Spirit World Geographic Location in Takashi | World Anvil
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Spirit World

The spirit world is the realm that exists between Heaven and Earth where most ghosts, spirits, and demons roam. The spirit world is massive, equaling in size to the solar system. Trying to navigate it is impossible for the living, the spirit world shifts and turns in unnatural ways which cannot be understood forcing someone unfortunate to wander until they die. Only mages have any hope of finding the previously laid paths for the dead as made by the Divine thousands of years ago. The spirit world fades into the physical world in many locations, causing changes to the local environment, and even making barren planets such as Mars livable.

Sub Realms

The spirit world is not completely continuous is several distinct parts, in general, the further away from the Sun the more chaotic and less orderly the spirit world becomes.


Paradise is the realm the dead end up in after their journey, from there they will go on to heaven or hell. Paradise overlaps with the sun making the crossing over impossible for the living, and in the spirit world, its gates are closing guard by the Kami to prevent them Living from entering. Paradise despite its name is an accumulation of countless cultures living together outnumbering the living by several times with conditions varying from poor to far better than anything on earth. Although those who reside here no suffer from physical ailments, such as disease, food, and sleep.


Hell is where evil and wrongdoers are sent to after the death of their souls. Hell itself, fittingly also located withing the Sun, is a burning prison where its members are tutored for their sins, with such things overseen by the Kami's servents.

Frozen Lands

The Frozen Lands are located on the outskirts of the spirit world overlapping with interstellar space in the physical world. The Frozen Lands marks the end of the Kami control with them being completely out of their reach. The lands are barren and dead, with frequent violent storms that bleed into reality making interstellar travel impossible. These lands are rumored to be ruled partly by another group of ancient mages, although few know about them. Here those who are enemies of the Kami have fled, the remaining ancient Yokai which still stand against them, the new dark gods which ancient mages who compete with the Kami using forbidden magic, and plenty more wraiths and spirits gone mad.
Dimensional plane
Owning Organization
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Magic and the Spirit World

In order to cross over to the spirit world, a water mage has to open a portal to the spirit world enabling travel between. Ghosts and spirits have the ablity to phase over by themselves.


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