Ilwe Geographic Location in TAHARJIN'S FLAME | World Anvil
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POPULATION: 250K   RELIGION: Ocean Plume Temple   ETHNIC GROUPS: Yeˈdi   LANGUAGES SPOKEN: Shichulcan - 250K   CURRENCY: Najamur Askawar
  Ilwe, a dual-island nation in the Geldak Sea, is a place of captivating contrasts and enduring traditions. It is composed of the larger Tacwadh and the smaller, more enigmatic Ilweh. The dominant culture here is the Yeˈdi, a people with their unique language, Shichulcan, and deeply entwined with the Ocean Plume Temple religion from their Qildabic ancestry.   Tacwadh, home to the capital city, Terecan, is a vibrant land of varied terrains. In some places, it is lush and fertile, supporting a bounty of native flora and the Qildabic crops of Sikiki grain and Rhu’ul fruit (a delicacy), which play a significant role in the island's economy and cuisine. Tacwadh's fertile regions have nurtured an artistry of craftsmanship: Here, the famed Tacwadh Tapestry originates, a woven piece showcasing the native Ferac Bird, believed to bring prosperity and good luck. The island's mountainous regions, in stark contrast, are harsh yet breath-taking, home to the solitary 'Mountain Ye'di' (or Saˈyayedi, in Shiculcan) , who are known for their unique Sonsu music, played on instruments crafted from uniquely shaped stones produced within the local mountain ranges.   Ilweh, on the other hand, is far more insular and enigmatic. Its only major city, Honouri, is said to house the ancient Amulet of K’e, a revered Qildabic artifact, and there are rumors of a secret Ocean Plume Temple, accessible only to the most devout practitioners. The island is further known for its nocturnal Blue Fire Flies (shirbimöˈifü) that create an ethereal spectacle, attracting brave souls curious enough to venture into this secluded landscape.   The people of Ilwe, despite using Askawar currency from Najamur, value their independence. They proudly embody their culture while simultaneously acknowledging the deep Qildabic influence that threads through their history. For any adventurer seeking an encounter with a culture that perfectly blends tradition with independence, Ilwe stands as a uniquely alluring destination.

Seal of the Nayöˈsi


Articles under Ilwe

Cover image: 062 Pillar Kala by Anandajoti


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