ATG Mission 4 - Inside the Gem Of Amara Plot in Tanaheim | World Anvil
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ATG Mission 4 - Inside the Gem Of Amara

At the top of the tower of Saviori the old wizard walks to and fro preparing a strange teleportation spell.  He motions you into the teleportation circle at the end of his chamber.  You all stand there for a few minutes as he finishes his rituals.  "Remember to focus on your friend and use this talisman to bring you close to him.  Nothing about this will be precise though I can only guarantee that I will get you to the correct pocket dimension.  You will have to track him down on your own after that.  Once you have gathered all of your companions get everyone in a circle of about 12 feet and then activate the rune on the talisman.  It should teleport all of you back here or close enough anyway. Any questions?" The strange old wizard makes a few final hand motions and smashes his hand down on a rune stone and a bright red flash of light fills your vision.  You find yourselves in an almost two dimensional space, an image on a mirror flipping end over end.  You each move alone in your strange geometric diamond shaped piece of reality.  As your shapes zip through space you see different images above and below you.  They change rapidly as you zoom through, one minute it looks like outer space with strange nebula on either side pulsing blue, red and purple, the next moment you are flying over a canyon filled with silvery rivers, the next moment you see a blue jungle below you and then above you as your shapes flip.  The rapidly changing vistas are incredibly disorienting and you realize at times that you are screaming soundlessly as it continues.  More scenes flip around you, a red and pink ocean, a rocky world filled with metal skittering constructs and no atmosphere, a blue skied world of castles made of coral and shells, and on and on.  The last thing you see is a flash of red light in your eyes and stars fill your vision as the world around you stops moving.  Your eyes flash with light as your body finally begins to catch up with your brain.  Your vision slowly returns and you feel your limbs awake with pins and needles.  Your heart thumps audibly in your chest and you feel hard stone under your hands as you lift yourself up into a seated position.

Plot points/Scenes

Karnac - You find yourself in stone room with an orange lamp up against the wall. A door stands before you locked and made of a rusty metal. the stone is tan in color and the floor is lined with wooden pallets filled with straws. On another pallet a woman sleeps. She is wearing plain leather clothing, a leather sleeveless jerkin and pants. As you look closer you notice a strange red stone circlet around her neck. It looks like it is made of dull red gemstone of some kind. You feel around your own neck and feel a similar one. A panic grips you as you suddenly realize that none of your belongings are with you in this cell! What would you like to do? [DM note - The woman is an elf named Vestal Vorrin she is 6th level ranger an the scout of adventure team bugbear. See her stats on the ATB page.]
After a few minutes the door swings open and two huge guards move into your room and grab both of you. DC 18 str. check to attempt to grapple or fend off the guards. Eventually they do wrangle you and the woman and drag you down the hall. You are dragged a few hundred yards down a stone hallway and you see huge wide double doors made of ironwood and metal. The doors open wide and you and the woman are thrown through them onto a sandy patch of dirt and pebbles. The light changes from dim to blazing white as a bright yellow sun shines down from a dusky red sky. Your eyes adjust after a few seconds and you hear a roaring crowd all around you. The sound is deafening, you look up and find yourself in an arena made of orange stone. Forty tiers of screaming people stretch up the sides dotted with canvas topped boxes for the more elite fans. Directly across from you a large box seat with an elaborate embroidered tent stand bigger than the others. Several throne like seats can be seen all filled with people. On the ground in front of you is a buckler, a short sword, a spear and a metal helmet. To your left another set of wide double doors swings open violently and a huge ogre rushes into the arena. It roars like a feral beast as it slams a huge club on the ground theatrically. A large wooden structure sways on it's shoulders, A small fort harnessed by a collar around it's neck and huge straps that go around it's arms. The structure contains four snarling goblins each with short bows. They also issue a high pitched scream to the crowd. You and the ogre lock eyes and two words quietly exit your mouth "Oh boy" -
  Blizzard Hops - He will be assigned to his own team and find himself in the training yard in the camp not far from the arena. Hops as you come to after your dizzying journey through the outer layers of the gem, you find yourself looking up at a hazy reddish sun that sits high in a dull red sky. The soft dirt feels kind of nice until you feel the chain tugging on your wrist. “Get up!” A dwarven woman yells at you from two feet way, you follow the manacle from your wrist down the chain to the wrist of the woman and realize that you are chained together. You look around and find yourself in stone ring the walls of which are 12 feet tall. The ring spans a good 200 feet across and is dotted with wooden dummies. “C’mon man it’s training day but if we don’t get moving they are going to pummel us and we won’t get fed tonight!” She points to two armored men approaching you with wooden quarterstaves. On the ground in front of you are a wooden club, a quarter staff, and a wooden sword. The dwarven woman grabs the wooden club and readies herself. You notice a red gemstone collar around her neck , let’s roll initiative. [DM note - The woman is a dwarven woman named Jess Proudhammer the catalogue of Adventure Team Bugbear. She is a level 6 bard but here she is just a dwarf due to the collar. See her stats on the ATB page.]. After a few rounds of combat the guards will stop as a large ogre barks out “Enough! These two are poor fighters but will make good fodder for the Reaper, take them to the holding cell.” Your collar flares with light roll a constitution saving throw to not black out DC 18. [ DM Note: The Reaper is an Orthon which is a Large Fiend with many dangerous abilities.]
  Mew - [DM Note Prison cell in the prison area of this city.]
Mew Dream Sequence - Mew you slowly open your eyes as if you had been asleep for hours. You lie on a cold stone floor and your shoulder aches from your sleeping angle. You sit up and feel the pins and needles cascade down your arm as the blood flows back into it. The next thing you notice is your hunger, it feels like you haven’t eaten for days. Your throat feels parched and dry as well and your head pounds. A headache like you havne’t felt since you were a kit back in Ventenheim. You look down and see a small familiar form lying in front of you you. Your Halfling crew member Crowe turns and looks up at you. “Mew? Where are we? “ He looks frightened and huddles next to you for protection. As he gets close you feel the pounding of your heart throughout your body and almost as if a reflex you plunge your teeth into his neck and feel the warm liquid blood splash on the back of your throat... Then you really awake on the same cold floor. The dream fades and you remember Crowe isn’t here and you don’t really know where here is!
[DM Note: remember to use the vampire table every time Mew uses her psionic powers.] You awake to a dark room that smells vaguely of urine. A dirt covered stone floor is littered with bits of straw and two other sleeping bodies. You check with your soul sight just to be sure neither of them is dead or inhuman in some capacity. Your eyes adjust quickly to the low light levels and you survey your surroundings. It seems to be a prison cell about 20 feet wide by 30 feet long. Rows of manacles are bolted to the far wall, enough to hold about 10 prisoners. Currently they are not being used as you and your prisoner companions are just sleeping on the floor. A large heavy oak door reinforced with iron straps stands against the west wall. It has a small metal grate with iron bars at standing eye level. The two sleeping figures are a female gnome and a half orc man, both wear simple thread bare muslin clothing. You hear footsteps from outside approaching. A small metal tray with some foul smelling food is pushed through a small opening at the bottom of the door. At this sound the Half orc awakes, grabs the food and begins to wolf it down. He glares at you briefly as if to say " Walk away" [DM Note: The Gnome is Feabea Staccan a member of Adventure Team Bugbear. Roll to see if she recognizes Mew.]
Cog you find yourself lying down looking up at a ceiling of metal I beams. You slowly feel your body moving and it's a strange sensation. You attempt to sit up but your body doesn't immediately respond. You look around but it is even difficult to move your head. The conveyer belt underneath you undulates gently as it moves you forward. Do a perception check DC 14 a success reveals a great heat source not to far away and in the direction you are moving. That strange feeling of that old energy field stirs your memory. Images of a dark temple room and red runes surrounding you holding you in place come to your mind unbidden. The last time someone tried to trap you and take you over. A mix of emotions hits you, is that fear? anxiety? You push them all away, you've been in tougher situations than this what would you like to do? [DM Note: Cog can try his grappling hook but make him roll a dexterity check or sleight of hand to hit a proper target DC 14. Strength check to pry himself from the magnetized belt DC 15 or even use his sword to jam the wheels of the belt. ] There are three factory workers (A Gith man with shaggy dreadlocks, a skinny looking human man, and hobgoblin man with dark red skin.). who notice that he is moving about and they will try to stop him but not too hard. They are not fighters just metal workers. If Cog threatens them they interact with each other “Should we try to stop it?” One asks and the Gith man responds with “No! Go call the beast he will want to deal with this.”
When Cog escapes the factory and defeats several guards he exits into a wide field with a hill in the middle. On top of the hill are fifteen metal crosses with people tied to them crucifix style. The one closest to him has a Goliath man tied to it. Around you is a city made of rock and stone, tall buildings stand amongst rows and rows of smaller ones in a huge ring around a central lake. As Cog investigates he can roll a history check. Either way the Goliath opens his eyes a crack and whispers “Cog?” He has been tied up here for a week. His lips are cracked with dried blood speckled on them. It is Roccan from Adventure Team Bugbear, he recognizes cog from the company reports and admits that he is a big fan. As Cog tries to free Roccan several glowing red eyes appear off in the darkness and a low growl can be heard...
Standing down the small rise a tall hooded man walks forward flanked by two others. He throws back his hood and looks at you with red eyes. He looks like a white lion with a large mane braided that falls down both sides of his face, small bones stick out of the large braids. he wears a dark blue cloak and blue plate mail armor. A large great sword is strapped to his back. Cog do an Arcana check DC 13 [Success notes a strange roiling of his magic power at the sight of this being, your metal skin prickles like touched by an electrical charge of the opposite polarity.] He glares at you for a moment and says “A creature of metal that walks like a man, this is new. Tell me metal man, do you fight?” He nods at his guards who take a step back, he unclips his cloak which falls the the ground and he pulls his great sword from it’s sheath... roll initiative. Roccan from behind you croaks out two words “Cog! Run!”


[DM Note: All of their belongings are in the warehouses which are guarded by Gith. ALL of their money is gone! It was taken and melted down by the Cadousars, it no longer exists in usable form!]
Karnac - Karnac, you awake once more in the cell with Vestal Vorrin. The collars active and intact on your necks. The elven woman looks at you and says “We don’t have much time before the twilight event, how did you get here? Why are you here?” Karnac you can interact with her for several moments. [DM Note: Vestal can recount the events that led up to their imprisonment in the gem. They had heard that the Diligent Corbomites has found the Sarcophagus so they went to investigate. Much like Adventure team Grimm they snuck into the grey compound and found Vaconto’s private vault on the third floor. She says “Feabea is an excellent rogue but reckless, heh like all of us. She got us into that vault but we must have tripped some magical alarm. As we stood there looking at Vaconto’s collection we didn’t see the sarcophagus but we saw a huge red gem. Suddenly we heard a slow clap from behind us and he was there at the door. There was a woman with him, she looked like a fire Genasi. Bright red hair kind of red and grey skin, pretty. As Vaconto went into a big speech like an asshole we sprang into action, but before we could escape the woman shot a magic bolt into the gem and then the world went red, I was flipping end over end at incredible speed over different landscapes and worlds. Eventually I fell into this forsaken city and dragged to the arena. For the last few weeks I’ve been here with this collar around my neck, training and eating and sometime fighting.”
Guards open the doors and once more you and Vestal are dragged Out of your cell. The guard grapples Karnac and tries to drag him out of the room. If Karnac Struggles the collar flares once more knocking him out. Blizzard Hops - Hops you the bruises, aches and pains of the previous days events. Your mouth is dry and your head is pounding with the onset of withdrawal from your wonderful whiskey. Normally your bountiful healing spells and bottomless flask would solve all of this discomfiture but here in the City of Cinders on a dirt floor your mood worsens. A few trays of soggy mutton and some kind of dry corn bread are tossed into your cell occasionally. Jess Proudhammer sits across from you against the wall, your leg chain connecting you scrapes against the stones in the dirt she says "So you and your team found a way into the gem to rescue us? Out of the goodness of your hearts or is Agrimor paying you? Not that I mind either way, We all knewthe score when we signed our contracts'" [DM Note: Hops can question Jess on how her and her team made it into the City of Cinders and what is going on here.] A little while later three big burly guards open the door, a human, another yellowish man with a small nose and a Half-Orc. "Time to earn your keep pretty play things!" They drag you up and march you to the large doors that enter the arena. As the doors swing open you and Jess are shoved inside and the doors close behind you. Several weapons and shields are spread out on the ground in front of you. A wooden shield, a short sword, a large warhammer, a spear, and two leather helmets. As you and Jess scramble to arm yourselves A booming magically enhanced voice fills the air, the thousands of cheering fans scream even louder. “Welcome! To the twilight Event!” The crowd goes wild and you can feel the vibration of the stamping feet and mugs of ale banging against railings. “Tonight’s special event pits TWO teams against the reeling, roiling, mighty madness of the REAPER!!” A 12 foot tall monstrous fiend waves an enormous crossbow in the air across the arean at the mention of the Reaper. Two huge tusks jut out from chin, and a bright blue mohawk of hair sits atop his head. A roar issues from its throat as it throws it's head back, then looks down on you. The Grand master continues "But that's not all! We have a new fan favorite whose ferocity knows no bounds! The dwarf with the strength of a hill giant .... KAAAAARNAAAC!"
A hole opens in the center of the arena, sand and dirt fall through and a platform is raised. Rising into the middle of the arena the short but muscular figure of Karnac can be seen wrapped in huge metal chains. Strapped to his back are the two spears he used in his first fight. "The raging barbarian maimed three of our strongest guards on his way out of the arena after defeating a fearsome ogre, give it up for Raging whirlwind!" The chains retract into the platform and a bright spotlight shines down on the Dwarf, Karnac would you like to give us a taste of your arena preening? As the grand master goes on about the night’s event Karnac you and blizzard hops can do a perception check [DC 15]. A success reveals - In the opulent box of the grand master there are six more chairs and several of his personal guard stand behind him. Two seat to the right of the grand masters huge throne sits the familiar face of VOM FASS.”

Vom Fass

You sit, as you usually do, in the Grand Masters box to watch the weekly twilight event. Bored by the combat you usually entertain yourself by watching and listening to the other Cadousar's. Roll a perception check [DC 14, a success means Vom Fass recognizes the familiar face of Karnac and begins to pay much closer attention to the fight! If Vom Fass fails though he spends the next several minutes listening to Cadousar Wail and his fat devil friend whom he eavesdropped on earlier that day. ] Vom Fass , your friend Bharakos pokes you painfully in the shoulder and shouts "Did you see that?!"  Bharakos has the ochre yellow skin of a normal Gith and doesn't look that different from many of the residents of the city of Cinders. The real difference is his muscular physique which dwarfs that of most Gith who are no slouches in that department.  His long black hair contains hundreds of small braids which represent his arena wins.  He wears a red velvet doublet and a large gold sash which is silk.  It is embroidered with metallic gold thread that marks him as the Grand Master.  The box you sit in is the most opulent in the arena.  It holds 12 large comfortable chairs and a larger throne in the middle for the Grand Master himself.  Bharakos has several steins of mead and ale sitting in a specialized box in front of him, enchanted to keep them cold.  He always offers some to you so that you can clink them together when something cool happens in the arena.  He's not dumb, but simple.  He enjoys the thrill of battle and putting together interesting challenges to watch.  He also loves a good party after the fact and routinely stays up all night drinking and reveling in all of his triumphs.  Once more he turns to you and says "Don't forget, we have the after party at my manor tonight!  You said you were going to do your flying light show thing!  We'll have some roasted goat spears and then you can get drunk and fly around."  He turns back to the event down below. Vom Fass roll a perception check [DC 16]. [DM Note:  In the box with Bharakos and Vom Fass are the devil Chauokee Pauss, Cadousar Fauxdgie da Wail, Cadousar Neapolitan, Cadousar Rohkee Rhode, Cadousar Meint Choklat Cshipp, Cadousar Pawnda Paouss, Cadousar Coukee Da'oh.  Two Gith Guards stand nearby as well for security.  The back of the box has an opening leading to a flight of stairs that empties on to the ground floor of the arena. From there a private hallway takes patrons to secret door that leads to the street.  
The fat devil known as Chauokee Pauss whispers to Cadousar Wail. Roll a perception check to listen in "My lord the device is ready to be employed at any time, may I suggest the after party tonight at his manor? I have a sumptuous young Satyr girl who would be an excellent distraction." Wail responds with "Do it, where is the device and when can you obtain it?" The fat devil smiles and says "It is ready and awaits me in my workshop snuggled nicely in it's crib under it's blankie" He then chuckles to himself.
Vom Fass it is now your turn, what would you like to do?



The laboratory of Chauokee Pauss-

  As you step into the old building you almost feel the echoes of ghost like laughter of children. Or possibly the wailing of hungry baby. You shake it out of your head and take another step into the darkness. The only windows are on the outside of the building so all of the interior rooms are quite dark. The floor is made of black and white tiles that sit in checkerboard pattern and are covered in dust and debris. No one has been in here in quite awhile. An investigation check reveals a small trail of dust that has been clearly moved repeatedly. It leads to a small bedroom at the back of the building. Eventually you find the outline of a trapdoor which doesn't seem to move. Roll an Arcana check DC 15 [a success reveals a magical lock that can be dispelled or deactivated by casting a cantrip into it, I'll leave it up to Vom Fass's imagination. As the trap door opens it reveals a stone stairway that goes down into magical darkness. Even with your dark vision you can see nothing. You feel your way down the staircase one step at a time moving slowly and methodically. 45 steps down you hit a stone slab which feels solid and blocks your path. The door is locked with another magical rune, Vom Fass can actually feel it if he delves into his wild magic power using an Arcana check. Spending another spell slot will allow him to open the door to the inner chamber.
West side of chamber - [an Acidic Water Weird lies in a green tinged vat.] As you approach the west side of the chamber a green glow emanates from a wide vat up against the wall. The vat is almost 30 feet long and 15 feet wide, occasionally small bubbles pop on the surface. A further investigation reveals bones from many different creatures arrayed on the bottom. The vat is four feet deep. Several copper tubes snake into the vat from above, connected to glass jars with strange bellows in them. Some manacles and restraining devices sit underneath this contraption, possibly for the user to direct the contents of the vat into this victim. [DM Note- if Vom Fass investigates an acidic water weird streaks out of the vat and attempts to grapple him and pull him in]
North side of chamber - An orrery and a telescope stand in front of several work benches. Dozens of small tools and materials litter the tops. Two small staircases lead up to it. Looking through the telescope reveals an image of the city from above, even though the telescope faces a stone wall underground. An arcana check reveals that it is magically enchanted to spy on the city from 200 feet above. It allows CP to follow the movements of rivals and enemies. With a high enough Arcana check , over 18, Vom Fass notices that speaking the name of someone in the city allows the telescope to find that person and follow them.
North Western Work table - This table has many surgical instruments scattered atop it. The table top itself is a granite surface lined with a grid. A lip on the edge of the table stops any dripping. [DM Note: disturbing any of the things on this table causes a lightning rune to explode dealing 2d6 damage. Dexterity saving throw to avoid DC 16 or an early arcana check/investigation check can allow someone to disarm it. [DM Note - an investigation check with an arcana check reveals a circular stone etched with small runes. An Attractor stone, If the throw hits the stone sticks to the target and gives advantage to any attack that involves electricity. It also adds another d6 of damage. ]
North Eastern Work table - More tools litter this wooden table. Carved from a dark Wenge wood, the table has scattered bones of different shapes and sizes most likely finger bones. Small hand operated drills, screw drivers, and saws can be seen. A Fire trap rune protects this bench, if it gets set off it does 2d8 fire damage. [Investigation check/Arcana check : A Heat check stone: This stone once thrown at a target sticks and begins to glow orange. Any attack involving fire damage has advantage and an extra 1d6 damage.
Eastern side of chamber - Six large shelves hold dozens of little devices. An investigation check reveals five small circles drawn on the ground and one large one. Standing in any of these circles without protection causes different damage types. Circle 1 - does 4d6 fire damage Circle 2 - does 5d6 electrical damage Circle 3 does 4d6 necrotic damage Circle 4 does 6d6 cold damage Circle 5 does 5d6 poison damage. The large circle teleports an intruder into the vat with the acid weird. On the corner tables to the North west and North east are various devices that allow the user to negate the damage. A pair of rubber boots, a pair of fire resistant gloves, a vest of cold protection, a smock of poison nullification and a jaunty hat with a feather in it which stops the necrotic damage. [DM Note: in a small wooden box on shelf three right in front of the Necrotic damage circle sits a smooth black stone. This is the implosion weapon, no larger than pocket watch. As vom fass looks around for stuff to steal he will either be attacked by the Acid Weird or CP himself!!


Mew and the Prison Escape- [DM Note- Polarin Prison (30) Is just outside the Eastern gate (33) A half mile into the Wastes.]   Mew you slowly and silently open the door to your cell and you see several other cells in this room. They all look similar and all hold men and women in rags, some of whom look elderly. Most of them have that ruddy yellowish skin freckled with dark brown spots. They look pretty lethargic and consigned to their fate. Feabea notices you looking at them and remarks "Most of them are Gith, trapped here in the gem much as we are. These ones are political prisoners or thieves who ran afoul of the Cadousars, the ministers who run the city. We should get a move on." The Half Orc moves behind you as you open the door and says "We need to move now, those guards will be back any second. I think I can navigate us onto the roof that is the safest way to escape." Feabea grudgingly agrees and bids you to lead the way. [DM Note: The Half orc is named Brancor, he has a leather eye patch sewn onto his left eye. The left side of his head is shaved and the right side has a long braid that falls down the side of his face. His large tusks protrude from his lower lip, the look a little overgrown from time in the cell. His lime green skin is etched with yellow scars going down his face and criss crossing his arms and back. He claims to have been framed for a murder of a Cadousar's bodyguard.] What would you like to do? As you move into the hallway roll a perception check DC 13. A small statue seems to be built into the ceiling. As you get closer to it, one of its eyes slowly opens. The shadows around it would make it almost imperceptible to most moving through this hallway. [DM Note: If Mew destroys this quick enough it will not alert any of the guards just yet. These constructs are clockworks constructed by the fiend Chaoukee Pauss, Most are centipede in structure with 6 legs on each side and an insectoid head with magical eyes. Stats can be found in Mordenkainens Tome. Larger constructs await including Stone Defenders.]
As you move through the hallway beyond you can see a door on your left and a stairwell going up on the right. The door is locked, inside is a table with two guards playing cards, a cot and a small wooden chest. [The Chest has a magical device inside that, when thrown and successfully hit will sprout manacles around a targets hands] undefined Further up the hall is another door on the left that leads to a supply room. It holds many shelves of pickled roots and vegetables, ground spices, metal plates and wooden utensils. [An investigation check of DC 16 reveals a pouch of powerful red pepper powder. Throwing it at a target can stun for 1d6 rounds] Brancor pokes Mew and motions towards the stairs with a scowl.
Moving forward down the hall leads to several more cells on the left with a guard dropping off a tray of food to one of the cells. A door directly in front of you leads to a hallway that heads to the right. [DM Note: Another construct is stuck to the ceiling here monitoring. Mew needs find a way to sneak by or disable it. Tripping it alerts four guards who stream towards this hallway.
There is a door that opens to the Stairway and as you slowly open it you see a lightless staircase with old wooden stairs. How would you like to proceed? As Mew ascends the Staircase the Half Orc known as Brancor attempts to grab her and push her down the stairs as he slams the door and drops a wooden bar across it. "Ha! Brancor works alone. Keep them busy While I make my way out, will you?"
Mew and Feabea must make their way out any way they can, avoiding patrols of Gith Guards who work in teams of two and Gith Patrols which are two Gith Guards and a Stone Defender. Several smaller clockworks need to be scattered around as well. Little sentry centipedes and Oaken Bolters, use stats from Mordenkainens tome.
As Mew and Feabea make their way out of the prison they look up into a dusky red sky and a red sun that sits low in the sky. Roll a perception check DC 15. In the distance you see a man running from the city, behind him lumpen misshaped figures begin to run behind him. In seconds he is surrounded and the forms descend on him. Instead of blood and viscera you hear screams and his flesh reshape. The freakish shapes pull back and watch the former human painfully remold like a flood infection in halo. In half a minute the screams die down and the man now looks like the misshapen ghouls who just assaulted him.
The city walls stand to your west about a half a mile away. They are 150 foot high and create a massive circular barrier around the buildings of all shapes and sizes inside. Between you and the huge Eastern Gate can be seen several of the misshapen creatures that wander aimlessly over the sand and rocks that make up the Wastelands. to the North a large rust colored mechanical creature slowly ambles towards the prison. Huge spikes and spears jut off of its back and as you look closer dead bodies rot impaled on the spears. The creature reaches out with a huge metal arm and finds a body in the sand. It flings it onto it's back and adds to its collection impaling it onto one of the spikes. As you take in this horrific vista you hear footsteps coming from behind you. The guards are on their way!

Rising Action

Cog -

Outside of the Mearuva Factory located near 10 on the map (The inn of the red hand). In front of Roccan Crush who is still nailed to his cross. The fifteen crosses are X shaped, not you typical christian crucifix, and most of the tortured are nailed to these hard wooden X's with metal spikes through their extremities. Cog you are on a small cliff that is about 15 feet above the ground and a 60 degree incline. Below you stands the tall white Leonid known as the Battle Beast. He has two Gith guards with him standing on either side. He glares at both and each of them recede and step back 20 feet standing at attention, unmoving. He unclasps his cloak, the royal blue fabric falls to the ground dramatically. He pull his great sword from it's sheath on his back and wields it with one hand. Showing off his great strength he flips it in front of him a few times showing a sword form you are unfamiliar with. Roll an Arcana check [DC 15, a success reveals that same reverse charge that tingles on your skin.] Let's roll initiative.
[DM Note: During this battle anytime Cog or BB fire their eldritch blasts there is a possibility they intersect. Rolling a 1,2,3 means the blasts cross each other causing a feedback explosion. Both combatants are hurled back 20 feet and knocked prone taking 2d6 damage. They can each roll a contested dex check to regain their footing. A success means the winner can choose to move themselves to the top of the initiative order. Rolling a natural 20 means a roll on the new Critical hit table as well as using the feedback explosion against your opponent. ] [If Cog loses this battle he is taken prisoner and marched towards the prison and there is a chance Mew will encounter him being dragged in chains. depending on where Vom Fass is he may have the same opportunity.] If Cog is victorious he now has the two guards to contend with. He may also free Roccan Crush who is down to 12 hit points and bleeding from his wounds. Cog can heal him and Roccan may join the battle.
Cog you stand amongst your defeated enemies. On his person Battle beast has 538 gold coins, a type of which you have never seen before. The Cloak is enchanted and is a Cloak of displacement : While you wear this cloak, it projects an Illusion that makes you appear to be standing in a place near your actual location, causing any creature to have disadvantage on Attack rolls against you. If you take damage, the property ceases to function until the start of your next turn. This property is suppressed while you are Incapacitated, Restrained, or otherwise unable to move. It can be used twice per day. He also has two throwable rune stones. These are targeting stones, a successful throw at a target attaches the stone magically giving you and your allies advantage on all attacks. These are one time use stones.
What would you and Roccan like to do next?


The Battle in the Glorious Arena!

Karnac you take center stage as the Reaper circles around you. On the edges of the arena stands Blizzard Hops with Jess Proudhammer. Vestal Vorrin grabs a short sword and a wooden shield on the opposite side. To the North and south huge doors open and more huge creatures trudge into the arena. A two headed Ettin, standing over 15 ft tall, swings a huge club back and forth smashing a pillar in front of it and spraying white stone in the air. From the southern door A dark grey creature with enormous teeth enters the arena and raises up on it's back legs. It pounds on it's chest and a guttural echoing cry issues from it's throat chilling you to the bone. [DM Note- A grey Render from Mordenkainens]
Roll initiative! During this battle Vom fass can convince Bharakos to release the inhibitor collars power and allow Hops and Karnac to use their full spell complement and abilities. At any time Blizzard Hops can attempt to call his hammer to him using a wisdom roll of 18 or better. Also if Mew or Cog are anywhere near the arena they can swoop in as well creating chaos in the arena. Bharakos of course will be thrilled with the epic battle unfurling before him and will continure to announce the event with aplomb.
Mew should be on the lookout for their gear, including the device taken from the Talons of the Rook which is their ticket home. Questioning anyone in the city should reveal information on the Mearuva Warehouse and the warehouse manager named Tiramisu. Tiramisu is a Githzerai Anarch [Mordenkainens Tome] who has Psionic powers. He commands a squad of 6 Gith Guards and several clockwork constructs that patrol the warehouse. See Map.

The Mearuva Main Warehouse-

As you approach the main Mearuva Warehouse the bottom half of the building is constructed with tan smooth stone walls. The top half of the building is made with bolted together iron sheets. A large double door made of two inch thick iron makes up the main entryway. These doors stand 12 feet tall and 6 feet wide. It is clearly made so that large items can be dragged in and out. To the right is smaller man door about 7 feet tall and made of wood.
The roof is also constructed of metal plates but a half an inch layer of small stones and dirt is strewn across it. Instead of dampening any sounds it seems to create a louder scratching sound. A small two foot lip keeps the dirt trapped on the roof, or perhaps it is left over from sand storms. Two large ventilation shafts sit equidistant from each other and in between is a small statue. [DM Note: the statue is another clockwork device set to watch for thieves. If it rolls to perceive a threat it will sound an alarm and attempt to bite and paralyze the thief. Stats like iron Cobra] In front of the statue is a metal hatch with a large lock on it. DC 16 to unlock. lowering yourself down the trap door you see a series of catwalks criss-crossing the huge warehouse. the catwalks are 40 feet above the floor and the entire warehouse is stacked with thousands of crates, chests, boxes, and tarped objects. Warehouse workers and guards walk the floor at a leisurely pace. [DM Note: For investigation checks use the DM treasure table combined with the Trap_Charts PDF] Using a perception check of DC 16 allows a player to overhear one of the guards speak into a small device on his wrist "All clear in section 3, any update on the twilight event?"
The main office is where Tiramisu commands his guards through several seeing stones and message stones. These message stones are audible to anyone nearby much like a modern walkie talkie system. It will allow anyone sneaking nearby to overhear these conversations and commands. The dark smaller building on the north side of the map is the office. Tiramisu can be found here as well as two more guards. Mew's device can be found here, Tiramisu fiddles with it trying to extract the large diamond in the middle. His psionics allow him to sense it's power but he hasn't figured out how to operate it yet.  In a locked chest DC 19 behind Tiramisu the rest of Mews Gear can be found.  All but her money.  The rest of the team's gear is in the small southern room adjacent to the office.  It is dark inside and it is guarded by several clockworks.  A stone defender, an oaken bolter, and a clockwork centipede.  In different marked chests the rest of Adventure team Grimm's belongings can be found.  Except for any money or shard coins.  All of those are gone.

Falling Action

The After party of Bharakos -

Bharakos' manor is the largest in the city. It is carved from white marble and dark granite. It is made up of one hundred rooms most of which are unoccupied. There is a full staff of cooks, valets, butlers, maids, and maintenance workers. Most of these are of familiar races, dwarves, half elves, humans and gnomes. [DM note- Sample names if needed - Carolus, Hamer, Bustin, Garver, Ullie, Bintus, Norvala, and Mackelhenny.] Vom Fass you wander into the open doors into the brightly lit loud interior of the manor. Torches combined with magical dancing lights give it a festive atmosphere and dozens of party guests talk loudly with large mugs of ale. In the ballroom a full band plays fast jazzy music and several Gith and their companions dance wildly about. A few of the pairs wrestle and knock each other over. An ancient amphora shatters as a drunken party goer shoves another into it. They laugh as they see what they've done. What would you like to do?
As you search the rooms you eventually see Bharakos ascending the stairs with a strikingly beautiful woman with goat legs and curved horns.  Cadousar Wail walks nervously through the party drinking a wine of some type.  He anxiously awaits the return of Chaoukee Pauss or one of his minions.  He expects Bharakos to implode any moment now.  Blizzard Hops, still with his collar on and now in crisp white robes, sits on a lush couch with a large glass of some kind of liquor.  Nearby are Vestal Vorrin and Jess Proudhammer.


After activating the Talon Device to return back to the Wyvern Sea, the players and Adventure Team bugbear find themselves 400 feet above the sea.  They free fall and must find a way to keep everyone from smashing into the sea.  A half a mile away floats the The Wet Dream.  The only one left aboard is Hicks, his face is half burned off and his legs are broken.  He was left as a warning, the rest of the crew is taken by Bruerie Bullfinch and Flaschenbier.  Once the team navigates to their island they must fight or subdue the rest of their crew who have been brainwashed and attack them.
Plot type
Main Story

Articles under ATG Mission 4 - Inside the Gem Of Amara


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