Commonly found within the Elderwood, Perytons are a species of winged deer believed to be kind of animal-aligned Fae. Between their supposed Fae nature, as well as their rarity, the Perytons are viewed with an air of mystique by the Wood Elves and Cernai, who view them as guardians of the natural places of the world.
Basic Information
Perytons resemble a cross between a deer with bird-like traits, with an overall deer-like body and head, branch-like antlers, hoofed forelegs of a deer, hind legs and talons of a bird, owl-like wings, and a feathered tail.
Biological Traits
Besides their appearance, the strangest aspect of the Perytons are their shadows. Despite being quadrupedal animals, the shadow of a Peryton resembles that of a humanoid with antlers. It's commonly believed that this may be a reflection of the Perytons original Fae form.
Genetics and Reproduction
Despite having avian traits, Perytons give birth to live young, with fawns taking up to 10 months to fully gestate.
Ecology and Habitats
Perytons prefer to live in forested areas.
Dietary Needs and Habits
Perytons are herbivorous creatures.
Perytons are generally neutral towards other beings, only reacting aggressively when they feel threatened. However, they have been observed to be friendly towards the Wood Elves and Cernai.
Additional Information
Some Perytons are kept as mounts by particularly noteworthy Wood Elves, though this is only possible after both parties have established a strong bond with each other, a process that could potentially take years.
Facial characteristics
Perytons have the head of a deer, with large branch-like antlers.
Geographic Origin and Distribution
While Perytons are most commonly encountered within the Elderwood, they have also been sighted in other wooded areas with a strong connection to the Fae Realm.
Average Intelligence
While not possessing the ability to speak, Perytons do seem to possess the ability to understand what others are saying around them.
Perception and Sensory Capabilities
Perytons have a keen sense of hearing, and average eyesight.
50 years
Average Height
Average Physique
Perytons have a body similar to a deer.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Perytons have light teal fur and feathers, with a greyish-white underside, a slightly darker teal colouring towards the tips of its wing and tail feathers, as well as on the fur inside of their ears and the lower half of their front legs, and a black nose and antlers.