Lupian hybrid

Lupian hybrids are born when the subspecies of the lupians mate with each other. After this mating, on a rare occasion, a hybrid is born. Immediately after their birth, the hybrids are ready to kill anybody who comes close to them, and it is not a hybrid. It is not unheard of that hybrids just ate themselves out of their mother’s womb.
One of their uncanny ability is to sense where other hybrids are in the wild. Even if the closest one is miles away. This is how they know to go to the Fiery Frost Mountain where they find their kin.
The mountain is their space, and they protect it with much ferocity. It is pretty frequent that during the coming-of-age ceremony the lupians lose many of their young to the hybrids. While for normal lupians, the mountain is a treacherous place, the hybrids’ ability to be almost immune to the cold and heat makes them ideal inhabitants of the mountain range.
The hybrids themselves are not capable of reproduction. While the two subspecies of the lupians are close, they are not entirely related species. That makes the hybrids infertile. This is probably a lucky break for the lupians because the hybrids would slaughter every one of them if the lupians wouldn’t outnumber them.
Nobody knows what they eat in the mountains. Other than the lupian youngs they catch during their run, that happens yearly. There is also a plant up there what the lupians dubbed ice cactus. But other than these, there isn’t anything edible in the mountains.
Their coloring pattern varies. No two hybrids have the same pattern of stripes, dots, patches, and marks on their fur. But they always have the two colors of their parents. Red or reddish colors from the Heatwave and white, light blue colors from the Frostbite lupians.
They are terrifying killers
— Hur'gul, heatwave lupian warrior


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