Woosh Character in Supes, Suits and Boots | World Anvil


Gregory Rogers

  • Classification: Supe
  • Alignment: Hero
  • Origin: Woosh was born with his powers but they, didn't activate until he was 19. Changing his entire body overnight.

Physical Description

Special abilities

  • Superspeed 
  • Slowed Aging - He ages at half the rate normal people do.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Gregory was never a popular guy, growing up he was overweight, he sweated quite a bit, his glasses thick as molasses and he was short. Socially he was always too nervous to interact with people, whenever he was in conversation with the opposite sex that didn't pertain to working his brain just froze. He wasn't really that smart either, he was just a normal american guy on the low end on the genetic lottery.

He always wished to be better, so he interned for a professor who owned his laboratory. He met one of his colleagues there named Darla, and he couldn't take his eyes off her. But she paid no more attention to him than needed. But after he turned 19 later that year his body changed overnight. He woke up taller, muscular, no longer needed his glasses, bodyweight evaporated and he could run at superhuman speeds. Within a few months he started dating Darla, a few months later he joined the Serenity Union, taken under the wing of Sonic Sam.

After all that time of being a successful hero, he gained more confidence and felt happy with himself for the first time. The only thing he needed to be complete was Darla. While they were dating, the relationship never progressed as Gregory thought it would. Darla was hesitant to take it to the next step, Gregory was confused but he didn't have much experience with relationships so he didn't say anything. But while off on another mission he came back to find Darla in bed with another man. He was distraught, hoping for some kind of apology. But Darla just said that he looked better, but he was still the fat loser underneath the muscles.

He ran away in tears, he thought he got to the point where he could be respected. But he felt he could never earn that respect. So why wouldn't he just take it? He composed himself, and ran back to Darla. In the middle of a conversation with the man she cheated with. He felt he was owed, so he had sex with her so fast she couldn't even tell besides a sudden raw feeling between her legs. Then he did it again, and again, and again and again. All this time while he was being a hero, he would find someone new and just take them. To him it was a victimless crime, they didn't even know what happened.

The public didn't find out for years, but one woman did. She made a report and the report made it's way to the Union. In order to protect themselves and all other people with powers they pushed it under the rug. Because they were already under government scrutiny, Woosh was kicked out and forced to live a normal life under threat of violence. Years later a large number of women came forward, all after raising kids from becoming unexpectedly pregnant. After dna testing they all realized they shared the same father. Which through anonymous sources revealed that Woosh was the father. His real name was exposed and an arrest warrant issued. Woosh went on the run, which made it nearly impossible for him to be caught. The scandal and the kids were known as the Wards of Woosh.
Date of Birth
November 26th
Year of Birth
1947 73 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation