Blankalon’s Eve Tradition / Ritual in Tanaheim | World Anvil
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Blankalon’s Eve

Monster Parade – Once a year, all the cities in region hold a parade where all the participants wear elaborate monster costumes. Larger cities may employ magicians for special effects and have multistory beasts mounted on wheeled carts with movable parts and participants riding inside. The final attraction in the parade is the “holy paladin” with an elaborate armor outfit and costume weapons who is driving the “monsters” away. The role of the paladin is chosen by popularity contest or some other method, and is almost never an actual paladin. The parade celebrates a plot to deter a foreign attack by making it appear that terrifying monsters had already overrun the streets, yet they were easily defeated and driven off by guards.


After centuries of Goblinoid raids and the fears brought about by evil races lurking in the mountains, the settlements in Penthaheim hold a ceremony to ward off Blankalon.  The wear scary masks of creatures and monsters to scare the goblins and bugbears from their towns.  These days the festival has turned into a huge feast and a parade at dusk.
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