The Tower Building / Landmark in Tales of Talos | World Anvil
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The Tower

Unlike any other taverns around or any that youve seen before, this place is about 6 times taller than it is round! Apparently this tower use to be connected to a massive castle but the rest besides the tower was destroyed in an old war. With a spiral staircase around the edge and a pole in the middle to side down, this tavern is certainly a novelty. You'll notice all staff members here have incredibly large and strong calf muscles from walking up and down all these stairs so often. A the top of the tavern is an open top terrace, offering an amazing view out across the surrounding city The tavern is run by the local Alliance Magic Guild and lower ranking members fill in different shifts at all times as it is a great money maker for the guild.     Specialty Drinks : 1gp each   The Banshee’s Breath – white, swirling liquor made from a special translucent wild berry. Tastes sweet, has an effect similar to mint gum in that it always feels cold. The Mountain’s Bounty – A fine liquor made using water from a glacial stream. Always refreshing, and always makes you feel cold no mater the weather.


A large tower that seems to reach from the sky its design and stone used makes it apparent its from an older time then the buildings around it.
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
Parent Location


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