Shuri Geographic Location in TAHARJIN'S FLAME | World Anvil
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POPULATION: 3.5 MILLION   RELIGION: Alaq Religion   ETHNIC GROUPS: Īkagh, Banti (Hal Tikwa)   LANGUAGES SPOKEN: ALAWAQ - 2M / Hal Tikwa - 1M / Qilaphma - 500K / Siq'qul / Siq'qeln - 10K   CURRENCY: Zurit (0.7, T)   CAPITAL: Efah (Migri)
  Situated at the heart of Pendahar, on the shores of the vast Qiren Ocean, Shuri is a nation that dances on the sharp edge of conflict and contradiction. While its culture and language are closely tied to L'ai Alaq's, its political affiliations stand in stark contrast, with frequent skirmishes against its supposed cultural kin marking the tumultuous borderlands.   The dominant ethnic group in Shuri, the Īkagh, share much in common with the Alaqi people, including language (Alawaq) and religion (the Alaq faith). Yet, they vehemently reject the ruling Nazhbehtaq Dynasty of L'ai Alaq. This hostility is not confined to mere rhetoric; the Īkagh are fierce warriors and have repeatedly demonstrated their willingness to defend their independence.   Despite these conflicts, Shuri is more than a war-torn landscape. It's a country rich in cultural heritage and diversity, with three distinct subregions each possessing unique historical narratives. The western region, Jullicul, with its long history of cultural exchange with Qildab, is a melting pot of traditions and customs. Migri, the heartland, houses the nation's capital, Efah, a city known for its resilient spirit and undying determination. Suphamdi, in the east, is the spiritual homeland of the Hal Tikwa-speaking Banti people, whose distinct culture and faith add to the nation's rich tapestry of diversity.
Sigil of the Wawzh

Articles under Shuri

Cover image: 'Desert Fortress', Morocco, Ouarzazate, Ait Benhaddou by WanderingtheWorld


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