Hymn of the Spark

In the endless darkness, a shimmer of light appears, A beacon of hope, dispelling all fears. Amidst the shadows that encroach with might, A solitary gleam, a guide through the night.   Oh, radiant light in the vast dark sea, Your glow shines forth, setting spirits free. Through the abyss where shadows embark, You're the glimmer of hope, the illuminating spark.   Though surrounded by the shroud of despair, Your brilliance cuts through, showing us care. A flicker so gentle, yet profoundly bright, Leading us onward through the gloomy night.   Oh, radiant speck in the vast dark sea, Your glow shines forth, setting spirits free. Through the abyss where shadows embark, You're the glimmer of hope, the illuminating spark.   Oh, spark of light in darkness vast, Your radiance, a steadfast hope, Against the tides that ebb and flow, You guide us through, a constant glow.   Though shadows loom, you stand your ground, A shining hope, where faith is found, A single light, it may seem so small, Yet overcomes the night, standing tall.   In the midst of the eternal nothingness, your warmth we find, Guiding lost souls, giving sight to the blind. A ray of promise, a promise of dawn, In your humble glow, a strength is drawn.   Oh, radiant light in the vast dark sea, Your glow shines forth, setting spirits free. Through the abyss where shadows embark, You're the glimmer of hope, the illuminating spark.   In the abyss where darkness creeps, Your steadfast shine, the vigil keeps, A hymn we sing, to your heavenly sight, Oh, glint of light, eternal light. May you forever burn bright, so may never give up what is right.     So let us embrace this beacon so bright, A speck of light in the heart of night. For in its presence, our spirits embark, Following the path of the guiding spark.


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Jan 17, 2024 22:16 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Very lovely poem. Thanks for sharing and entering this into the Special Category! God bless and much success with your New Year's plans! <3

Jan 21, 2024 23:27 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Hi there again! Just wanted you to know that I've now added your article to my #WBResolutions article which explains why I was inspired by it (and also declares you an official shortlister for the Generic Special Category win)! Check it out here: https://www.worldanvil.com/w/secret-agent-someone/a/outline2024. If you'd like me to take it down or something, let me know. Thanks again for being awesome! God bless!