Khalee Character in T'sara | World Anvil


The Goddess of Beauty, Innocence, and Seasons. She can be tempermental and difficult, but is also a positive soul, trying to see the good and the beauty where it can be found.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Because Khalee's appearance is so fluid, even compared to other Gods, they are commonly depicted by symbol rather than an image or face. Symbols vary, but a common depiction is some flowery depiction of the intersection of the letters KL, or the equivalents in the native language. Insignia like these are commonly used by those in the cosmetics trade.


There are four holidays that Khalee represents, of the official start of the new seasons: Vinser, Sprig , Sommar, and Utum. The seasons come with or without prayer, and as such they are often not the most adhered to days of religious celebration, especially in mild climates. Farmers though, and those who are reliant on the changes, make up for the difference, and give great offerings for favorable seasons.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Khalee's hopes is that the world understands and appreciated diversity, and that it works to openly encourage it. Beauty cannot exist without contrast is a constant addage by Khalle, and one that is often misunderstood. Because of her tendencies towards vanity and self adoration, this interpreted to mean the difference between beauty and ugly, which is not the intent. Rather, Khalee simply means that it is through differences that beauty is possible, without making any value or judgement on a person or thing for being more or less beautiful.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Trying to pinpoint an appearance for Khalee is harder than just about any other God, as they represent and manifest 'beauty' in such a wide variety of ways. All that can be said is that they tend to favor elves, but any race, and even primitive animal, is possible.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Khalee's addition to T'sara and the concept of Beauty predated any life on the world itself. Even in a barren world, they found the very terrain of mountains and rivers, and all of nature therein. There was richness and harshness, lgihts and darks, the variance was splendid at times, horrid in others. She created the vision of beauty to mark the pleasing and the displeasing. The Gods and Goddesses were frustrated that Khalee had tried to dictate how they should create their own beings, but that was not her intent. There was no objective or universal beauty, Khalee would admit; they just created a means by which someone could define and appreciate such appearances.

It was this appreciation for variance and differences that would also cause Khalee to create the seasons of the world. With four seasons, that would affect the world differently, it allowed for a diverse climate, and encouraged the newly made life there to expand and diversify as well.
  Varissa had consulted with Khalee in construction of the Elves, the first sentient life on T'sara. In her mind, Khalee was still the authority of beauty, not just it's architect, and wantedher Elves to be created in a way that was found to be beautiful. True to her goal, Elves, with their slender and petite frame would be considered the most beautiful by most of the world throughout all of time. The other Goddesses, those that would become The Six Sisters, would also all seek Khalee's approval, in their way, but only Varissa had worked so hand in hand to create a life.   Khalee, like a few other gods, were absent from The Fey Crisis. Their domains and powers prohibited any such participation in a brutal and chaotic conflict. The best that they could do was to provide some unusual seasonal weather to try and interfere with the Fey onslaught, which had no real affect on the beings of pure energy. After the Sundering, when the Fey tore the very world apart into three continents, Khalee would work with other gods in an attempt to try to mend the damage done. Again, this was minor in the grand scheme of things, and after Veserae's granted true permanence to the world with her holy sacrifice, there was nothing Khalee or anyone else could do to fix the damage.   In the aftermath of the Crisis, Varissa and Quargh both had a moment of falling out with Khalee. Elves and Orcs both had been corrupted both physically and in their souls. There was a strong desire that these Drow and Goblins be made whole again. Khalee claimed such a deed would not be possible, not the least by them. They changed appearances both in mercy and out of fancy, but what they were asked was on a completely different scale. Changing their appearance to the degree that was being asked would change their very identity. They were not just misshapen Orcs and Elves, not anymore; they were their own entities, and it would prove that no God or Goddess could change that.

Gender Identity

Khalee is referred to as Goddess, normally appearing as female, but Khalee is also known to be extremely fluid in that representation, to both mortals and Gods. Beauty is by no means exclusive to women or feminity, nor is it exclusive to any of the mortal races. As such, Khalee will represent as male at times or even as an animale, and has long since requested to be referred to as They.


Khalee's representation of Goddess of Innocence was never exclusive to sexuality. In fact, in the First Age, sex was extremely common and open for all, and although children were forbidden for participating in such acts, they were aware of it, as well as what to do or not to do. As such, Khalee's sexual apetite and representation is that of an extremely aroused and repressed virgin, eager and fantasizing of the time they may finally have their 'first time', regardless of the countless First Times Khalee has had before. Alternatively, Khalee has also been known to use her powers and holy domain to keep those who seek to keep their innocence from succumbing to mortal temptation.

Intellectual Characteristics

Despite being a manifestation of Innocence, Khalee is surprisingly well learned in the cosmos, especially given the similar behavior of Phoenicia. When pried about this, Khalee will usually have a hauty retort. Information and insight, in of itself, does not corrupt a person. Innocence or guilt is in actions, not knowledge. Innocence and ignorance is not the same thing, and they reject the notion that the way to preserve one's innocence is to be blind to the world. Often times, knowledge can be used to help protect ones innocence.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

While Khalee can be exceptionally vain in their own appearance and presentation, they are also very complementary of others. It is a common occurance for those praying to Khalee to be made beautiful to simple be reaffirmed, and to see the beauty that was present in them all along.

Vices & Personality flaws

Khalee can be exceptionally emotional, prone to juvenile outbursts. They have also been known to be vain and dramatic, consistently refusing to do what may ruin their innocence or their beauty.


Family Ties

Phoenicia, as God of Children and Mercy, is a close friend and ally to Khalee, as innocence and childhood are strongly associated throughout T'sara. This also unfortunately means that they share some of the same bad habits, including their naivety.   Although they are generally unable to help in his mission, Khalee has strong ties and vested interest in Larae, the God of diplomacy and peace, and by proximity, has a adversarial relationship with Glokrei, the God of War. The only innocents in war are the civilian casualties, and no person who ever goes into violent conflict with another can regain their innocence. Despite their desire in the outcome, Khalee is often reluctant to help, in that the diplomatic arts and negotiations is also rarely innocent in its own right.   Despite their vanity, they try to have positive with relations with most of the other Gods. Beauty, Khalee believes, is not just in the sentient or even in the living. Animals, even small insects, can possess beauty, or the terrain itself. If there is, as the saying goes, Beauty in all things, than Khalee will be the one to find it.   There's a curious relationship between Khalee and Taraneas, the God of Art. Many believe there is a strong romantic relationship between them, and neither explicitly admit or reject the suggestion. The closest one can get either to admit is they are close, but have no ideas of being exclusive to one another. One can have beauty that is not art, and art can exist that is not beauty.   Quargh, being less secure than she publicly displays, has on multiple occassions turned to Khalee and ask them to change the world's view of Orcs and Beauty. They understand the Orc Mother's concern, given the value society puts on beauty, but they reject the pleas. Khalee governs what can be considered beautiful in larger society, she cannot dictate any soul to view beauty a specific way.


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