Shalana Character in Syann the world upon a Cosmic Beast | World Anvil
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Durring the age of Old Kingdoms Shalanna Vykros was a Ziberian Paladin who attempted to reform the empire from the ground up. She believed sound tactics and a strong defense were more important then aggression and conquest. She spoke out against slavery and claimed loudly the republic needed reformation. She was soon sent to the northernmost point of the empire to the borders of Paladius. There she found something unexpected, honor and nobility among the barbarian tribesmen of the province. As the Empire started to collapse and its rulers became more and more corrupt Shalana found herself alone in the province of Paladius keeping order and peace even as the empire collapsed around her. She faithfully and dutifully protected Paladius even after the empire lost control of the province, and while she herself refused leadership she helped shape the ideals that Paladius holds true to this day. It was her duty and kindness that won over the god Ovaeron and not long after she died Ovaeron took her to his side and asked her to be his bride.
  Shalana has never been so happy as with her husband, she has given him a son whom she loves, a family to belong to and a spark of divinity that has allowed her to spread her ideals to countless people the world over.

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