ATG Mission 4 The Gem of Amara the Wyvern Sea Plot in Tanaheim | World Anvil
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ATG Mission 4 The Gem of Amara the Wyvern Sea

Completing their battle with the Diligent Corbomites and Vaconto, the adventuring team takes to the open seas on a new quest. With Vom Fass trapped in the Gem of Amara, as well as Adventure Team Bugbear, the group must search out a wizard who can unlock it’s secrets. On the lost island of Javadi a wizard named Saviori is said to have the knowledge and power to travel into and out of the Gem.
The team raided the yacht of Vaconto and discovered evidence clearing them of the murder of Minister Ger Kodiak. While doing that they fought several sailors who resisted the charms of Kal the bard and turned out to be an advance party of Drow. The captain of the vessel, A hired hand, helped the team remove the Drow and offered to help them put together a new crew and head out to the Wyvern Sea. Adventure team Grimm hired several officers and Deckhands to help them sail out into the sea and find the Island. Next up the team will have to decide where to go to obtain information. The points will be brought up by Vazquez, Eltera Ro will offer the Archilus Flotilla, known as the dread web, and Flaschenbier will offer up Narestra. The Dread Pirate Golem - This pirate is whispered about by shopkeepers on the flotilla and sailors alike.  A ship crewed by living monsters captained by Cog.  Cog has assembled different Nimblewrights and Golems in a search for why and how he gained sentience.  
Next missions:
In the Orix chain there is an Island called Narestra. On this island is a wizards fortress, or used to be. This can be the Demi God who is the father of both Flaschenbier and Vom Fass. He wants the Gem of Amara so he can travel the planar verse and increase his power. Flaschenbier will be leading the team into a trap. He is also the wizard who trapped Kal's sister and turned her into a living spell book. changing her into a weird receptacle for Shard magic. Now she is a magical being no longer alive but animated by the shard magic and rocks within her. Fighting this wizard will cause Kal to lose his sister to the time stream. Have an explosion embed several small pieces of shard into Kal’s body giving him the idea to become King Lee in the future. Originally to save his sister, but eventually his hunger for power and greed will override this objective and he will twist his Nobel quest into a centuries long quest for immortality and omnipotence. The real kicker is that a Demigod named Braveer Bullfinch. He is a descendent of Isringus and the father of both Flaschenbier and Vom Fass. He impregnates lesser races through magical means, not by having sex with a kobold woman physically. More like Zeus sending down a golden beam. There will be a final wizard tower battle.
Wraught -
In the Hemigraspus chain of islands there is one called Wraught. Need a story idea for this one. This may be where the Dark Druid has set up his home base. He has turned an entire island into a floating death spore. On the back of a massive dragon turtle which died hundreds of years ago was a living eco system. An actual floating island that moved about the Wyvern Sea. This Dark Druid, a dwarf corrupted by some undead mania has taken it over and created an island of Necrotic energy. Every plant, insect, and animal on the island is now an undead creature that is blue and purple. The final battle will be between Karnac and this evil version of himself as the dark druid moves to awaken the massive dragon turtle and turn it into his undead engine of destruction. He wants the entire world to be infected by his undead energies.
The Points -
In the Points if the players so choose, we will see the beginnings of the Paladins of Insanity. The Adherents of Iron will hunt for Cog or Blizzard Hops and attempt to capture them. Both are a threat to what the Adherents of Iron are destined to become, Cog because he escaped and gained sentience from their warforged program and Blizzard Hops because he is the chosen one of Eigeralon and threatens all their future plans.
Finding Saviori -
The final mission is on the Isle of Javadi which is a floating orb that moves about the Wyvern Sea. Just getting on the orb takes some doing. Players can fly or find another way to get to it. Once within 50 feet of it’s surface the island exerts its own gravity pull. Roll dex check or constitution to not be thrown off by the experience. Once on the orb of javadi the players will have to face many challenges to find the wizard named Saviori. This wizard will turn out to be misguided but not evil. In the end he will help them in their quest to save Vom Fass and Adventure Team Grimm.

Plot points/Scenes

After meeting the crew and learning about the new ship and it’s secret submersible the team heads out to the open sea. Conversing with the crew reveals that no one has heard of the island of Javadi. Some of the crew mention the best way to gather intel is to sail for the pirate flotilla known as the Dread Archilus Flotilla
Dangerous groups on the Wyvern Sea -
The Marid’s Bones
Pentha Navy
The Crossed Swords
Ebon Fin Corsairs
Penthos Elite Naval Force
Side Quests - Kal is looking for his sister who was taken by a wizard. He should run into the wizard at some point on an island. I can use my old wizard map with the teleportation stones.
Man Overboard - Choppy seas cause a sailor to fall overboard and creates an encounter with dangerous sea life. A good way to introduce A zombie shark or whale to fight.
The Talons of the Rook are on the sea. They are using their large yacht to attack and devour any Psionic they find. On an island developed for pleasure and gambling Mew will find them attacking a young girl and preparing to feed off of her. She will have to intervene to save her and to take her own revenge on this group of psychic vampires who almost killed her.
Karnac must defeat an evil Druid Dwarf who has decided to Necrotize the entire Wyvern sea. He has created an oil that infects sea life and turns them into undead horrors. Like most zombies these undead can pass along the infection to others. The infection is starting to spread and if not stopped will eventually destroy all sea life and not long after all life on the planet! The Dwarven Druid should be a dark reflection of Karnac and be totally devoted to his plan. After being shipwrecked on an island and forced to cannibalize his crew he blames the nature deity Kamua’alaka for his plight and vowed revenge on her. This is his twisted plan.  
At the Archilus Flotilla Kal runs into some old Rivals. A captain of the Ebon Fin Corsairs named Oghuz. He is the captain of the Red Eagle, a famous pirate vessel. Though Kal served on the vessel for one voyage he was disturbed by a pillaging expedition as the captain and crew sacked an innocent town and killed many townsfolk including women and children.
  • Ship to ship battle with the Ebon Fin corsairs! The Corsairs have heard of the fall of the Diligent Corbomites and desire the treasure obtained by ATG. They will attempt to board the ship and kill ATG.

  • At the Archilus Flotilla we can have the Talons of the Rook dock with an enormous yacht.  A huge fight will occur at one of their fancy parties.  One of the rooks may sense mew and invite her as well as taunt her.
    Flaschenbier will try to get them to sail to Narestra where her and Vom Fass's Father resides.  She is trying to get the Gem of Amara into his hands.  He has promised her vast powers and more control over her own powers.  Her father is the dangerous magical demi god known as Braveer Bullfinch.  He may pretend to be Saviori to trick them. Actually let's combine the Kal and Flaschenbier stories here and have Bullfinch be the one who trapped Kal's sister and turned her into a living spell book.  Just one of his many magical atrocities.  With the Gem of Amara, Bullfinch will be able to travel the planarverse very quickly and multiply his power, bringing him that much closer to godhood.


    Next Session - [Adventure Team Grimm meets there new crew and takes care of any housekeeping in Stoneport. Let's bring up some of the crew's backstories and new conflicts. Hollefernes family was killed by Minotaurs and Crowe doesn't trust Hicks. Crowe was a slave for two years aboard a boat Hicks was a crew member of. Knuckle Crush Doesn't trust mew due to her heritage as well. these crew members would go up to individual commanders and tell their story. Most of the crew refer to party members as Commander. Commander Mew, First Mate Kal, Commander Karnac, Commander hops and Commander Cog. ATG must confer with different members of the new crew to find out where to sail to next.]
    Ferro is a Stowaway and was a guard for the Diligent Corbomites.
    Previously on Liters of Tomorrow:  Adventure Team Grimm dealt with the aftermath of their bloody battle with the Diligent Corbomites and Vaconto.  Claiming many spoils, including the Gem of Amara, the team headed to Vaconto's yacht to find evidence clearing them of the murder of a minister of Stoneport.  Their next quest leads them out to the Wyvern Sea in search of a way to unlock the secrets of the Gem of Amara and they decided to use Vaconto's ship the Angry Sea Wolf to do it.  Hiring a captain and crew for the journey the boat and it's secret submersible, latched to the hull, sits anchored at the Zelpis docks of Stoneport.  At this point it is early morning so you have a few hours before the boat is scheduled to begin it's journey, what would you like to do   The captain bellows out orders to the crew and the crew unties the ropes that bind the boat to the Zelpis docks. Boltagar and Hollefernes tie up ropes and unfurl sails as a gentle breeze begins to fill them. The ship moves to starboard and begins to turn into the wind and out to the open Wyvern sea. The sun rises on the horizon as oranges and pinks blend into the cyan blue of the sky. Clouds outlined in fiery gold from the sun randomly float in the air and Apone spins the wheel to take the ship out to sea. Sea gulls and pelicans swoop down from above and fly about the ship as you move out of the harbor. Your first sea journey has begun. Where is everyone in the party as this happens? As the boat crashes through the waves the wind picks up and blows your hair about. The deep blue, aquamarine, and turquoise colors of the water shift with the movement of the waves. You feel the sea spray lightly misting your faces and the smell of salt, canvas, caraway and lime waft past your nose. After leaving the harbor Captain Eltera Ro barks out a few commands to the deckhands and calls the four of you to her quarters for a meeting. "Flaschenbier, Kal, Hicks, and Apone. You are with me." "All right, you hired us and you put together this mission where are we headed and what are we looking for?" "The Isle of Javadi? never heard of it. Apone? Hicks?" Apone answers with a shrug "Never heard of it, but the Wyvern sea is a big place. The charts we do have detail several island chains and even a few areas that have never been explored. Not to mention that different people or tribes refer to islands by different names. It's possible someone on this crew may have an idea. We are a diverse bunch." Hicks says "I concur, I've been sailing this sea for over ten years and have only seen a fraction of it's secrets. " You all decide to begin to question the crew for ideas on where to head next. As you all begin to file out Hicks pulls Karnac aside. "Commander, who is the new deckhand? I don't recognize her and I don't have her on the crew list." A dark skinned woman with tight braided hair and leather armor takes a bucket and a mop down to the hold.
    Flaschenbier will bring up the Isle of Narestra she has heard there is a wizard living there. Frost will suggest The Points. A city that sees a lot of travelers and is friendly to pirates, privateers, and gamblers.
    Borgullus will suggest the Archilus Flotilla, a floating pirate city.  He believes he knows it's next location and they are usually friendly to independent vessels especially those that consider themselves smugglers
      Blizzard Hops Dream Sequence - [An emissary of Eigeralon reminds Hops to follow the Kobold. And remove him when the time is right.]. It takes the entire day to adjust to the movements of the boat and to being on the sea but by the end of the day it begins to feel more comfortable. You took several sips off of your flask to take the edge off of course, and as the sun set you retreated below deck to your quarters. After some meditation and prayer you eventually get into your hammock and close your eyes. You awake in a large stone chamber surrounded by statues. It reminds you of your training at the protectorate. The statues are all of Eigeralon’s chosen in different battle poses, defending the weak or fighting evil. As you go up to each statue a message enters your mind in a firm voice “Follow the kobold”. Each statue repeats this as you go up to it. “Follow the kobold”. Until the final statue, a statue of Eigeralon, the same voice says “ Remove him, when the time is right.” You awake and reach for your flask...
      Karnac Dream Sequence - [Fight the Blight. Whales infected with some kind of magical blight. An anti druid is poisoning the ocean! Undead whales. Undead sharks with Necrotic damage. Karnac must stop this guy.] Karnac as you drift off to sleep lulled by the gentle swaying of your hammock you open your eyes to tree tops. You glide over a lush jungle and you look side to side at your brown and gold wings. Next to you is a silver owl who swoops down as the trees stop and a golden beach begins. You follow the owl, feeling the wind in your face and the incredible feeling of flying once more. As you and the owl glide closer and closer to the sand you can see the shimmer of individual grains as they glisten in the sunlight and the ocean water as it comes up on shore to cover it oh so slightly. Eventually the sand begins to darken and you can see black veins spider web through the sand and out into the ocean. Dark pools touch the surface with an oily sheen. Suddenly from the depths of the water a whale like creature rises up and opens a huge tooth filled maw! It's flesh is blackened with necrotic tissue and it's eyes glow purple with an oily sheen. It roars as the silver owl flies close and lunges forward swallowing the owl. Your mind fills with despair and heroically you dive forward towards the creature to help. On it's back you see a dwarven druid standing there with a spear but instead of a bright green cloak and a red beard the entire being is black and purple and it's dark dead eyes stare at you. Your bird forms streaks towards him faster and faster, his face gets closer and closer and fear rises up in your stomach. The face looks like your own but black and dead.... You awake in your hammock sweating profusely.
      Mew - [has a vision Helistet Rasa (change name to Mara Magenta?) Warning that the Talons of the Rook are out on the seas. Teaches Mew a Warding to block their vampiric abilities.]. Mew you found the day at sea incredibly taxing. Your anxiety levels were off the charts and you spent most of it hiding in different parts of the ship. A dark shadows in the hold in between crates and ropes helped you to forget the endless waves all around you. At times if you got to close to the other crew members your powerful mental abilities could accidentally produce headaches or even hallucinations. Most of the crew quickly began to avoid you calling you the shadow or shade. By nightfall you closed yourself off into your room and tried the hammock. Eventually you fell asleep only to find yourself in the psionic plane once more. Hills and mountains made of polygons and pink lines, some cyan in color. The sky a gradient of dark purple, orange, and pink. Billions of stars scattered throughout many drifting down to the landscape as you realize that each of these stars is a sentient mind. Suddenly she is standing next to you, Mara Magenta stands with you on a cliff looking out over a plane of wavy lines and crisscrossing triangles. “They are out there, I don’t know what their purpose is but beware.” The lines rise up off of the flat plane and form into a giant raven with each feather in the shape of knife blade. “The talons of the Rook are on the Wyvern Sea”. You swear under our breath and a small growl forms in your throat. “I understand your fear and your anger but I have something for you. She holds out her hand and a small pink orb sits upon it hovering slightly. Take this, this training, and use it. The next time they try to drain your powerful mental energies you will use this to shield yourself. Imagine their surprise when they encounter you this time, they think you prey, but this time you are the hunter!” You awake as the connection is lost and you are once more on board the horrid boat thing.
      Flaschenbier will bring up the Isle of Narestra she has heard there is a wizard living there. Frost will suggest The Points. A city that sees a lot of travelers and is friendly to pirates, privateers, and gamblers.
      Borgullus will bring up the Isle of Wraught. He mentions that there are many legends surrounding the island and all of its dangers.
    8 Merrow attack during the night.  A scream from a crew member rings out!  As you run back up on the deck you can see Frost clinging to the rail as she is being pulled overboard.  Apone stands with her desperately trying to drag her back on deck.  As you rush out to help a hideous face bears its teeth from the Aft Castle.  When you look back to Frost she is gone into the water and Apone screams "Frost! hang on we are coming!"



    When the players finally get to the floating orb Island of Javadi the final will be the Magiustist Tower.  Once they complete the tower and all of its traps and mutants and ultra humanoids they can deal with Saviori himself.  They must convince him of their intentions with the gem and that they are in no way affiliated with Vaconto and his efreeti.  Once this happens he agrees to help them.  He tells them of the dangers and wonders of the gem of Amara and how it has been growing into many magical realms and planes as it continues its internal expansion.  He asks them to shut it down before it does damage to the planar continuum.  He says to save Vom Fass and Adventure team grimm they must enter the gem place a device in the first room, The Prime Vestibule, and then rescue their teammates.  Once they have found everyone they can use Mew's communicator to signal him and he will transport everyone out via a teleportation circle that will last for six seconds.  Anyone not out in this time will be trapped again. As the wizard opens the portal for ATG to head into the gem the players travel through a Bill and Ted style vortex of magical energy.  When they arrive they will be in chains in a type of Gladiatorial games run by demons!  They must compete in the games to find each other and survive the collars which deactivate their spells.  Mew of course will be crucial here because of her reliance on Psionics.  May have to make a prison for her to escape from.  One of the patrons in these games will be Vom Fass himself!
    Plot type
    The next chapter of Adventure Team Grimm

    Articles under ATG Mission 4 The Gem of Amara the Wyvern Sea


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