the team.
  [the doppleganger's true name is Veluchrus Chrid, they are sexless and genderless and are usually created by Lord Darkhorse.]
He Murders people and poses the bodies in obscene ways. His Modus Operandi is flaying the skin of the torso open and leaving the organs intact but visible. He also always leaves a light arrow that is shoved through the oral cavity into the brain that gives the corpse an eerie glowing light from the eyes. Authorities call him the Ripper Raven due to the raven like mask he wears, identical to the one that Wes has. He makes sure that someone spots him near the crime scene.
Whenever Wes and the team get close to a large population center someone will spot Wes and call the authorities.
  • The man known as Wes, a Ranger of the Ashen Forest
  • Known murderer and larcenous thief.
  • Accused of seven brutal slashings in the City of Stoneport. (The light arrow killings)
  • Accused of the murder of Baron Harken Quail of Allachi. Hung by the neck at the city square.
  • Accused of brutally slaying the lower minister of Hellenox, Reccip Nuxhall and his wife. Run through with a broadsword.
  • Accused of theft of several thousand gold worth of jewels and equipment from the city of Stoneport.
  • Accused of Grand Larceny in the city of Helletowne, including several trained horses.
    ASHEN FOREST WAR for the Orb of Lifeseed
    Characters involved-
  • Kestlerender / Vickander Kent

  • - Willwug Leafside
    - The Kormirra Sisters
    - The Knight of the Deadrose
    - Miljoco in the DarkFae Realm as well
    The Orb is a powerful artifact, sometimes known as the Antikythera device. Legend has it that it has the power to control all life in the Ashen Forest. Both creatures and plant life. Imagine commanding an army of insects, Tree horrors, or wolves to Marshall against your enemies. Truly the power to take over the world if handled properly. Also it would have the ability to fight the Dark One’s forces of undead if necessary.
    The Orb is hidden in the Dark Realm or maybe even in between the two Dimensions. It explains Wes’s importance to all of the forces of the Ashen Forest. He holds the key to easy travel between dimensions. He is the key to finding the Orb.
      He is also wanted by many authorities, including Nuth Welker, for the crimes of the Tannelmimic.
      The Will of Hellenox - +2 Sword Turn Undead Once per day. Action to cast Cure Wounds. 6 charges. Radiant Blast - 1 Charge for 1d8 radiant damage
      The Faith of Hellenox - Shield +1 Use a charge to change spell damage to Radiant Turn Undead Once Per Day
      To attune Hellenox will come to the wielder in a dream, pulling the PC into the Dreaming Realm. There her avatar will ask them several questions and peer into their heart judging if they are worthy or not.

    Bon Vee and Crashe Storylines

      Crashe is the reincarnation of Verilius Treta Rivendrias an ancient elven hero who fought in the Human Elven wars of the second age. Near the end Verilius teamed up with Encealadus Calwyn to turn their focus to the evils of the Dark One. They succeeded in imprisoning him in his Dark Domain. The process of this drove Verilius insane in the end. The rituals required to create the seals were dark and dangerous. The guilt and horrors he witnessed broke him in the end. These thoughts and memories are beginning to bleed into Crashe's mind.
      [NOTE: To do our final quest into the Dark Domain of Aer'Chabadzael Bon Vee and Crashe will need to be separated from the eye. This will require the help of a powerful wizard or perhaps the Kormirra Sisters. Their combined hag abilities would be useful in breaking the eye's enchantment and keeping the souls intact. They would require something in return…]     Virgil Capsaicin -
    Virgil fell into the river during the battle on the bridge. While trying to defuse the bomb with Nuth he lost his grip and fell into the fast moving water. For now though with the team scattered once more he is on his own. Need to decide where he washes up.
        Archos Storylines -
    Archos is trying to attune to the Will of Hellenox but has been unsuccessful. He also has the Black Web Gage on his left hand. A gift from the Dark One after he grabbed some pods from Allesandre Manor.
    Truffle Storylines -
    Truffle is still trying to get revenge on the East Tellenheim Company for killing her family. The ETC and a specific officer were responsible for decimating her island and extracting the valuable shardrock mined from the dormant volcano. During their operation a massive lode of rock exploded killing several hundred and destroying the ecology of the island. The rest of the Tortles and lizardfolk on the island either died from starvation and disease or fled. Truffle's family were killed in the explosion though her half brother and first cousin escaped right before the explosion.
    Or were they taken prisoner? The ETC officer responsible was one Captain Banastre Triskelion. A human man in his fifties.
      Nuth and Demaia Storylines -
    Nuth is once more being courted by the Assembly of the Weave. They want him to look into the Vault heist in Warshaw and see if they can't find the culprit. The Weave wants to take credit for the collar of course.
      A former convict has either escaped prison or was set free. This prisoner holds a grudge against the two investigators who captured him… Nuth and Demaia.
    He also happens to be one King Arric Lee, who is still hoping to find the exact location of the Shatterfall. He is close and that stint in prison almost cost him his chance to become incredibly powerful. If he ever sees them again he has sworn vengeance.
  Demaia is also being recruited by the Verdant Sigil.  She met with Rani Sunfish who helped her with her wild shape abilities.  She hopes to meet Demaia again soon.



Helletowne -
If the characters decide to hunt down Wes' doppelganger they will travel to the city of Helletowne.  There Nuth and Demaia will be met by their investigating officer from Stoneport who assigned them this case in the first place.  A Dwarven man by the name of Ulix Trant.  He demands to know what they have been doing for the last month.
The over arching conspiracy will be that Lord Vedemire Darkhorse has been creating Nachahmen (Tannelmimics) througout the government of Helletowne.
Corvaroth Heth
Air Genasi woman is the head of Presarvarius University - She was killed by the Wes Mimic and has been replaced.
Prime Minister Quentin Fleck of House Durrilan Human Man in his 50's - One of the three Primes that run the government. Has been replaced by a Nachaman.  He was killed a week ago by the Wes mimic.  Now his replacement has decided to seize power and kill the other two primes.  Once he has seized power he will take orders from Lord Darkhorse himself. 
House Durrilan has been the controlling House in Helletowne for the last 25 years. Before that was House Quail who ruled here for three centuries. The remaining members of House Quail with any power may be more than happy to help the team if it means they regain control.
Minister of Police Lorcan Fouche -
A human man who works for the Prime Minister directly as a spymaster and spycatcher.  he has been replaced by a Nachaman and killed. 
The City will be in great danger and the team will be hunted by Darkhorse controlled mercenaries who are Darkfriends.  On top of that the Assembly of the Weave is very active in the city and will look to recruit Nuth and have him turn over his compatriots for using unclean magicks.  Even the druid Demaia.

Rising Action

Bella Caix La'Couer
Bella is the only Fallen who accepts her immortality but spurns the rest of the Dark One's power and influence.  She is desperate to see the Dark One imprisoned again so that she gets to keep her immortality.  She is collecting all of the seals before they can be destroyed so that she can convince a team of heroes to recreate the ritual and seal off the Dark One once more into his prison. 
Chaelith Kazzarra the Bloodclaw
  A hyperintelligent Lamia who has claimed dominion over Ventenheim. Starting in the second age when the Elven Human wars were in full swing there was a secondary conflict in Ventenheim. Dwarf Clans and Elven nation states had enslaved Dozens of races to work in plantations. Plants that could be distilled down into sugar and alcohol needed to be harvested for Cities in Tellenheim. Mineral rich mines needed to be worked in the mountain region to be brought back to the Ulirre Valley and Urgolos. This was an age of Colonization and trade amongst the Elves, humans, and dwarves. Other races were looked down upon and treated as cheap labor.
In the great desert in central Ventenheim a Lamia grew angry. She made it her mission to rid the continent of the rapacious races. She even took it so far as to make a deal with the devil, the Dark One himself. She demanded immortality and found it in the dark recesses underneath the hot sands. The Dark One reached out and gained a new disciple.
Many stories tell of her victories in the second age. She did indeed lead forces in successful battles against powerful dwarven and elven forces. There are still villages and towns populated by Catfolk and minotaur who treat her as a hero. The truth is that many of her victories were pyrrhic. She would destroy any creatures in her path, destroy any town, kill any civilians if it got her what she wanted. After the dark one was sealed away her reign of terror grew. Driving out the dwarves, humans and elves wasn't enough. She saw herself as the only authority the only one with the intelligence and drive to rule.
    Phylactery Location - The Devil's Crater, Ventenheim
  Now she has created an army of undead and demonspawn to raze the Kingdom of Crossing Sun and Stars.  She aims to remove all of life from Ventenheim and replace it with those touched by the Dark One.


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