Tai-Shen Organization in Taeva | World Anvil
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Located in western Xuria, Tai-Shen is the dominant human kingdom on the continent. With a culture completely unique to any seen among the human kingdoms of Imera and Vraelia, as well as access to many exotic trade goods, Tai-Shen has grown over the ages into a prosperous nation. While they largely prefer to remain separate from the affairs of the kingdoms of Imera and Vraelia outside of trading, Tai-Shen nonetheless remains an influential power among the human kingdoms.


The people of Tai-Shen value harmony and discipline. These traits form the basis for their desire to maintain social order and stability, their strong work ethic, and their respectful attitude towards their peers and superiors. Additionally, perhaps as a result of the varied landscapes of their homeland, the people of Tai-Shen have a great appreciation for aesthetic, which has greatly influenced their art and architecture.


Tai-Shen has access to the ocean to its west for sea trade, and a strong navy to defend it. It also has access to a variety of resources within its territories for both domestic use and trade.

Demography and Population

The population of Tai-Shen is predominantly made up of humans, with nearly all of them being of Tai descent, though it's not uncommon to find humans of Navalonian descent in the major sea trade settlements. Additionally, members of other races such as the Drakai, Ratfolk, and Kori are an uncommon sight here as well.


Tai-Shen covers the majority of western Xuria, including the small island cluster to the southwest.


Tai-Shen has a standard army with heavy and light infantry, cavalry, and missile units (using a mix of bows and repeating crossbows). Additionally, Tai-Shen makes use of a number of mages in their armies, as well as artillery that matches that of Athenor (including cannons and rockets), and a strong navy.

Technological Level

Tai-Shen makes use of Magitech, primarily for lighting and timekeeping, as well as large-scale industry in the largest settlements.

Foreign Relations

Tai-Shen is on neutral relations with the human kingdoms of Imera and Vraelia, though they do have slightly better relations with the kingdom of Navalonia thanks to their trade connections.

Agriculture & Industry

Tai-Shen focuses its agriculture in the central parts of its territories, and has a strong fishing industry along the coast. Additionally, there's a strong mining industry around the mountains, a decent forestry industry, and a strong naval trade industry.

Trade & Transport

Tai-Shen trades with the kingdoms of Imera and Vraelia through its coastal settlements. Additionally, there are a number of roads connecting the major settlements to one another, and there are a number of routes for sea travel both along the coastline, and between continents.


All Tai citizens are educated in schools local to their area. Education begins around the age of 4 or 5 and ends around 17 or 18, and covers such subjects as history, literature, and mathematics. Additionally, citizens can chose to pursue higher learning in more scholarly fields (provided they can afford the admittance fee), or an apprenticeship in their chosen occupation.
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Economic System
Market economy
While Tai-Shen makes use of the currency of Royals when trading with the human kingdoms beyond their borders, its official currency are Taian Suns.
Major Exports
Tai-Shen is a large supplier of silk, textiles, jade, spices, and surplus rice.
Legislative Body
The currently reigning Emperor/Empress is responsible for writing the laws, with the aid of the Ministers.
Judicial Body
It falls on the Ministers to enforce the law in their local provinces.
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