Simidd Geographic Location in TAHARJIN'S FLAME | World Anvil
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POPULATION: 150K   CITIES: Brelisk   TOWNS: Hashoppen   VILLAGES: Jillako, Widerwing, Ulthum  
  Located in the chilly northern reaches of Chalornok, Simidd is a hold often overlooked by the rest of the nation. Its minimal contribution to the iron trade, coupled with a relative lack of resources, has rendered it an area of little strategic interest. In actuality, this unassuming hold is governed not by a single lord but by the age-old clan system, where a number of prominent families uphold the rule of law, though their stringent codes thankfully seldom come into play.   Even Simidd's nobility is a largely honorary affair: Several lords and ladies boast titles and lands here, but these are mostly empty distinctions flaunted at southern courts. The "noble" lands lie largely untended, their supposed owners having little practical reason to take up residence.   At the heart of Simidd is Brelisk, a rustic city fortified with wooden palisades. Though life here is rough and the climate harsh, the spirit of its inhabitants remains resilient, their outlook sanguine. The town of Hashoppen, however, tells a different story. A pall of gloom hangs over it, its populace noted for their excessive consumption of the local spirit, a potent brew named "Breska," akin to moonshine in its potency.   Scattered across the hold are the smaller villages of Jillako, Widerwing, and Ulthum. Each is dominated by a particular clan. Jillako is run by the Varr Clan, known for their skill in fur trading; Widerwing is home to the Moshu Clan, expert fishers and boat builders; and Ulthum, the Stenn Clan, renowned for their deft weavers and cloth-makers.   Despite the presence of a few shrines dedicated to old pagan deities, the majority of the people in Simidd display an outward loyalty to Läänti Ascendism. Whether this is out of true devotion or simply to maintain the semblance of unity with the rest of Chalornok is a matter of debate among those who still remember the old ways.


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