Senhooth Geographic Location in TAHARJIN'S FLAME | World Anvil
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POPULATION: 2M   CAPITAL: Ockind   CITIES: Mathlegid, Glinfran, Thrictivel   TOWNS: Atremor, Swarchor, Dwelanel, Tchfula, Derinagadge, Tellower, Mathoriss, Cambralint   VILLAGES: Holasi, Isee, Comee, Dustrainni, Recedeal, Miterlockh, Gulaple, Mnu  


  Senhooth, the southeastern bastion of Kahrilo, is a land defined by its rugged mountains, political conservatism, and strategic significance. Nestled between the Uvan Empire and North Beribon, Senhooth walks a tightrope of diplomacy and resilience, balancing its loyalty to the Kah faith with the pragmatic necessities of survival and trade.  

The Capital: Ockind

  Ockind, the capital of Senhooth, is a city where political conservatism and religious devotion intersect. Unlike the more spiritually-focused Adwisen, Ockind is characterized by its austere architecture and stringent adherence to traditional values. The city is a hub of political activity, where the policies of the Priestesses are enforced with a firm hand, ensuring that the influence of Uvandar Humanology is kept at bay. Prince Taˈmlul, Müˈbilm Keˈle, rules from Ockind with a focus on maintaining order and protecting the principality from external influences. His governance is marked by a delicate balance of enforcing Kah principles while navigating the complex political landscape posed by the Uvan Empire’s expansionist ambitions.  

Key Cities and Towns

  Mathlegid, Glinfran, and Thrictivel are the major urban centers that drive Senhooth’s economy and political strategies. Mathlegid, located near the Uvan border, is a city where the anti-mage and anti-religious rhetoric of the Uvan Empire has found some resonance. This city is a critical point of diplomatic engagement, where the Priestesses work tirelessly to counteract Uvandar influences while maintaining essential trade relations.   Glinfran, on the other hand, serves as a military stronghold, with fortifications and garrisons that protect Senhooth from potential invasions. Thrictivel is known for its agricultural terraces, providing sustenance to the region despite the harsh climate.   The towns of Atremor, Swarchor, and Dwelanel are vital for their roles in local governance and trade. Atremor is a key trading post for goods coming from North Beribon, especially the controversial trade in Riangh spice facilitated by Deri slavers. Swarchor and Dwelanel serve as administrative centers, where local magistrates oversee the enforcement of laws and the collection of taxes.

Villages and Rural Life

  The villages of Senhooth, such as Holasi, Isee, and Comee, are small yet resilient communities that embody the principality’s spirit of endurance. These villages often struggle with resource scarcity, as the mid-areas of Senhooth away from water sources are arid and challenging for agriculture. Nevertheless, the villagers find ways to sustain themselves through small-scale farming, hunting, and trade.   Dustrainni and Recedeal are known for being on the trail to the Saurakar Mountains, serving as starting points for pilgrims who journey to these sacred peaks. Miterlockh and Gulaple are renowned for their craftsmanship, producing tools and goods that are essential for daily life and trade.  

The Saurakar Mountains

  The Saurakar Mountains in southeastern Senhooth are a natural wonder and a place of profound spiritual significance. These rugged peaks attract pilgrims from across Kahrilo, who come to meditate and seek enlightenment in the serene and imposing landscape. The mountains are also a source of valuable minerals and metals, which contribute to Senhooth’s economy.  

Trade and Diplomacy

  Senhooth’s strategic location along Kahri Lake allows it to maintain strong trade ties with North Beribon. The trade in Riangh spice, although controversial, is crucial for the Priestesses of the Kah, who depend on this commodity for their religious ceremonies. The principality’s diplomatic ties with the Uvan Empire are delicate, requiring careful negotiation to maintain peace and ensure the flow of essential goods.  

Pilgrimage and Religious Sites

  Despite its pragmatic concerns, Senhooth remains a land of deep spiritual significance. The Shrine of the First Woman in Ockind is a major pilgrimage site, where devotees come to pay homage to the founder of the Kah faith. The Temple of Resilience in Thrictivel, dedicated to the spirit of endurance in the face of adversity, is another important religious site.  

Key Personalities

  Prince Taˈmlul, Müˈbilm Keˈle: A pragmatic ruler focused on mining and defense, ensuring the principality’s resources are well-managed and its borders secure against potential invasions.   Vös Dınˈduşk, Inventor and Blacksmith: Known for producing some of the finest weapons and tools in Kahrilo, Vös’s forge is a cornerstone of Senhooth’s economy and defense.   Bökˈsü Çık, Mining Head: Leads a team of miners in extracting valuable metals and gems, playing a crucial role in the province’s wealth and trade.   Dar Nilp, Engineer: An innovator in building fortifications and mining infrastructure, his designs have significantly increased productivity and security.   Mert Şumˈdak, Herbalist: Specializes in mountain herbs and remedies, providing essential medical supplies and potions to the local population and beyond.   Senhooth is a principality of resilience and strategic significance. Its economy thrives on trade with North Beribon and careful diplomatic engagement with the Uvan Empire. The harsh climate and political conservatism shape the daily lives of its people, while the Saurakar Mountains provide a spiritual haven for pilgrims. Senhooth’s blend of pragmatism and devotion ensures its stability and importance within the nation of Kahrilo.

Princedom of Taˈmlul



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