ATG Mission 5 - Copenhaus Plot in Tanaheim | World Anvil
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ATG Mission 5 - Copenhaus

The previous morning in the Void Omen Vom Fass woke up first and made his way downstairs. [Bert Oberton - Chief of Staff / Yorus Carobelt / Halfling man / Chef and Bartender / Belba Caraway / Half Elven Woman / Maintenance chief ] The tall half orc woman walks in gold rimmed glasses perched on her nose and her dark green hair tightly wrapped in a large bun behind her head. Her fur lined jacket and boots are quite stylish as she sits down at the table with you. She carries a leather folder and a knife at her belt. "Our informants say that members of Helle's adventuring and trading company may have the Arcanist Circlet. They could be in Copenhaus in two days time. I took the liberty of speaking with your captain and she assures me if the team leaves today you could be there in time to intercept."
"Perhaps you would like to rally the team to impart this information?" She readies herself to go after finishing her coffee. "I'm heading back to Home Office if anyone needs me to deliver anything. Oh, and one more thing, do not try to message Agrimor directly his time is incredibly important. Wizards do so hate it when an errant message interrupts a complex ritual."
The Abyssal Knife is still very much in play as Mew and Vom Fass witness them murder the Librarian. The War that Lamborginus is bringing is starting to become a real thing. Maybe the team can stop it before it starts.
Copenhaus has several interesting points about it. It's trade with Alacan Island and the Aarakocra means you will find more of this race than anywhere in Tellenheim. Their air force of Griffon riders is unique to Copenhaus as well.
The strange wizard from the Assembly of the Weave once again tries to trap vom Fass using a ridiculous trap. Maybe a sandwich on a string with a net above it.
The team will have to face off against a warship from Lamborginus withouth causing an international incident.  Then they will have to speak with some Griffon Riders from the city of Copenhaus and obtain entry into the city.  Finally they will meet with their informant at the great Zoo of Copenhaus where they will be ambushed by Helleficks Kristalinn/Isringus the demi god who formed Helle's Adventuring and trading company.  He will attempt to kill their informant with an arrow, the team will get a chance to stop this.  Whether they do or not he will sick COBRA on them an elite team of assassins.  After this battle the team will learn that members of Helle's adventuring team are on their way to Lamborginus to sell the circlet to Panthrus Murcielagus.  They need to stop them before they reach the city!

Plot points/Scenes

Previously on Liters of Tomorrow -

Adventure Team Grimm found themselves battling a creature from another plane of existence, The Mothman, by the Forlorn tower in Onsalm. In the midst of a blizzard and in freezing conditions the team prevailed and defeated the creature. Returning back to Tellenor they freed a young man accused of the crimes the Mothman committed. The famous adventuring team the Bryce Dallas Five was in town for Winter’s Faire and subsequently departed after their botched attempt to foil the Mothman killings. Mew was finally cured of her burgeoning vampirism by the concerned Karnak, Blizzard Hops, and the Pandaren Druid named Sun Paw Kong. Cog had a meeting with the his ownership group of the Cog and Gear Magical Emporium to discuss their new hire, the Gnome woman named Tyll Bebo. She had recently come to Tellenor looking for place to stay and some work and found both after interviewing with Gazza Dwindlehooke. Gazza has assigned her to Cog as a personal assistant while out in the field to help acquire monster parts and rare materials for the business. With Tyll Bebo’s assistance the owners of the Cog and Gear began work on the prosthetic arm for Blizzard Hops. They hope to present it to him before he leaves town on his next mission. Vom Fass followed Mew and a strange Fire Genasi man on midnight mission into the castle. Using invisibility and some stealth of his own he successfully followed the two into the library. Losing sight of Mew he watched the Fire Genasi man deliberately kill the librarian Telkir Alectur by slitting his throat. As the two thieves dissappeared into the night Vom Fass cradled the dead man’s head and tried to save him with a healing potion. He was too late however, and as he fled the castle himself he realized that the Fire Genasi wasn’t discovered mid caper, he deliberately went into the librarian’s chambers to murder him.

That Familiar Feeling -

  The morning air hits your face and the smell of cooking fires and horse hair fills your nose. The air is still cold in the middle of winter but the change from single digits to almost 30 is a welcome relief and feels almost pleasant. The team spends the rest of the morning preparing for the journey.
Tyll Bebo - You awake the in your small room above the store of the Cog and Gear. Two small bundles sit on the end table by your bed. [DM Note: the first is the leather folder from Gazza, hand the second to her now it is from the TVA and is secret from the rest of the group.] Having spent the previous day going over business routines and protocols with Gazza Dwindlehooke and Morchu Hammerash you feel more confident in helping out at the store. Their first job for you is to gather exotic monster parts and some rare herbs and materials from the area around Copenhaus, a coastal city which doesn't experience much snow or ice due to it's proximity to the sea. It's known for having a strong trade with Alacan Island the home to the Aarakocra people. Many Aarakocrans live and work in the city and they may have many of the materials on your list that you can purchase outright. To do this safely you are being put in the service of Cog who is a part owner of the business. You will act as his personal assistant aboard his ship the Wet Dream. Gazza reminds you "Be careful out there, Master Cog gets into some crazy scrapes from time to time. You're just a business assistant no need to get yourself killed, if trouble arises stay out of the way." He hands you a leather folder coated with a water proof resin that is full of lists and crafting tools.
Cog as you head out of the Void Omen walking up the hill from the Cog and Gear is Tyll Bebo. She has a large backpack and is wrapped in fur lined cloak ready for the journey. Trusilla Fane walks towards you with some updated information on your mission. "Our most recent information comes from our informant in the city of Copenhaus. He will meet you at the Great Zoo near the Chimera exhibit. Be careful, this informant isn't a member of PACT. He's been useful before and his information is usually spot on. Give him this pouch, and hear what he has to say and then be on your way. It's imperative that we obtain the Arcanist Circlet before anyone else." You look down at the pouch she has given you and weigh it in your hand. "It's just money and jewels, no surprises, it's his payment." [DM Note: If anyone asks, it is rumored that the Arcanist Circlet is a focusing tool for the energies of the weave. It could be used to expand spell effects in range, duration, and power. It's never been tested how much though.] "Determine where the Circlet is and try to obtain it at all costs." The informant is an Aarakocra man named Falko, he looks a bit like a Cockatiel.

The Return of S.M.O.G. -

Hops you run into Vazquez as she carries a large box of whiskey from your distillery to store on the ship. "Morning commander, ready for another trip?" After speaking with Vazquez you and your travelling gear make your way to the Blizzard Hops Tavern and Distillery, to see it's lovely face one more time before you go. Inside however your business manager Harv Leder is in a heated discussion with well dressed dwarven man with a black and grey beard. A large leather binder with the acronym S.M.O.G. is in front of him on the table. "Ah, Master Hops just the man I'm in town to see. Your man here tells me you are now the owner of this distillery? As you well know the Spirits & Mead Organized Guild has been an important staple of Penthaheim and is vital to keep prices competitive and to manage ingredients and hardware. I was sent from Stoneport to assess your new venture including your franchise and publish my report to the guild masters. I have the paperwork for your membership if we deem you worthy." [DM Note: History check or a conversation with Harv would allow Hops to know that membership in SMOG has certain benefits but also hidden costs. Membership fees that can vary wildly from season to season. Surprise inspections, sometimes fomenting bad blood from near by competitors, and even moderating grains and supplies. The benefits are supplies in times of drought, bank loans when needed (with high interest rates), and better advertising through the S.M.O.G. broadsheets.] [Spirits & Mead Organized Guild S.M.O.G. / Representative to central Penthaheim / Dwarven Man named Conrad Whistleaxe. He wears dark blue pants and jacket, a cream colored high collared shirt and shiny black boots. This is a loosely organized trade organization which specifically links all breweries, Meaderies, distillers, Vintners, and cider producers. They attempt to keep prices consistent and provide links to the various alcoholic drink producers throughout Tellenheim.] If Hops turns down the "offer" Conrad responds with "This is very unwise gentlemen, The guild only wants what's best for you business. Going it on your own can have consequences..."
Vom Fass still a little shaken by what you witnessed the previous night you walk towards the docks in a bit of a fog. As you cut through the little alley between two houses as you usually do you notice another strange sight. A large sandwich sits on a ceramic plate on a stool in the middle of the alley. You stare at it quizzically for a two moments what would you like to do? [The sandwich has a string attached to the back of it which runs to a ring hook on the wall which goes up to another ring hook and finally to a wide net badly camouflaged hanging above the whole thing. Roll a perception check. [DM Note: DC 13 Around the corner you see the hem of a blue robe. Someone is hiding there. This is an assembly watcher named Culdregar Bupkiss. He is an elven man around 60 years old, young for an elf, and a third level wizard. He has been sent to find and report back on the two rogue magic users Cog and Vom Fass. ]
you spend the morning with Sun Paw Kong. You both got up before sunrise and took off for the wilderness. What wild shape would you like to use for your first lesson in speech? [ Once Karnak has decided he and Sun fly or run about the forest practicing. Make him do a performance check DC 15 to see if he achieves the ability to speak on this run. Karnak will probably ask him to come along but Sun has other places to be. He is heading to the Eigerlands to check on some old friends. If you need him you can now send a message spell via Vom Fass or he plans on being back here in Tellenor in two months time.]
You walk towards the ship down the stairs at the docks and see a flurry of activity. Ropes and sails being positioned. Boxes and rucksacks being brought on board and stowed. Captain Eltera Ro barking out orders and commander hicks, his face still scarred from Bullfinch, checking on each station. As you all walk up the gang plank Captain Ro nods in your direction "Ready to set sail commanders. Due to the waterfalls and direction of the river we will head back to the bay of Seskar and then up the Alcala Strait. Seems a bit out of the way but the calm waters this time of year and strong headwinds will make the trip go by fast. Plus a great view of the city of Penthos right in the afternoon sun. Plus it will get us away from this blasted snow!" You all make your way to your usual quarters and stow your stuff. Tyll you stand there unsure of where to go or what to do, the crew of the ship scurry around you tying ropes and readying to sail. Cog as you walk down the stairs to the docks you see several ships getting ready to sail. A shout directed at you from one of the passenger ships "Cog!" The deep bellowing voice of Roccan Crush from Adventure Team Bugbear. "I just wanted to thank you again for saving our bacon in the Gem of Amara We owe you one, when you get back to stoneport drinks are on me. " The small figure of Feabea Staccan joins him on the rail "Mew! I never would have made it out of that place without you. If you ever need anything let me know." The remaining two members say their farewells, Vestal Vorrin and Jess Proudhammer. They are sailing on a passenger ship called the Swimming Ram on their way back to Stoneport. [If Karnak or Hops chime in, Vestal and Jess will happily recall the events in the Grand Arena. Their performance against the Reaper and the Grey Render was truly one for the ages.] From the Wet Dream a shout of "All Aboard!" echoes on the docks from Apone.  
The first day at sea goes by uneventfully, you sail down the Archon river using your hull upgrade and a light southerly wind keeps the boat moving out of the frigid weather. The temperature climbs into the 50's as sail past Lothar's Castle and into the Bay of Sekar. Most of you feel quite comfortable back on the open sea with the exception of Mew who repeatedly points out her hatred of water. Tyll this is your first time aboard the boat, anything you want to do?
By sunset off in the distance you see the great Goliath of Penthos. A one thousand foot tall iron and bronze statue of an ancient warrior, sword in hand. The mega structure has stood on Pentolos Island for millenia, the setting sun highlights the edges with an orange glow. Thirty minutes later looking North (Port side) the great capital city of Penthos is bathed in orange light. Hundreds of white sails can be seen from fishing vessels, commercial frigates, and pleasure yachts. The city is always abuzz with activity. Darkness falls and the ship continues on towards Tarokin Island through the gap. [If anyone is awake at this time they can overhear a conversation between Apone and Hicks. "Sure you can sail that gap without hitting a rock?" Apone smiles and says "I can sail a whaling vessel through a gnat's bunghole, commander. The Tarokin Gap is wider than your aunt Hildie!" Hicks shakes his head a little and responds "damn you kiss your mother with that mouth?"]
  The following morning just before daybreak anyone on deck can hear the cry of Mordret from the crow's nest. "Ship ahead! Looks like a man o war!" After a few moments the ship comes into view in the distance. Indeed it is a large warship the captain shouts up to Mordret "Mordret you have the best eyes on the boat, can you see the flag?" After a few moments of study Mordret says "Cap'N I think it's from Lamborginus, that's the flag of the Archos Divinus." Captain Ro calls a conference with Apone and Hicks and they begin to discuss options. "We got every right to sail these waters, technically anything north of the strait is free. They can only claim territory within 500 miles of the city." Apone responds with "If the rumors are true and they are fomenting war than the old sailor laws may be gone. We have no idea what they are up to." "If they try to board us do we relent and let them inspect or do we run?"
  [The ship ahead is the Blade of Aventador the warship of Kazan the Hunter. He is one of the nine Aventador Knights who serve Panthrus Murcielagus the Archos Divinus. It is captained by human man named Pak Catalay, and has a crew of 20 and has at least 8 trained fighters on board who serve as Kazan's elite force. one of which is Alessis Currahallis a suspicious wizard who acts as Kazan's Vizier.] As the boat sails nearer A loud shout goes out from a helmeted Knight "Prepare for boarding, we will inspect your vessel for contraband."
Allow the players to make perception checks, on an 18 or over they can spy a griffon rider in the distance who could offer assisstance.  They could also make use of their submersible to board the ship and stage some kind of trouble that way.


Arrival in Copenhaus -

As the Wet Dream sails nearer to the Eastern Coast of Penthaheim you can see the mountainous coastline dip down and several plateau's jutting out of the sea. On top of each of these plateau's is a bustling city connected by bridges. Dozens of boats drift around the outer edges of each of these in the process of docking and unloading. Copenhaus is one of the busiest sea ports in Penthaheim outside of Penthos the capital city. It is also the only trading hub with Alcan Island the home of the Aarokocra people. Some of you have met Aarokocra on your adventures but they are a rarity on the continent. A flying creatures circles closer and closer to the ship. Eventually you see a large Griffon and a uniformed man riding it. A human man with a long mustache and a leather helmet lands on the rail of the Aft castle. Captain Ro heads out to meet him as does Hicks. "I bid you greetings and to see what business your ship has in the city of Copenhaus. I am Griffon Rider Aeronaut second class Anton Hepzibah." Captain Ro, expecting this answers "This vessel is the Wet Dream, we are a passenger ship as well as a trading ship. Currently we have six passengers and several crates of Whiskey and Ale for sale in the city." After some mild pleasantries he directs you to the Knife Tip, a common dock for traders. "Docking bay 94, you will meet with Dockmaster Nub." With that he mounts his griffon and takes off into the sky once more. As you sail closer to the city you see the outermost plateau is swarming with griffons and hippogriffs all complete with riders. They seem to be doing flight exercises. As the ship settles into the docking bay the crew exchanges ropes with dock workers and secure everything. Captain Ro and Hicks walk down to meet with dockmaster Nub. You are all free to enter the city what would you like to do? The meeting with your informant is at midnight in the great zoo outside of the Chimera exhibit. Trusilla Fane told you his name was Falko, an Aarokocra man who has given information before. It is now around 1pm so you have time to hit any shops and look for an inn to spend the night.
Mew as you walk the streets of Copenhaus you scan around a little differently than your compatriots.  Do a perception check.  [DM Note: On a success she notices a man following them. This is a reporter from the Daily Bugle named Piotr Parquagh.  He's tailing them because he notices their weaponry, Cog, and the strangeness of the team.  He is sure there is a story there somewhere. "So what are you in town for?"  "Who are you, what do they call your team?" "Do you have any information on the war brewing with Lamborginus?"]



The Great Zoo of Copenhaus - 

The city of Copenhaus is densely populated and has a very eastern european feel to it.  Tall buildings with dark stone first floors are topped with brightly colored wooden ones stacked on top. Sometimes over four stories tall.  The wooden walls are usually robins egg blue or a reddish pink with dark wooden crossbeams through them.  These upper stories jut off from the stone work base floors by several feet and give the appearance of entire streets leaning over you as you walk.  The area you are in now is known as the knife tip and is one of the smaller domes of the city.  To the north is the hilt and to the east is the Labor dome.  Past that is the Golander dome which has the Great Zoo in the center.  
As you wander over one of the many bridges connecting the domes, you notice it's strong stone make.  Each bridge has a similar construction, a wide study wood and stone bridge with 4 foot walls on either side.  They each have a different color scheme and a wooden mosaic centerpiece in the middle stained and protected from the constant rains.  They are usually of different sea birds and fish, the one you are on currently is a Pelican with a bright yellow sun rays behind it.  
The Golander dome is one of the larger plateaus and is lined with shops and commercial buildings and even a large open air bazaar outside of the zoo.  Walking over the bridge you immediately notice the large gate leading into the zoo. It has bright red stone pillars and several layers of dark wooden slats making up the roof.  Huge wooden gates are open leading inside.  Massive 20 foot tall stone walls ring the entirety of the zoo.  Walking through the huge gate the air changes a bit in humidity and feels a touch warmer.  The light smell of different manures and animal scents drift by as you walk.  The first exhibits are a large building dedicated to Aberrations neighbored by a wide open habitat for Galeb Duhr.  The squat little rock creatures slowly move about throwing stones at each other. A lazy river floats by beneath you as you cross a wooden bridge heading deeper in.  You pass by the Giant Creatures sanctuary as a Bulette explodes from a mound of earth.  [DM Note: this description is for daytime viewing.  The Zoo closes at 9pm, at midnight there are only a few keepers and guards walking about.  During the day the place is busy with tourists.] Parents and children cheer as the creature dives back down. Next is the open enclosure for JoJo the Mammoth.  The huge beast is being walked by handlers to a large mound of hay.  In the distance you can see a large sign that displays Blink Dogs and Displacer Beasts with an arrow pointing north.  The arrow pointed south says Insects of the Ice and Frost.  Walking ahead you can see the tall buildings and walls that house the Chimera Exhibit.  Large magically enhance nets are strung around the entire thing. Beyond that is the Axebeak habitat. 
After hours the zoo is darker, only lit by small orange magic lanterns every 100' or so.  There are many trees and walls that separate different exhibits and pathways. As you make your way towards the Chimera exhibit roll a perception check [DM Note: DC 14 to notice two guards on patrol down the path.  They are approaching your direction.]  As you wind your way over the small bridges and between the tall trees occasionally you can hear the night time sounds of the different creatures.  The high pitched chirping of an axebeak reverberating against the walls, the echo of the lizard like bark of a drake or a pseudo dragon.  Eventually you see the arch for the Chimeras.  A cloaked figure appears at the front of the walls from behind a bush.  He looks nervously back and forth and motions you toward him.  He whispers "Are you adventure Team Grimm?" he waits anxiously for a response. "I'm not telling you anything until I get paid." [An insight check would reveal how nervous he really is.  He is on edge way more than usual.  Trusilla Fane mentioned he is usually pretty cocky and upbeat.] "I've got a bad feeling about this business I had some strange run in --"  [At this point ask a couple members of the team to make perception checks DC 18. On a success they may be able to hear the arrow streaking towards Falko's heart. If not the arrow hits and falko reels backwards in pain.]
A cheerful greeting echoes from atop one of the trees above you "Greetings again adventurers! How nice to see you, it's been such a long time!" A well dressed elven man waves from the large limb above you. " I'm sorry your little friend here couldn't be of more assistance. But I did bring you some new friends to play with. Meet COBRA, trained killers for hire, thought they may keep you busy for a few hours.  Consider it another one of my fun tests for your merry little band!"  With that he dissolves into smoke once more.  
[DM Note- At this point the sniper Zartan has set up on the building by JoJo's enclosure.  She will target Vom Fass first and then Cog.  Xamot and Tomax will leap out of the Axebeak sanctuary and run towards Mew and Tyll.  Destro charges Blizzard Hops with his hammer and a spell or two.  BAT will attack Karnak for some good Lycanthrope on Beast Shape action. ]


DM Notes on Battle - Have each of the COBRA operatives attack with disabling devices like:
Bead of Force: Creates a bubble of Force energy. You can roll it around like a hamster ball, and it only lasts for one minute...but anything inside only weighs 1 pound. Bear in mind, it deals some damage when it first goes don't hit fragile targets with it. It is also expended on use.
Cube of Force (attuned): Use to create a Cage Match if you get close to an enemy. For one minute, they are trapped within 15 feet of you.
  Dimensional Shackles: Practically a Must if you intend to capture a spellcaster, as this is the most reliable way to block teleportation long-term.
Immovable Rod: Put someone on their stomach, press one of these into the center of their back and push the button. They'll have a devil of a time getting their hands around to de-activate the rod, and they aren't getting up while it is pinning them.
Iron Bands of Bilarro: Fling a ball of metal at a target, and it restrains them. DC 20 Str check (once per day) to break free of it.
Rope of Entanglement: A rope that you can sic on people, and it attempts to tie them up.
After the battle let's find out if Falco is still alive or not to deliver more information. The team will now have to track down Helle's Adventuring company to get the Arcanist Circlet before they can deliver it to Lamborginus.  The members of HATC are in Vetren up the road currently A day and half ride away. maybe less.  Don't forget the cleric of Eigeralon that has a feud with hops in Vetren

Articles under ATG Mission 5 - Copenhaus


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