ATG and the Gem of Amara, The Isle of Javadi Plot in Tanaheim | World Anvil
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ATG and the Gem of Amara, The Isle of Javadi

As the Wet Dream sails once more across the Wyvern sea the team finds themselves enjoying an afternoon of clear skies and moderate temperatures. The sails full, the ship skips along the waves at almost top speed. A warm salty breeze brushes past your faces and the waves around you take on a dark blue color of the deep ocean. Dolphins and small winged fish jump behind the boat playing in the wake. Mordret, once more in the crow's nest yells out a "Ship several leagues off of starboard! Heading our way!" The ship can barely be seen off in the distance. As it approaches you can make out the flag of the Pentha Navy. The huge warship bristles with cannon and drifts ever closer. The ship of the line from the Penthanavy known as the PMV Vigilant Vow sails close to the starboard side of the boat. It towers over the wet dream and a bald man tells you that they will be boarding in a few minutes. A few ropes are thrown over the gap between the ships and a large plank connects the ships. They board the ship with a Captain Andre and a few officers, 2 humans and a half elven man. Their Blue and buff uniforms crisply ironed and their swords at their sides. He is a pretentious ass and demands a certain amount of supplies and a crew member or two. "Interesting name for a vessel, The Wet Dream? I hate to make demands but we are low on supplies so I am asking for some of yours, this won't be a problem will it?" Captain Eltera Ro takes point on this one. But she gives Kal a look and says ”My first mate will accompany us but would you and your men like to join us for a cup of wine while my crew gets everything ready?” She nudges Kal as if to say, do your thing.
Bounty Hunters Griffon Riders - Insert this as the Pentha Navy boards the ship and asks for supplies.
A griffon circles the two boats and alights on the rail of the Aft Castle. An Aarokocra man that looks like a Kookaburra sits in a saddle holding a spear. The lion claw of the Griffon flexes around the railing and it’s head bows slightly. “Oi, greetings captain my name is Curra Allogog leader of the Lion’s wing. We are bounty hunters legally deputized by the Senatus Horne and the minister of Justice of Stoneport to bring in several wanted felons known as Adventure Team Grimm. “. Captain Eltera Ro groans silently to herself and replies “Look Allogog I don’t know these felons and I don’t think you have jurisdiction out here anyway.” Allogog looks at her and narrows his eyes “Well, cap’n this boat your on matches the description of yacht stolen from the city owned by a guy they murdered. We are looking for a boat known as The Angry Sea Wolf. Looks like that was clumsily scratched out and someone lazily painted the Wet dream over it. As far as jurisdiction maybe we should ask that Pentha Navy officer over there if he wants murderers and thieves sailing around.” He begins to read a list of felonies from a scroll. Grand Theft Nautical, Grand Theft and Larceny, over 22 counts of first degree murder, over 10k gold worth of property and city damages.. Shall I go on?”  The Three Griffon riding bounty hunters are contractors working for the Minister of Justice in Stoneport.  Curra Allogog, Wirral Curragang, and Wassap Bruh are the three who were assigned to this mission.  They are getting paid 5000 gold each for information leading to capture over 10k if they bring the fugitives in alive.  Kal is not on the list as he is not a known associate of Adventure Team Grimm.  He and Captain Ro can try to talk their way out of this if need be.  The Navy men are all just generic level 3 fighters with swords if need be. Captain Andre takes an interest and asks for a writ or warrant out for the arrest, also the license of the Bounty Hunters.  “Well my feathered friend may I see your license and the warrant?”  As the Penthanavy captain and the bounty hunters confer you all have time to take some actions.
Later that night as the sea calms a bit and the sun sets the winds die down a bit. As Captain Eltera Ro makes the rounds As you look on Hollefernes nods to the captain and then smiles a bit. As the captain walks by she groans a bit and then Apone winks at her. Even the captain has to smirk a bit as she does a bit of a bow and then several of the crew run below deck. When they emerge they have several bottles of alcohol and small lanterns are lit. Crow comes up from the galley with skewers of salted meats and peppers and Borgullus and Boltagon bring out a Concertina and a lute respectively. After drinks are poured they raise their glasses to the team that defeated a Khalesite spawn and their new crewmate the iron man who talks like a librarian! "Welcome aboard Commander Cog!" screams Tillius the dwarven woman. After an hour or so of reverly some of the crew mark off a square on the aft castle and create a small boxing ring. Vazquez does some push ups and begins to wrap some leather around her hands. A chant goes up from some of the crew "Hops!Hops!Hops!" Others begin a rival chant of "Vazquez! Vazquez!" Vazquez herself glares down at you " Ready to settle the score commander? No spells no tricks, just a mutual respect beating!" As the chants and drinking continue it's up to Blizzard Hops if he wants to take on this challenger one on one. The rules are simple Roll initiative and take some swings. Describe what you want to do and we'll see if you connect. It uses d6s for three different stats Attack, Defense, and Speed. This I correlated to Strength, Constitution, and Dexterity (respectively). These stats lines up the most for the rules of the game. Each player got 1 dice per stat plus a dice for the corresponding modifier. I.E for a character with +2 STR, +0 CON, and +1 DEX would get 3 Attack, 1 Defense, and 2 Speed dice. If there is any confusion let me know Now onto the combat, it is split into round and in each round players get a turn. The round begins with both players rolling their Speed dice, the higher total goes first. In a players turn they can do two things; move and/or attack. This can be done in either order and a player can opt out of doing one action. A player can move as many spaces as speed dice they have. This however does not mean they can be exchanged (a player can not skip moving to attack again, this was for lower level players without Extra Attack so I'm not sure how this would play out with character with that ability). When attacking the attacker will roll their attack dice, and the defender will roll their defense dice. You then match up the dice from highest to lowest. For example, using the player from before they would roll 3d6 (6,4,3) and the defender has 2 Defense dice (5,4). The 6 matches up with the 5 and is higher and results in 1 hit, the 4's match up are are tied and do no damage. The three is considered an unopposed dice as there is not a defense dice to match up with. Unopposed attack dice hit on 3-6. This combat would result in 2 hits. A hit results in the player removing that many dice from their pool, it is players choice if it is from Attack, Defense, or Speed. When both players have had their turn, a new rounds begins with both players rolling their speed dice.   A player is defeated when they no longer have at least 1 dice for each stat, depending on the remaining dice you can dictate how badly they are defeated. No dice left is a total knock out, 1 dice, or 2 dice left are the only options. I didn't give much thought in how skills/feats/abilities can effect the outcome. The only exception I have was for Barbarians rage, I ruled that they would win ties when attacking.

Plot points/Scenes

Mew Vision new - After their night of carousing reveling in their victory over the Khalesite, Mew drifts off into sleep and once more walks the psionic pathways. Your Psionic realm always seems comforting, alien but familiar. A pink and orange sunless sky shines down upon an entire landscape of polygonal mountains, lakes, trees, and rocks. You walk down a path made up of tiny triangles which all come together to form a beautiful mosaic of brick and stone. You run your hands over Small green bushes and flowers which sway gently beneath your palms. Up ahead Mara Magenta stands on an overlook, gazing upon a small canyon and a waterfall of billions of tiny blue and green rhombuses. “Lady Mew, your triumph against the talons of the rook was incredible! Your powers are progressing quickly and my order is very impressed with what you have been able to accomplish over the last year. We do have concerns over the device you have obtained from them though —“. Mara’s form stutters and glitches for a second as you watch her form fade out. The polygons around you begin to darken and quake as you begin to back up slowly. They swirl and blacken as a new form rises up from the ground and forms into a large creature with enormous horns making up the front part of his head. As the polygons twist and pile up the being stands before you 20 ft. Tall. It’s eyes open with a yellow gold light and stare down at you. “You! A bright shining star off in the distance, how have I not sensed you yet, after all these years? Such magnificent power, strong and beautiful in form. We must meet young one will you come to me?” Mew may respond. “Come to me soon, in Khalevoor Castle in the Ice Lands”. Things will be better if you come of your own free will, don’t make me come after you.” With that last one the form ripples and the polygons implode and scatter onto the ground like falling glitter.
A Storm Comes! As you all sleep in your hammocks below decks in your quarters, roll a perception check. DC 13. If anyone succeeds you hear shouts coming from above. Apone and Hicks are shouting "Storm! All hands on deck!" As you run up the stairs on to the main deck The air gets noticeably heavier and the metallic smell of ionized air can be smelled and felt.
One if the following things happens 1: Lightning strikes the ship
  2: Wave crashes on deck - Port side - Dex/Str saving throw, on fail pushed back 10ft (maybe force damage?)
  3: Wave crashes on deck - Starboard - Dex/Str saving throw, on fail pushed back 10ft (maybe force damage?)
  4: Rigging get damaged on front mast - 1d10 every round, till fixed
  5: Rigging get damaged on rear mast - 1d10 every round till fixed.
  6: Strong wind till next round - Movement costs double
Have anyone in good position roll a perception check DC 16. A success reveals a shape flying through the mist and rain of the storm, somehow rolling with the great winds and coming closer. While dealing with the wind and trying to keep the crew safe a shout comes from Hicks as he is attacked by a terrifying creature. Three Sea Harpies swoop down from the sky and three Sekolin creatures climb over the side and begin to attack the crew! The Sea Harpies begin to sing and their alien like sound rises even over the winds of the storm. Roll saving throws for the crew to see if anyone attackes each other. See Sahaugin Raiders and the Sekolin monster sheet. One of those Raiders bites into Hicks and throws him over the side! The Wyverns attempt to lift and carry off any crew on the deck as well.
As the storm subsides the dark clouds above begin to thin and after another half an hour the deadly waves flatten out and things begin to calm. The sun begins to rise on the horizon and the crew of the Wet Dream finally begin to relax. Hollefernes and Mordret climb ropes and repair and reattach sails that have come loose, and Crowe heads down to the galley to finally begin to prepare meals for the hungry crew. Is there anything any of you want to do this morning of clear sailing? At noon with the sun high in the sky a call goes out from the Crow's nest. "Ahoy! something in the distance! It's unbelievable!" Do a perception check DC 13. As you gaze into the distance a fantastic sight can be seen ahead. A huge sphere hovers above the water miles away. As the ship sails in the direction of the orb Apone notices that you aren't catching up as quickly as you should. "That thing is moving captain, I'm not sure how fast but we need to open the sails if we are going to catch it today!" Captain Ro makes the call "Full sails! open her up, get us to that thing!" After a few hours the Wet Dream begins to approach the giant entity. Hovering above the sea and your ship 120 feet hovers a three mile wide sphere. As you gaze up at it you see hills, mountains and streams, an entire eco system working on all on its own. It even rotates slowly as you watch. What would you like to do? Attempting to get on the Isle of Javadi is a difficult thing indeed. One must fly or teleport at least 120 feet straight up to enter the Island’s gravity well. Once inside that sphere you begin to fall another 120 feet to the surface below you. Player’s must roll a constitution check and a dexterity check to compensate for the new equilibrium and the new gravity field. Remember that any fall over 10 feet results in 1d6 damage so players must compensate for this. As you adjust to the new gravity field everything begins to normalize. You stand upon a small field of grass and flowers as bees and ants fly and walk to and fro like any forest. Everything just seems a tad smaller. A creek runs nearby with clear fast moving water, grey shale like rocks make up the shore along side it. There is no direct sunlight because you are on the underside of the island but the ambient light reflected from the ocean below makes if feel like regular daylight. small jellyfish like creatures [flumphs] puff through the air, all different colors. A small flock of green and blue ones move together like sparrows in front of you and then sail off into the distance. Mew, you can make a perception check at this time. DC 16, a success allows her to pick up several words from the flowing jellyfish like creatures. They are called flumphs and they drift from plane to plane using magic. They are also highly telepathic although most are fairly simple and don't have much to say. You pick up simpler words in your mind like "warm, float,pretty kitty" things like that. As you walk over a small hill covered with brush you see a swarm of ants covering a small blue fruit. As you look closer you see that the ants are made up of geometric shapes like rock candy with legs. There is a small village ahead made up of small wooden huts with thatched roofs. A well stands in the middle of the little village as villagers mill about going about their daily tasks. As you get closer you notice how strange the whole scene is. The villagers all wear basic threadbare burlap on the pink skin. Their skin looks too pink like an eraser rubber like substance. As you get close enough to get a better look you notice they don't have faces. Just a punched in circle where their face should be and all of their bodies look like carbon copies of each other.  These strange humanoids go about their day doing basic tasks like drawing water out of the well and then dumping it in a trough.  The trough is full though and the water just spills over the side.  Another one puts rocks in a wheelbarrow and then dumps them in another pile several yards away.  He passes by a third which moves his wheelbarrow the opposite way and dumps rocks back in the pile the first one just left.   As you observe all of this roll a perception check DC 16.  A success reveals a skittering sound coming from over the rise behind you.  If everyone fails then one of the Spideracus come up over the rise behind them and fires a surprise paralyzing beam!  Next is a battle featuring two of these metal constructs.  [DM Note- the players can enlist the aid of the humanoids if even for cannon fodder.  They just need to maneuver one of the spiders into attacking one of the pink men to create an attack response.] Encounter with Retriever/Spideracus from mordenkainens.


[DM Note-After getting to the top of the Magiustist Tower They find the Wizard they are looking for:Sparacus Saviori - Hermit Wizard of the Isle of Javadi. As the players make their way to the top of the tower they finally encounter the ancient wizard. He looks like an older man with a bit of a paunch to his belly. He has a large bald spot on the top of his head and wispy white hair that flows from around his ear line to his back. His robes are metallic blue and black and he stands a bit hunched. His nose is round and wide and his bushy eyebrows hover over dark blue eyes which sparkle a bit. “Ah, visitors! I apologize for my security system, we weren’t expecting you. Why I haven’t had visitors in over 30 years, what was their name? A group of adventurers like you, I believe they called themselves Adventure Team Alpha or some such thing. They were looking for the orb of planar Travel I believe. Oh, if you are looking for it it isn’t here. Been gone for some time. My manners, I apologize, can I get you something to eat or drink? Oh! Watch this, wonderful device i created, programmed with hundreds of recipes. Tea, Earl Grey, Hot. “. In the small alcove to your left a small ceramic tea cup appears with light steam emanating from it. Saviori claps and says ”Whiz Bang! Did you see that! Go ahead and try it!” As you explain the quandary with the Gem of Amara and the strange Psionic device that mew is carrying He listens intently.



After finishing the battle with the spiders the players can choose to do a long rest or continue on.  [Either way they will see or be interrupted by one of the Maruts.  Saviori has two that patrol the island.  One sits in his tower and the other just roams the orb.]  As you set up camp / or keep walking you can look up and observe the strange sight before you.  Despite having your own horizon line stretching out before you the sky is the Wyvern sea below and the normal sky of Tanaheim.  The pink and orange twilight sky stretches all around you and you know that night fall is only minutes away.  What would you like to do? Roll a perception check DC 14.  A round metal creature walks nearby, it's footsteps steady and metallic.  Roll a perception check for the marut.  If they get too close or the Marut sees them it will attack and attempt to teleport some of them to the tower.


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