Wahweth Character in T'sara | World Anvil


One of the most feared Gods in T'sara, Wahweth is the The God of Dragons and God of Storms.

Divine Domains

although it is more common for farmers to pray to Khalee, those in drier environments will pray to Wahweth to bring needed water for crops.   It's rumored that Dragons have a cult and means of worship, but no Mortal has been able to obtain proof of this.


Wahweth seeks neither praise nor holiday for his creations. Individual dragons have taken that position over mortals who cannot defend themselves, asking for tribute and worship.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Wahweth will often present himself as a Dragon, making him one of the few Gods that does not appear to mortals as one of their kind. He will typically present as either a Black Dragon, known to be the most foul and deadly, or Blue Dragons, often considered the most cunning and shrewd.

Mental characteristics

Failures & Embarrassments

That none of the Wahweth's original dragons survived The Fey Crisis feels like a personal failure, going against his own ideas of strength and adversity. Even the Halflings survived, so how could his not?   That the mortals were likewise transformed into dragon-like creatures, known as Dragon-kin, is also a personal struggle. He never wanted to be responsible for such beings, and more often than not rejects them and their prayers.

Morality & Philosophy

Wahweths view of existence is nearly as bleak as that of Dineth, as well as reminiscent of the Fey. Chaos, unpredictability, challenge, are all necessary for existence. Trying to create order is a doomed endeavor and misses the whole point.   Storms, generally, are not destructive. They're usually uncomfortable and inconvenient, but they are just as necessary for growth and life as the sun and the ground. There absolutely can be violent storms out there, be it tornadoes, hurricanes, blizzards, and more besides. They can often seem to have no point beyond destruction, but Wahweth would argue that even that destruction can be positive in the long term. In the larger picture, being prepared to anticipate, mitigate, and survive such trials of severe weather strengthens the mind, the body, and the soul.

Dragons were similarly meant to be a challenge: a beast that mortals would fear but ultimately be capable of defeating. That they would be the first beings transformed by the Fey, into even worse beings, felt like a loss at first, but it still proved a point. The mortals would still be capable of defeating them, but it would take far more courage, knowledge, and strength than was intended. In the end, he would regret nothing.
Known Languages
Wahweth would invent a secret language by which only Dragons could communicate, known simply as Draconic. He and Darnahl, God of Secrets, are the only Gods who know and understand such language.


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