The Kami Organization in Takashi | World Anvil
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The Kami

The Kami are the Divine's representatives which are given the authority to rule over the spirit world. The Kami safeguard travelers through and to the spirit world, including most importantly overseeing the dead transition to paradise and hell. The Kami themselves are ancient mages who are immortal and are thousands of years old.


Little is known about where the Kami came from as only the ancient Yokai are as old as the Kami, and they aren't easy to get information from. The Kami are believed to have been humans who fled the spirit world sometime before the Divine's flood. After the Yokai fell from grace the Kami took the mantel of rulers of the spirit world from the Divine, and then proceeded to conquer and subjugated the spirit world.


Kami are primarily rulers of the spirit world, another dimension separate from the physical world which is constantly changing. At one point in time, they maintained absolute control over it, but since the war in heaven, the Kami are unable to extend their influence beyond the main passages. Outside their control demons, wraiths, and spirits freely roam, often crossing over into the physical world and even occasionally attacking the routes of travel. The Kami are unable to regulate who travels between worlds, although key points controlled by the Kami are meant to be the main points of crossing. The Kami with the help of mortal mages have maintained passing of the dead, human mages send ghosts off the spirit world, and servents of the Kami guide them along the safe passes to paradise who hauls them straight to hell.   In addition to being rulers of the spirit world, the Kami runs both paradise and hell. Paradise is where most souls end up, before going to either heaven or hell. Within Paradise, the Kami run effectively an entire nation of the dead, with everything a nation of the living would have. the kami themselves are primarily responsible for administering souls as they come and go, and ensuring law and order is maintained.   The Kami are also in charge of hell where souls of individuals who have committed evil acts go to punished for all of eternity. The Kami oversees the carrying out the Divine judgment on the condemned. Although only a few of the Kami is involved directly with Hell. In the lower reaches of hell, demons are imprisoned as well.


The Kami themselves number within the few hundreds are lead by Ameratsu the Kami of the Sun and three other elder Kami: Tsukuyomi, Susanoo, and Inari. The remaining Kami are mostly their Descendents and thus vary in abilities based on age.

Elder Kami

  • The leader of the Kami, Ameratsu is the Kami of the Sun and is a powerful fire mage with the greatest plasma magic.
  • Tsukuyomi is the Kami of the Moon and is a powerful water mage gifted in darkness magic.
  • Susanoo is the Kami of storms and the sea and has mastery over both lighting and war magics.
  • Inari is the Kami of Foxes and prosperity and is known for using foxes as messengers.
Founding Date
4000 BC est.
Religious, Divine Host
Controlled Territories

Legend of Izanagi and Izanami

The Elder Kami are known to have preceded by two mages who might have been their parents. These two mages were two of the last human mages in ancient times and were hunted down forcing them to flee to the spirit world along with the future Kami. Izanami however perished before she could flee, causing Izanagi to eventually abandon the future Kami and search for her. In those days humans lived for hundreds of years, as Izanagi spent centuries searching for till eventually finding she had made it to paradise. Izanagi attempted and managed to see her in paradise but was driven out as the living weren't allowed. In despair, Izanagi is believed to have lived out his remaining days on some remote Island as he found a way through the newly created barrier after the flood.
— story taken from the oldest dragon Yokai


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