Treacherous Crossing Document in Tales from the Other Worlds | World Anvil

Treacherous Crossing

Tir the Sagacious? Tir the Venerable? Tir the Torchbearer? No, to us he is Tir the Desecrater, Vandal of Souls, Puppeteer of the Undying; the name cursed by armies as they drive to certain defeat, screamed by survivors slipping into insanity, and unspoken by adventurers who know full well the danger but not fully the hardship they are about to face.
  Before the Collapse, the name Tir meant something very different. Fierce guardian, master tactician, praised champion of the Unchallenged, in life Tir was the most powerful and respected azure dragon of his age. In death he became domineering and spiteful, raising great armies from the grave. What horrific event bridged that gap, what force turned Tir the Torchbearer into a defiler of death, have been lost to history.
  Tir the Desecrater fell many times, only to rise again. The cunning creature learned to place aspects throughout the world, ensuring his eternal, grotesque afterlife. Tir's ultimate fate, and that of Jorinn, Vertonis, and the rest of our brave adventurers, is told in this harrowing final chapter of the Zephyr Tales: A Farewell to Old Friends.


Back cover text promoting the last published book in the Zephyr Tales saga.
Text, Literary (Novel/Poetry)