Martian Colony Alpha Settlement in Tales of the void | World Anvil

Martian Colony Alpha

While the United Earth Nations began growing out of the birthplace of humanity by funding a colony on the moon, most people tend to see MC-a as the first actual "human colony".
Situated in Acidalia Planitia the first human colony on mars was a scientific and military outpost. It was a small start but a start non the less.
The initial contingent was rather limited, a few hundred of permanent resident and an army of robots and bio-enginered species. Even if the colonization was mostly a scientific endeavour, a quarter of the initial population was of military background cause some of the planners where worried that Ozimandias may intervene in the life of the new colony.
It was unfounded fear however as Mars was as devoid of life as it was thought to be, the colony growth however quickly made them valuable assets in firefighting and peace keeping.

After a 2 years and considerable amount of work the first small scale dome was finished and the settlers quickly moved into it and started to develop the colony there and began constructing the first of the large scale dome.
MC-a became a dead city sealed of as an old relic of time where autonomous habitat was necessary.

After a long sleep only disturbed by a few military personal running check out of habit, MC-a was brutally thrown into the spotlight again during the martian genocide (See Diplomatic Document σ-τ-α). While the Sister's compound provided shelter to most of the surviving population, MC-a was a safe heaven and a life raft for thoses unlucky enough to be outside the dome when the scutling happened. A large contingent of worker, explorer, and mercenaries where suddenly locked out of the dome and left to die on the harsh martian surface. A young mechanical engineer named Ieisha al-Biruni quickly pointed out the potential use of MC-a autonomuous habitat as a life saver. The team lead by the 19 year old engineer was the first one to breach in and restart the habitat, saving hundreds of life in the process. The assembled community lived in MC-a ever since and quickly enacted the first of the martian republic : the Anarchist Commune of Mars.

Today MC-a is deeply integrated in what became known as Huriya-1 the capital city of the ACM and the largest city outside of domes on Mars

Alternative Name(s)
The Spike
Owning Organization

Cover image: by ESA/CAESAR


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Aug 19, 2023 00:47 by Joella Kay

I like the history - how it's founded, then abandoned, and then rediscovered.

Oct 12, 2023 08:27 by Gorkam Worka
