Reollan Geographic Location in TAHARJIN'S FLAME | World Anvil
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POPULATION: 20K   RELIGION: The Old Tradition   ETHNIC GROUPS: Reo Chlai   LANGUAGES SPOKEN: Reodhrag - 12K / COLMERHÆD - 5K / SAKVIR - 3K   CURRENCY: Cerlin Clainn   KEY SETTLEMENT: Trairforag   TOWNS: Sionogish   VILLAGES: Gligenon, Pogroot, Moraid, Ladyguily, Turrely, Ricalley, Warroth, Collywor
  Reollan is a small, windswept isle whose crummy weather barely registers with its irrepressible inhabitants, the Reo Chlai, a Reodhrag-speaking people known across the region for their characteristically high spirits. Literally: With so little to do there, the rate of alcoholism is through the roof.   Our tipsy friends are fishers in the main, with a talented cross-section of craftspeople making up the balance, their catches and wares consumed chiefly by Cerlin and to a lesser extent, Sakxa. The society, like much of Rajan, is based around clans, although Reo Chlai have comparatively tinier family units and so there is much less pomp and fanfare than in, say, Sakxa, where clan affiliation is a big deal, replete with heraldic nonsense, ancient oaths and, who knows, probably secret handshakes.   The island's economic machinery operates mainly on the Cerlin Clainn, reflecting its close trade relationships with Cerlin, and Sakxa to a lesser extent. Reollan's key settlement, Trairforag , is the center of community life, with other towns and villages adding to the cultural tapestry.   Faith and spirituality are deeply woven into the fabric of Reo Chlai culture, with the islanders following The Old Tradition - Kəð Sisˈga, a religious practice honouring a pantheon of gods and goddesses. Their devotion often manifests through artistry and craftsmanship, resulting in the creation intricate objects that capture their devotion to their deities, several of which are unique to here.   Stew is a time-honoured staple of the Reo diet, and just about every meal is stewified somehow. One variant, the Cheesy Hot Pot, is so yummy as to have become all the rage even among the bigwigs in Maorewed. And as one cannot eat without a good mug of beer in hand, Reollan drinking songs are a natural staple, too. Catchy as all hell, they’re to be found in taverns everywhere within a large radius: keep a listen out for "The Devil Dun Fart in Me Ear". Classic!

Venerable Emblem of the Thúnnág


Cover image: Battle Harbour Boat, Labrador, Canada by Gregory 'Slobirdr' Smith


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