Wostarchyh Ethnicity in TAHARJIN'S FLAME | World Anvil
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From the rugged shores of Tumung, the Wostarchyh cast a wide net into the waters of their adopted homeland. Their skin, touched by the saline sea breeze, is lighter than their neighbors, a subtle echo of their origins in the distant lands of Rajan and Sakxa, if centuries ago.   The language of the Wostarchyh, Estrenya, carries the echo of the sea, the words undulating like waves, a lyrical mix of their ancestral tongue and local inflections adopted over centuries. In the hushed whispers of their language, one can hear the rustling of Sakxa's wool-laden beasts, the quiet trot of Rajan's dark horses, and a unique element all their own.   Living on the edge of the sea, the Wostarchyh have inherited a seafaring tradition from their ancestors. They are adept sailors and fishers, their lives attuned to the ebb and flow of the tides. The annual Saelight Festival is a testament to their deep connection with the sea, where the community gathers at Dzaynora's Fury to send out floating lanterns, a gesture to guide the souls of their departed back to the sea.   The spiritual life of the Wostarchyh revolves around the worship of the ancient sea god, Aeolan, a belief they share with their distant kin in Sakxa. They believe Aeolan blesses them with bountiful catches and calm seas. Wooden totems representing the god dot the coastal landscape, each adorned with seashells and other marine offerings.   The diet of the Wostarchyh mirrors their environment, with an emphasis on seafood and sea vegetables. Their signature dish, Luug'a, is a hearty stew made with fresh catch, sea tubers, and a distinctive blend of seaweeds. Luug'a, with its briny flavors and aromatic herbs, is a testament to their resourcefulness and connection with the sea.   Politically, the Wostarchyh have always been somewhat isolated. Despite their physical proximity to the Hil:u, the mountains serve as a natural barrier, keeping the two tribes largely separate. Their relationship with their ancestors in Rajan and Sakxa is tenuous at best, characterized more by a sense of shared heritage than any ongoing connection. Over the centuries, the Wostarchyh have evolved and adapted, spinning their narrative away from their ancestral roots towards a unique identity shaped by the sea and their new homeland. Yet, in the ebb and flow of their language, in their seafaring traditions, and in their veneration of Aeolan, echoes of their past resonate.

Cover image: Jagged Rocks by peretzp


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