The Floor of Dexterity


The floor of dexterity is covered almost entirely by forest. The middle of the floor contains a small lake, with a ruined keep in the center of it. Cascading down on top of the keep is a massive waterfall from the sky, The Spill . This fills the lake, and around the lake is the village of Weirborough . Out of that lake flows The Spillway .   The water in the spill, and the spillway, is cursed. For whatever reason, wherever the Spill comes from, it's a cursed location. The resulting river is unsafe to go in.   Following the cursed river down stream, one reaches The Split . At this point, the river splits off into Northrun River , leading to Beachcastle , and Westbank River , which leads down to Tamworth .   The rest of the floor is full of an incredibly dense forest, with some rocky outcroppings. Not much is known about these forests.
2nd Floor
2. The floor of Dexterity. Consists almost entirely of one massive forest. The center of the floor has a massive waterfall that comes from the sky, spilling cursed water at the heart of Weirborough . That water flows in an outward spiral through the floor, splitting off into two separate rivers, leading to Beachcastle and Tamworth .


  • 2nd Floor
    2. The floor of Dexterity. Consists almost entirely of one massive forest. The center of the floor has a massive waterfall that comes from the sky, spilling cursed water at the heart of Weirborough . That water flows in an outward spiral through the floor, splitting off into two separate rivers, leading to Beachcastle and Tamworth .
Alternative Name(s)
Floor 2
Related Reports (Secondary)

Cover image: by Stormbril


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