Deepearth Geographic Location in Tales of Faerun | World Anvil


The local Underdark of the Bloodstone Lands is known as Deepearth. A vast network of caverns and tunnels running primarily under Vaasa, the Galenas, and the Earthspur Mountains. Many passages stretch under Damara, with some reaching all the way to Narfell and the Moondark Sea (under the Moonsea).     The Shallows of Deepearth (also known as the Upperdark), hosts a large duergar city known as Hagegraf. The drow are not as numerous in Deepearth, only having one major city in the Deeps, known as Nym'qeldan. They also have several outposts in the Deepearth Shallows. A larger drow city (Undrek'Thoz) stretches from under the Plateau of Thay all the way to under Rawlinswood, but no direct connections exist between Undrek'Thoz and Deepearth. Undrek'Thoz is actually a collection of ten drow cities connected by portals, jointly governed by the Matron Mothers of each city.     The Svirfneblin have a large city (town actually) in the Deeps of Deepearth known as Corundruby, and have a small village, Ringing Rock, near the Carmathan village of Rosebriar.     Other settlements include Kuragolomsh, a community of destrachan in the Deeps below the Earthspurs, Sverspume, a darkling city in the Shallows below Vaasa, and Krba, a derro town also in the Shallows below Vaasa. Several communities of kuo-toa live in the caverns connected to the Moondark Sea.     Somewhere below Vaasa is also the Temple of Orcus, which was raided and cleared by Gareth Dragonsbane and his companions, and V'elddrinnshar, a lake cavern which is all that remains of a destroyed drow city by the same name. Animated skulls line the cavern, giving it its other name, the Vault of Gnashing Teeth. V'eldrinnshar is unhallowed in the name of either Orcus or Kiaransalee (the drow goddess of undeath).     Other sites are only vague whispers in the dark, the House of Dark Consumption, the Boneyard, Brikklext, Drowned Multum, and Sorath-Nu-Sum.


Bloodstone Mines

Our location, the Bloodstone Mines connect to the greater Underdark. The lands below Vaasa are known as Deepearth, and considered part of an Underdark region known as the Deep Wastes, which stretches under Cormyr, Sembia, the Moonsea region, Impiltur, and the Bloodstone Lands.    

Crushed Skull Orcs

Nasty tribe of orcs, tougher than their surface cousins. There are drow "envoys" among them.    


Everyone knows the svirfneblin are here. They assisted Dragonsbane in his quest to destroy Zhengyi. The area I placed the town of Crystalfast in is an educated guess.    


A goblin city, Greznek has an unusually high population of wizards and sorcerers, and access to powerful magic. Rumors persist that Greznek is connected to the dungeons of Castle Perilous.    


The duergar city and center of the Deepearth region. They charge a 5 gp "tax" per party to enter, but don't tell you about the 20 gp "tax" to leave. Laws don't include non-duergar, kill anyone you'd like, but if a duergar gets injured in the conflict, you're heading for the mines. Yeah, you're told that as soon as you "work off" your debt, you're free to go, but then the penalties for "non-performance" or "insubordination" start accumulating. Good luck getting free.    

Highland Mines

I've only heard that there is a connection to the Damaran mining town of Highfort, but it would require traveling through the Deeps.    

Hillsafar Hall

The dwarven hold connects to Deepearth, good luck getting through the defenses.    


The dwarven hold connects to Deepearth, good luck getting through the defenses.    

Justin's Mine

This Sorovian mine connects to Deepearth. It's a way out when all else fails, but it’s a long trek.    

Karkanna Amon

The drow are a recent addition to the Shallows of Deepearth. Karkanna Amon is an outpost from Nym'Qeldan, a drow city said to be located in the Deeps.    

King Snurre's Hall

King Snurre is one of the many fire giant kings that inhabit the western Galenas. The dungeons of his hall connect to Deepearth. There are also rumors of a master smith named Gorl, who has a Deepearth lair nearby. Gorl is said to be a cleric of Surter and a crafted of magical weapons for the fire giant clans (not just Snurre's). Gorl is said to share his complex with a tribe of ogres he has enslaved.    


A town inhabited by the insane derro. I shudder to think of it, but at least some worship the King in Yellow.    

Large Ogre Caverns

More than one ogre tribe inhabits this nexus of caverns. They answer to "Thulmasker", though who, or what, Thulmasker is still remains a mystery.    

Moondeep Sea

Located under the Moonsea in the surface realms, the Moondeep is smaller than its surface brother. Tribes of kuo-toan inhabit shelves along the sea, both in the Shallows and the Deeps. Aboleth are said to reside here. A drow port named Delvinggulf once looked out onto the Moondeep from the Deeps, but it fell to some unknown force.    

Orothiar Hall

Located near the Bloodstone Mines and the Warrens, Orothiar Hall connects to all locations under Bloodstone Vale. However, it is as difficult to breech as the other dwarf holds.    

Temple of Orcus

The famed site where Dragonsbane and his companions fought the demons of Orcus and gained entry to Castle Perilous. The companions eventually entered the Abyss, and if stories can be believed destroyed Orcus' connection with Toril by stealing the Wand of Orcus. The stories also say that they confronted Tiamat and "liberated" a great deal of treasure from her hoard. Once Orcus lost his wand, his bolstering of Zhengyi was interrupted, causing the downfall and final defeat of the Witch King. There absolutely is a way into Castle Perilous from here.    

Under Heliogabalus

If we can get to the Damaran town of Highfort, then we can get to Heliogabalus, the human's capital. There are known connections between the two. Although I hesitate to trust the informant, I've indicated the route on the tapestry.    

Underland Battlegrounds

Imagine a maze connecting cavern complexes that are each inhabited by humanoid tribes. Then imagine that those caverns change regularly. Some caverns collapse, destroying the tribes within, while others appear, ready for habitation. Now imagine that this maze of caverns is connected to surface caves which would allow the tribes to thrive using surface resources, and that the surface caves also collapse and open regularly.   The humanoids almost universally agree that their gods are responsible for the upheavals, and they have spent their lifetimes fighting one another for the new and old spaces.    


Once a drow settlement, V'elddrinnshar was said to be destroyed by Orcus for worshiping the drow god Kiaransalee. Inhabited by banshees, the former drow city sits on an island in the center of a lake of death. The entire vault has been lined with the skulls of the drow, many of which have animated as flameskulls. Passing through the vault is dangerous, but the only way to reach some locations.    

The Warrens

The hin of the Bloodstone Vale have carved out a series of tunnels, caverns, and switchbacks under the village of Waukeshire. The tunnels connect to the Bloodstone Mines and Orothiar Hall, and were instrumental in the defeat of the Arcatan forces during the Bloodstone Wars.
Underground / Subterranean
Included Locations

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