Phoenixes Ethnicity in Tales from the Rookery | World Anvil


The Phoenix people are similar in some ways to the avian winged folk that began cropping up with the return of magic. Phoenixes hail from places that benefit from their burning, or places too hot for normal humans alone. Places that suffer catastrophic wildfires if controlled burns are not put in place are ideal spots for this People.

Often seen as bringers of fortune, those that hold the key to eternal life, or sprits of flame Phoenix People are embodiments of the Elemental Flame. It is in fact almost to their detriment that they embody Flame so much, that it flares up with their emotions.

  Phoenixes are not like the avian hybrids in some important ways as well. Hybrids returned when magic returned, but Phoenixes have always been here. They lost much of their culture, practices, and understanding of themselves when magic faded away the first time and are struggling to understand who they are again. They are also born with their Wings already growing.    Despite the legends that Phoenixes have multiple lives, they do not. However the story of them rising from the ashes is true! Phoenixes are born when the ashes of Phoenixes that have come before shelter a new SoulFlame. In essence a new Phoenix is a patchwork entity of those who came before it, whose ashes sheltered it enough to grow. While it is rare for a Singular Phoenix's ashes to be enough, it has happened.

  The History of the Phoenix race is closely intertwined with that of humanity. In essence they have always been a part of us, even as they lost the connections they one had to who they were with the magic that they once possessed. From the gods, Helios, Sol, Eros, & Ra to the tragedy of Icarus and Spontaneous Combustion these Phoenixes have remained in our eyes. We slowly began diminishing them as time went on, simply because we did not have the full history or scope of vision to see them as more than magical animals.When the New Era of magic began, Phoenixes thought themselves to be adept fire mages. Only to learn, once there was enough Magic, that they were far more than that. It was the wings that gave them their first real clue that there was more to them.

It took a while for them to accept that they were Phoenixes, as they never believed that, because of media, Phoenixes were humanoid. It was quite a shock, and many early Phoenixes worried that they would 'devolve' into animals and lose who they were. It was quite frightening, and on top of that their mastery of Flame simply grew and grew. This meant that Phoenixes were simply thrown together again, not really understanding the gravity of their natural camaraderie, because they were 'dangerously flammable' or 'likely to cause fire damage'. Because of this they had no one else to turn to but each other. And so they began to realize what they were in reality, that they were more then the conclusion they had jumped to.

With this done, they began to reacquaint themselves with their culture. Of course many more shocks awaited these poor people, like the fact that the natural birth of a Phoenix is from the ashes of those that came before, not pregnancy. As well as things like how a Phoenix's remains will naturally combust if left alone or buried. Nowadays the Phoenix People have become acquainted enough with who they truly are to form community spheres all over the world. And while many places still fear their Flames, they have begun showing how useful they are. Much of their historical significance is lost to the ages, but they are rebuilding their knowledge base bit by bit. Who knows how high their sparks will go in the future.

Physically Phoenixes looks like Avian hybrids, albeit With brighter more fire like colors for their feathers. Their human shape is a collection of the genes that they gain from the ashes of their Predecessors, not unlike regular genetics. Their Wings however can tell you a lot about where they are from. The wing shape varies by location and the culture about Phoenixes there. In the Asian nations Crane wings are the norm, Eagle & Crow are from the Americas, Kingfisher & Hawk are the European nations. Phoenix Children born in those regions tend to develop those wings over any of the other variants, and on top of that Phoenix People as a whole don't tend to stray out of those shapes.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Pyra, Ember, Stella, Solia, Helia, Ignia, Ferna,

Masculine names

Pyre, Bruno, Ignis, Helios, Sol,

Unisex names

Flare, Nix, Blaze,

Other names

Pyrrus, Electra, Firra, Burn


Shared customary codes and values

Phoenixes value truthful emotions. They dislike liars, being lied to, and lying themselves.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

The Birth of a new Phoenix is something celebrated in the same way death is, With a Grand Bonfire. Phoenixes know that flame is where they came from and where they will eventually return, so for the birth of a Phoenix they celebrate a newly ignited flame with one large and bright. This is of course to signify the Wondrous life the new flame will lead.

This ritual is usually lead by the head of the community.

Coming of Age Rites

Phoenix comings of age, like everything surrounding them, has to do with Fire.
One of the Phoenixes greatest abilities is their ability to pull fire from one place into their hands and keep it alive. Now one might think that this can be done by mages, but they'd be wrong. Mages can produce fire, but cannot manipulate a flame that they did not create. [If they lit a candle with their own magic, they could control that flame, but if it was lit with a match they could not.

Young Phoenixes will try, usually on their birthdays, to pull the flames from their candles into their hand. Those more in touch with their Inner Fire tend to grasp the concept earlier, while others struggle with it even late into life. However the Holding of 'Natural' Fire is how Phoenixes determine their coming of age.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Death is something that Phoenixes celebrate. They celebrate it through a community cremation, where the body of the deceased is placed into a grand funeral pyre. Within the Pyre goes what the deceased loved, what they did, and anything they asked to be added in their wills. Then the flame is lit.

Phoenixes burn much faster, hotter, and brighter then regular humans do. So once the body is 'returned to the flames', The pyre itself is like a star.

The ashes are then spread around the Pyre's site, to let the wind blow the remaining sparks to where they are needed.

Common Taboos

Suppressing, Smothering, or Extinguishing one's Inner Fire, is considered to horrifyingly tragic. It is considered cutting yourself off from the Grand Blessings bestowed upon you by the Elemental Flame, and a removal of one's soul. This also goes for bullying, as that can be considered tamping down on another's fire.

Common Myths and Legends

Phoenixes are said to be sparks that shot off of the Elemental Flame and gained life. It is believed that no two Phoenixes are ever the same, because their SoulFlame was born from a different spark.


Beauty Ideals

While Phoenixes usually come in many variants because of their natural abilities, their ideals of beauty stay relatively static.
They consider gold, red, & orange highly appealing colors, and seeing them on a potential partner is very attractive. Healthy flames, ones that are on a constant low level, are also considered desirable. Well defined noses, and chins are considered jaw dropping. And eyes that reflect a Mediterranean background are as well.

Courtship Ideals

Phoenixes are very much in touch with that avian part of who they are. They tend to do many of the courtship rituals that can be found in nature, on a much more human level. Writing a song specifically for their partner, doing the DIY project that their parter always said they wanted, going out in really bright colors only to remain by their partner the whole night, & other such behaviors are often seen out of both Male & Female Phoenixes.    The love language does tend to vary from Phoenix to Phoenix, but doing something simple in return is usually all they want. If your Phoenix partner is a Singer, show them a song that reminds you fo them. If your Phoenix partner is a Builder, make a blanket fort for movie night. If your Phoenix partner is a Showoff, spent that time telling everyone how nice your partner looks. Let them know that their big gestures are appreciated, and take the time to communicate in their love language.

Relationship Ideals

For Phoenixes an idea relationship is about open honest communication. They value truthful emotions, and grew up on a collective support network. They also greatly value community, so be prepared to not onlt enter a relationship with them... but also their whole family/neighborhood/community.
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