Deiga Character in Tales of Arbitrium | World Anvil


Timid crafter

Deiga, the first child of Dogra is mostly known as a calm and well-mannered individual. In the few times he has interacted with mortal individuals he's been rather welcomed and peaceful. However, he is also quiet, lacks any significant impact, and remains a mystery to this day. Though he loved the creations Dogra made, he has little interest in making more. He's the only expert at the current time, with Dogra still Imprisoned, who has any sort of expertise in the extraordinary creatures. Some say he tends to the Lycans while others say he just does his own thing and doesn’t want to be imprisoned himself. No one knows where he is per se, but he is a rather easy person to pray to.   He also founded the Prose Artistry faith, instilling an entire religion with the idea of creating artwork constantly. There was significant support in this effort from some of the Elder Gods and many civilizations, as the faith eventually turned into an overall belief. While some would worship bigger gods with bigger impacts, they would go home and practice Prose Artistry to express themselves. Tsukuyomi was such a fan that she helped guide many of her followers to use Haiku, Senryu, and Tanka's in sections of her faith. This became ever present in her Samurai as well, becoming a staple in her culture. This was also heavily influenced in Amaterasu's faith, and Palen as well. While Deiga may stay behind closed doors most of his life, the simple act of creating this believe had a significant impact on all the planes around him.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall, muscular, wears a triple-headed skull helmet

Identifying Characteristics

Has elk-horns
Chaotic Mystery
Vibrant, crimson
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
tanned, sun-kissed

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