Temple to All Gods

The Temple to All Gods was a major feature in the ancient city of Kyroniki. It was a large rectangular building with an antechamber where worshippers could gather and give offerings at any time during the day or night. The main part of the temple lay further back and could only be accessed by priests, civilians on special ceremonies and during religious festivals, or government figures. Inside the temple was an array of statues depicting all the gods. The two major deities were the largest and depicted at the very back of the temple with lesser gods depicted to the right and goddesses to the left. Braziers burned at the foot of each statue, and the temple often smelled of burnt flesh and other burnt offerings.   Nearest the door were two blank areas with a brazier burning in front of each. Local and minor deities were common, and the temple set those places aside for anyone who wasn't depicted but still worshipped. The temple itself sat on the cliffs overlooking Kyroniki much as the gods looked over the people from the heavens.   A great earthquake destroyed much of Kyroniki, and the temple wasn't spared. Attempts to rebuild it were met with failure. The first attempt just a few years after the initial destruction burned down. The second attempt experienced heavy rains while trying to move great stone blocks up the cliff, and many workers were killed. In the third attempt, the city ran out of funds and construction was forced to stop. At that point, many people believed that it was a message from the gods not to rebuild the temple, and a smaller shrine was erected next to the road that used to lead up to the temple. Thirty years later, a fire destroyed Kyroniki, and the place was officially abandoned.   Today, only the foundations remain offering a glimpse into the layout of the temple. Parts of the statues are sometimes dug up, but most were cracked and broken beyond any repair. Trees and grass grow over the temple, and much of the paint that once decorated the stone work is gone.

Cover image: by Alishahr


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