ATG - Mission 7.7 The City of the Great Salt Steppe Plot in Tanaheim | World Anvil
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ATG - Mission 7.7 The City of the Great Salt Steppe

Previously on Liters of Tomorrow -

The team found themselves in a forest clearing as the goblin known as Stimpy glared down at them from high up in a tree. Several team secrets were aired as the team found out that Stimpy the Goblin was being held in Mew’s Crystal Pocket Dimension for several months. The most recent tenant of the Crystal was an elven woman named Worius Yasmine a member of the cult known as the Abyssal Knife. She now stood before you as Mew leapt on the tree to recapture the terrified Stimpy. A strange scuffle ensued as Karnac’s leapt to Stimpy’s defense as a giant eagle. Mew and Karnac engaged in aerial combat as they fought over Stimpy’s freedom. On the ground the rest of the team Cog, Vom Fass, and Hops were forced to deal with Worius Yasmine who now stood before them outnumbered and confused. With a hold person spell and Bigby’s hand Vom Fass and Hops restrained her enough to have a conversation. The end result of which was to hire her to help them track down the rest of the Abyssal Knife before they could destroy the city of the Great Salt Steppe in Mew’s Homeland. the Aerial battle finished in a stalemate with Mew recapturing the goblin into the pocket dimension and Karnac begrudgingly allowing it with the caveat the issue was not resolved and would be at a later date. Arriving back on the ground Mew immediately slew the now hired Worius Yasmine only seeing a cultist who tried to sacrifice her friend. The rest of the team talked her down and brought the cultist back to life with combination of Hops heals and a potion of healing by Vom Fass. The team agreed to allow Mew’s imprisonment of Stimpy if she would stop trying to kill Yasmine. A shaky truce emerged with a promise to revisit the Stimpy issue soon. After two Druids from the Verdant Sigil arrived with news on the Adherents of Iron and their threat to Vellenox. A caravan of warriors and automatons were making their way to a temple deep in the rain forest far to the west. Using some of your future knowledge you determined that they would reach their destination in 3 week’s time. On to the Kingdom and the City of Mew’s birthright you rode past a huge military camp of tabaxi soldiers training for some purpose. You also witnessed two guards arresting some teens, noticing the tabaxi teen got off with a simple rebuke while the Genasi teen got 20 lashes. Next you headed to an underground strip club to meet with a contact from the Tungsten Splinter a resistance group of anti royalist looking to recruit the exiled princess mew. You also relaxed with multiple lap dances and liberal application of alcohol. Sleeping under the stars on a rooftop you awoke the next day and headed to the castle to meet with the Queen. Mew had a long chat with her mother and the team was tasked with finding and taking down the Abyssal Knife before they could complete their evil plan. Cog hired a couple researchers at the library to hunt down some books and Karnac is enchanting a new staff. Currently you gather at the guest quarters in the center of the castle, Worius Yasmine sits on the circular couch with a glass of breakfast wine and you all decide your next move….

Plot points/Scenes

[DM Note: Cog is researching not only the Hydellical Mechanoid but Bracers of Illusion. Need to place themsomewhere in the world. Most likely they are lost to time or destroyed but what the acolytes have discovered is an old wizard blueprint on how to recreate them.]
[DM Note: Karnak is attempting to enchant his staff of the woodland, there is a temple to Makalua’a in the city where he could get his first enchantment. Make him sacrifice a magic item to do this.]
The situation is as follows: Castenar Nitronus is being manipulated by the great demon lord known as Thegadronnan. The demon is using his mental influence to push Nitronus and the queen to greater forms of war and violence. Have a symbol or clue to expose Thegadronnan to the team. Maybe a maid's chambers or somewhere on the grounds. Note that if a player casts detect magic on anyone in the castle or the queen they will find traces of Enchantment magic though not necessarily a single spell or even a recognizable one. The demon known as Thegadronnan is using his power and magic to walk amongst them.
In the city of the Great Salt Steppe
You all have been given guest quarters in the castle on the main ground floor. These rooms are furnished with large circular beds in the middle of them strewn with soft animal furs and circular brightly colored pillows. The floors are a warm brownish red wood and they each have drawers and cabinets against the walls. Each apartment is named after large jungle cats, The leopard room, The jaguar room, and the cheetah room. You awake the next morning to find Cog has already left for the library and his research. You find Worius Yasmine awaiting you in the large circular guest room sipping tea and eating some eggs and sausage courtesy of the cook. As you file in you find coffee, tea and a continental breakfast awaiting you. Yasmine says "If we are to begin our search today for the Abyssal Knife then I would like a disguise."
As you make your way from the chamber with your plan in place to begin the search in the city you walk through the hallways of the castle towards the front gate. Hops make a perception check [DM Note: DC 14, On a success "You notice a small symbol carved into the stone with a light hand. Most wouldn't have seen it at all. Make a history check or a religion check" DC 14. On a success "You think back to your training at the protectorate and the connection is made. A symbol to the great demon Thegadronnan, But what in the hells would it be doing here?"]
You head through the large Eastern gate and past the well guarded towers that house many of the queen's elite guard. You walk down the long hill that makes up the Queen's padding and down to the gate that enters the city itself. The city of the Great Salt Steppe is already bustling with activity in the early morning. Outdoor vendors stand behind their kiosks and haggle with wealthy merchants and their servants. The great Kettleclaw tower rises above everything made of dark reddish stone with a bright bronze roof atop it all glittering in the sun. To your right is the massive striped tents of the ringtail circus. Beyond the tower is the wide front of the Moka Rang Inn and Tavern. There is already delivery under way of casks of ale.
Return of the TVA and infiltration officer 3045
An investigation officer steps forward with a short gnome woman dressed in a similar uniform both are armed with phaser pistols and time devices. The taller human man turns towards the Gnome and asks "Are these the subjects you have been following?" After she answers he will ask her "And what was your final determination on their actions?" If she answers that the team should not be prosecuted or held responsible he will hold his finger up to his helmet and listen for new instructions. "Sorry Tyll, word from on high. Arrest these individuals. They are wanted for questioning on the elimination of several troopers and an investigator. If they resist, kill them." With that the investigation officer disappears through a portal and the troopers aim their guns at the five of you and await orders or for Tyll to arrest you. Tyll what would you like to do? Probably Roll for Initiative!
OR if Mitchell is able to attend
then the players see a fritzing portal open and fade then open. Out pours Shadowdrax, his armor smoking and burning. Multiple burn wounds on his body. He is down to 9 hp and beat to hell. But he has escaped somehow. As you rush forward to help him multiple TVA troopers materialize around you. Two investigators step out of a portal and point pulse rifles at Shadowdrax and the party he is speaking into the communicator in his helmet he says "Agent 3045 and I have found the subject, proceeding to termination. Wait we have other hostiles how should we proceed? Tyll he says you have a file open on these weirdos?" Standing next to the taller human man is a gnome woman wearing the same uniform.  It is indeed Tyll Bebo pointing a phaser pistol at you, she lifts her colored visor and looks at you all.  The investigator with her continues "Agent Tyll what's the call? Are we flashing these blips or not?!" If she answers that the team should not be prosecuted or held responsible he will hold his finger up to his helmet and listen for new instructions. "Sorry Tyll, word from on high. Arrest these individuals. They are wanted for questioning on the elimination of several troopers and an investigator. If they resist, kill them." With that the investigation officer disappears through a portal and the troopers aim their guns at the five of you and await orders or for Tyll to arrest you. Tyll what would you like to do? Probably Roll for Initiative!
[DM Note: If Tyll decides to side with the party and leave the TVA she will need to destroy her TVA badge which helps track her and remove a subdermal chip. The Chip will have to be physically removed from her shoulder with a DC 16 sleight of hand check. It will also have to be magically deactivated with a dispel magic spell. If scanned it will read as powerful Divination magic. After destroying these things her equipment from the TVA will age and turn to dust like the other troopers.]
Meeting an old Frenemy -
As you walk through the streets of the city you see a large open air patio ringed with a couple of coffee houses and some bread vendors. At a circular table underneath a cyan blue umbrella sits a magenta looking tiefling man. He looks completely untroubled by the city around him and leans back in his chair reading a thin bound book which is titled Magician's Quarterly. He stands out to you all not because he is one of only a few tieflings you have seen in the city but because you recognize him as the demigod Jalabraxis. As he looks up he sees Blizzard Hops and his eyes light up. He smiles and gets up to greet you "My friend, my brother! Why if it isn't Blizzard Hops himself and his plucky retinue of danger helpers!" He looks down at Vom Fass "Little Vomit Fastener! you look like you are getting closer to those dragon dreams! Hey are your scales looking like a brighter shade of blue? Ah and who could forget the tree hugging lumber dwarf known as Axe Hack! The dangerous but beautiful cat lady ... we all remember her name ... It's an easy one syllable name ... like cube or whak or Pew. A wee little Gnome secretary with a lute, i could use one of those. And who is this furry scaly creature? Let me guess your name.... Iguana Bat! Well so nice to see you all again, Hops shall we grab a drink? The Moka Rang Tavern opens in a few minutes."
As you all remember your last meeting with this strange demigod and his attempt to steal Hop's magic hammer a snarl echoes around the walls. A large bipedal lizard like creature with two city guards hanging off of it leaps over the wall and glares at Jalabraxis. In a choked almost incoherent voice it screams "YOU! you did this, experimented... RUINED, GRAA!" The lizard man is over 7' tall and rippling with muscle, he effortlessly tosses a guard back over the wall and slams the other onto the ground. Jalabraxis opens his eyes a bit wider and says "Good day Grazzle! you seem to have found me once more, I believe our bargain was concluded though." With murderous intent the creature known as Grazzle about 50 ft from your position rushes forward. As this happens you hear a whistling sound above and before the creature even moves 10 ft. a huge white furred rabbit man lands on top of the lizard and crunches him like an empty coke can. Though not empty because black and red blood and viscera explodes over the immediate area. Standing on the once mighty lizard man is a towering figure of muscle and rage standing well over 9' tall and glowering just like the previous creature. His bright yellow eyes affix on Jalabraxis and he roars "Found you at last! you will pay for what you have done to me! what you have done to my family!" With a more worried look Jalabraxis responds "Now look here Regeneaux, Reggie old chap, You did ask for my help did you not?" with a flick of his wrist you see the huge rabbitfolk man known as Reg blink and rear back his head slightly and then look at each of you in turn. Jalabraxis whispers to all of you "It's a minor illusion I came up with now you all look just like me to Reg. I think this will be fun!" [DM Note: Remember that Reg has acquired several magical talismans that protect him from most magic. Each one of his trinkets is attuned to a different school of magic.]
The evil Demon known as Thegadronnan has infiltrated the castle staff and is influencing Castenar Nitronus. He is disguising himself as Blank Canvas (Canvas) - Tabaxi man, Head of Waiters.


The Oracle of Vellenox

  [DM Note: The Adherents of Iron have found the Oracle. They are hoping it has the final clue to finding the divinity Well of Vellenox which is just southeast of the Quala Structure. If the players foil them before they activate the oracle they can severely hamper the Adherent efforts to kill Vellenox. If the players don't stop them in time the Adherents will get a final clue to the Divinity well and be on their way soon to kill the god. Maps are in the Ventenheim battle map folder.]
  Brook leaves you with the information to get to the Oracle in one day's travel. The meeting of the two rivers Ullarin features a hidden temple just to the west. This is the Oracle of Vellenox. Inputting the map information into Karnac's map bracer allows you to use it as a compass to guide you in the right direction. He also provides you with topographical information to best travel with your riding lizards in the fastest way possible. As you set out once more into the humid jungle like forest the afternoon sun filters through the canopy above in a warm yellow dapple. You take a break around 2 for lunch and a bit of a rest. Stretching your legs and backs and rubbing your sore inner thighs. In the distance you see a large wide animalistic statue. It towers next to the trees around it and small streams flow underneath it. The jungle around it almost looks brighter and more colorful, more wildflowers dot the forest floor and dozens of brightly colored vines criss cross the lower side of the statue each studded with pink flowers. Frank the beetle crawls out onto Karnac's Shoulder and says "A forest statue dedicated to Oppapan, A great forest spirit. The legends say that when the continent is threatened he will rise and defend it. It is said he sleeps in the great tree."
  [DM Note: The previous encounter with the adherents of Iron was as follows: “We are battalion 23 of the Adherents of Iron. This vessel has stolen property on it and we demand the return of our battle warforged number 313. This will be done promptly and no harm will come to your or your crew.” If Cog is on deck the commander paladin is dismissive and treats him as a droid. He purposefully avoids eye contact and always speaks to a human or dwarf that is present. “You warforged will not address me as anything other than master. You will return with us or be dismantled, any thoughts you are having to the contrary are a devil’s work and blasphemous. Silence yourself or I will do it for you.” If Hops is anywhere in view a Cleric will approach him angrily. “You there! How dare you wear that symbol heathen! Bow down before us and ask for forgiveness. Begin the prayer ritual immediately or I will strike you down.” He reaches out to grab the tabard on Hop’s chest and tear the cloth to shreds.]
  As your lizards bob and move over rocky forest shelves the trees that surround you blur past. Your lizards slow and stop as you get to a large cliffside covered in lichen and moss, a small waterfall trickles down to the forest floor below. As you peer down you see a large clearing and a huge ziggurat in the center of it. Vines and brush grow all around it and on it almost obscuring the lower levels. In the center of the highest levels you see a few armored men flanked by familiar looking automatons. The press on something in the rocky face and a stairwell sinks down inside. Two of the armored men begin to descend into the structure.
  [DM Note: Important members of the Adherents of Iron here]
Inquisitor Catalonia Colonel Umbrant Major Gruppa Treinta Lieutenant Navis Ventera Adjutant Lieutenant Prancis Cleric soldier Richeliu Cleric Soldier Montello Automaton units 231/143/267



Hunting the Abyssal Knife
As you walk the streets guided by Mew who is enjoying this visit back to her hometown you scan the crowd for anyone who looks out of place. The citizens of the city go about their day and many of the streetside cafes begin to fill up with the normal lunch crowd. You head to the harbor ward and begin to scout the area for any member of the Abyssal Knife. Mew you and Yasmine can roll perception checks. [DC 14 success]. Yasmine says "There, Drumnell." You look where she is pointing and you see a small Kenku shuffling towards an alleyway across the street. [DM Note: Allow the players to follow up this stuff as they will but at some point use the Sand Assassins in the Creatures folder to attack them. These elementals have been summoned by culdred to kill Yasmine and Mew before they can cause more damage to the ceremony.]  As you follow the little kenku he looks both ways suspiciously and then jumps into the alley and walks quickly to a door in the side of the taller building.  He knocks lightly in a 5 beat code and then the door slowly opens.  A purple hand reaches out and Drumnell hands him a small sack.  They nod at each other and the door closes. The kenku shuffles off once more to the other side of the alley facing the sea. 
The Temple of Makalua'a - As you enter the temple the air changes slightly, the smells a bit richer and it feels a little more humid. Several distinct floral and woody scents drift by your nose. The interior is a series of huge stone arches each one covered in climbing plants constantly flowering. A series of small streams move in between large stones. half of the temple is devoted to saltwater and sea life and the other half is devoted to fresh water jungle. Small birds, bats and insects flit around small trees and large rocks peacefully playing amongst the flowers. The main Druid in charge here is a Grey tiger striped tabaxi woman named Keeper of the green. "I never expected A dwarf capable or interested enough to be one with nature but she positively hums in your presence. You are most welcome here, what can I help you with?" "I can help you enchant the staff but only partly. You are on a journey with this staff, a journey she wants you to take. Which would you like me to imbue into the staff, barkskin or awaken? You will need to sacrifice one of your magical trinkets for this ability. That abhorrent weave magic is of little value to the wonders of nature herself."
Arminius Kalis and the Unfurled Fan Theater -
Arminius Kalis was one of the most famous bard's, playwrights, and actor in all of Penthaheim. That was over 30 years ago however and many of talents and plays are considered old fashioned by today's standards. He used to travel with a troupe of actors and musicians all over Tanaheim called the Rainbow Prism. Many of the party can roll history checks to see if they remember any of this from their childhood with the exception of Vom Fass and Cog who most certainly would not. Any who succeed on a DC 15 or above would remember their parent or guardian taking them to a concert or play with Kalis as the lead. With his star dimming and work drying up Arminius was easy prey for the Abyssal Knife cult who plied him with promises of a return to fame as long as he played along and offered them cover when they needed it. It is possible to speak with Kalis to convince him to help or give up secrets.
The unfurled Fan theater is a famous building in all of Ventenheim and has a long history of being one of only two theaters to get all of the famous acts from Penthaheim and even the Forest realms to appear and perform. Currently they are doing five nights a week of the new musical play known as "the Wings of Winter's Breath". The acting troupe known as Stone's Throw is working jointly with several local tabaxi performers to put on the show. Arminius Kalis is the director and is using his personal chambers to allow the abyssal knife down into the sewer tunnels that lay beneath the theater and under the library. The Kenku man Drumnell is a gopher essentially, moving throughout the city gathering supplies and garnering little notice. Worius Yasmine would notice him though, she is well versed on how the cult works.
Caliendia Gloss and the Nimble Cheetah Inn
Caliendia Gloss is a tall attractive human woman with black curly hair and a need for the finer things in life.  She has rented an expensive room from the Nimble Cheetah inn and is keeping tabs on supplies for the ceremony.  She is enjoying every minute of comfort she can get before the great calamity.  Even though she is a partaker in opulence she craves power more and is very much looking forward to acquiring a great amount of it soon.  Not just her warlock powers from her patron but also a large kingdom to rule.  Maybe this one after the stinking tabaxi and commoners are wiped out.  She wears hair dye in her graying hair so that it stays shiny and black.  Usually she uses illusions but she is trying to stay under the radar here. 
Cordecep and the Winter's Eclipse Barony
Cordecep is a cleric of Lamborginus or at least he claims to be.  His power now derives from Chon Urdero their great master.  He is spending his time until the ritual is completed convincing the Winter's Eclipse Baron and Baroness to join their order.  He doesn't quite believe that Culdred will pull this off and is instead doing what he always does.  Creating wealth for their order by sucking up to the rich and powerful.


Abyssal Knife cultists in the city currently:   
  • Erelmil Galathaniel is a 80 year old male half-elf Assassin
  • Caliendia Gloss -human female Warlock
  • Fulgen - Halfling Rogue, could be sent as assassin
  • Cordecep - Human Cleric
  • Culdred - A 160 year old Tiefling warlock Head of the Cult
  • Purg Dami Oh - female Dragon Born Cleric, second in command
In the final chamber beneath the library a great battle awaits. Culdred and his upper echelon of cultists have prepared for any interference by summoning two elemental guardians to protect the ceremony. The chamber underneath the library is enormous, arched ceilings raise up to 100 feet and the center column and all of the walls and floor are just covered in runic symbols, magical circles, and ritual spell writing. At least four cultists are doing these rituals at all times to prepare for the great coming. Once the players enter this chamber they will have six rounds to stop Culdred from completing the ritual. If they fail the great beast will be summoned. A Kaiju sized demon from the abyss that will walk through the chamber and into the city above wreaking havoc.

Articles under ATG - Mission 7.7 The City of the Great Salt Steppe


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