Annonce : Under relooking process

Coroe (/korɔe/)

Homebrew Sylame (1.23.10)


Coroe are humanoïd looking people living in seclusion or in secrecy because of the curse they have inherited from a far ancestor. They are, indeed, a type of coracianthrope (wereraven), with the even rarer particularity to be gifted by foresight concerning a type of event unique to each individual. Though, the curse make them completely unable to talk about the subject, turning the sentences into a completely ridiculous or unreliable explanation that few people would realy care to listen more than 20 seconds.
ability score increase: Generally Intelligence +2 & Wisdom +1
age: Arround 50 years (life expectancy)
alignment: Any
Size: Medium
speed: 30 ft.
Languages: Common, Any other two according with your dm.
race features:

You can see in dim light

Keen Sight

Your raven eyes see much more than what usually meets the eyes. You are proficient in Perception and Investigation skills and you can roll these skill checks with advantage whenever you rely on sight using them.

Curse of Foresight

Work with your DM to decide on what relevant subject you might have been granted foresight, and of which probably nobody will never understand anything you say. When looking for knowledge about directly related subjects inside your memory, you can replace any result of 9 or lesser on the dice by a 10. However, each time you try to be concise or creative to bypass your communication curse, you must add a 10 point malus to the roll.


As a bonus action, you can polymorph into one of your two forms (humanoid & coracioid) and revert back. When in coracioid form, you gain one of the following benefits, which you must choose at first level.

  • You are one of the rare winged Coroe. You have a flying speed of 30 feet as long as you're not wearing heavy armor and aren't incapacitated.
  • You inherited some of the exceptional constitution of ravens. You are resistant to poison damage and have advantage on saving throws against being poisonned. Starting at 5th level, you become imune to poisons and deseases
  • You inherited some of the astonishing ingeniosity of ravens. You can choose two types of tools at first level and gain proficiency with them. You have advantage on any hability check you made using one of these tools while into your coracioid form. Further, starting at 5th level, you have expertise in those tools while in coracioid form.

Most of the Coroe people are completely undistinguishable from one other species like Hirs or Laerns while they are in their common humanoïd form. Only a few have some physical features that could remind someone else of a raven, like raven-black hair, or a flatter and flying forehead.

When shifted into their coracioid form, however, they look more like a chimeric hybrid of Raven and Humanoid species. They are completely feather covered, have a strongly built beak, and two sharp clawed talons instead of feet. The majority of them is completely unable to fly due to a lack of wings. Some luckyer ones do get large wings aditionnally to their free and dextrous hands.

Cover image: The Lost Wall of Edulin by Zannazook


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