Steam Engine

The steam engine was first built about 450 years ago by Ratimir Capek, a Petrekian inventor. It was later refined by Laurence Kettell to be lighter and more efficient. Olivier Rochefort also developed his own version which became the standard for smaller steam powered devices. However, steam as a means of energy has been in existence for the past thousand years. Early inventors could create great clouds of steam by boiling water or use hot air to spin a metallic ball. Early models of steam engines have existed for the past 600 years, though they were large, consumed massive amounts of wood, and did very little. It wasn't until Divan Erbin developed a steam powered piston which saw considerable use in mines. With the discovery of coal, steam could really begin to take off, and many different inventors tried to create more practical versions of the steam engine that could see commercial use.   These days, steam engines dominate the continent and most industries run on steam technology. Trains, ships, factories, and large mining equipment all requires a steam engine. Steam engines also pump water to homes and power some agricultural equipment. However, most steam engines are large and ungainly. They're loud and unsightly. With the exception of the Rochefort engine, most aren't very mobile. The energy produced by steam engines is also impossible to store and must be used immediately. Because of this, older technology is still quite common.   In Astoria, most steam engines are produced by the Pitcairn Manufacturing company which is currently the sole producer of Kettell engines. The Rochefort engines are predominately produced in Samoir and are used on airships. Experimental designs also exist, and the Burton engine is an early attempt at a steam turbine, though it's too unreliable for commercial use. The Capek engine is almost entirely obsolete except in the mining industry where its greater power is valued more than the size. It is also better able to withstand temperature extremes than other engines in the market.

Cover image: by Alishahr


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