Sir Rulean-Rage Character in Supes, Suits and Boots | World Anvil

Sir Rulean-Rage

Sir Maxwell Rulean-Rage

  • Classification: Supe
  • Alignment: Villain
  • Origin: While stealing artifacts for his collection in a land forbidden to him, Maxwell let loose a spirit of fire that would offer two things, riches or power. Maxwell was already well off and chose power. As he sacrificed his entire team, and close friends in the room with him. He'd been given the gift of blue fire.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

He lost his left eye in a treasure hunt, and wears an eye patch.

Special abilities

Has the ability to summon and control blue fire, and can use this to propel himself like a jetpack to run 60 miles per hour.

Specialized Equipment

  • Fireproof Bow - If ever in a situation where he can't use his powers he keeps a bow on hand.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Maxwell's family were wealthy, and had more than enough to give him everything he needed. But Maxwell wasn't the type of person who wanted to be given anything. He liked getting his hands dirty, the world was his oyster but he wanted to fish for himself so to speak.     He developed an interest in archery, history, ancient civilizations, relics and famous artifacts. After moving from the U.S., he helped England discover so many lost treasures that he'd been knighted. After he struck out on his own dime he began finding things that certain people were very interested in. He could tell the things he found weren't your average relics, and decided he was going to find out why they were so special.   It was his last known expedition with with his original team when he found his prize. Publicly, it was a tragedy. It sounds better when the famous treasure hunter is the only survivor of an expedition, rather than treasure hunter kills friends to get magic powers.


  • Treasure Hunter

Personality Characteristics


Maxwell still desires to find as many magical artifacts as he can. Either to use or add to his collection. He has no problem doing whatever he has to do to get them.


Satin Shadow

Arch Enemy

Towards Sir Rulean-Rage


Sir Rulean-Rage

Arch Enemy

Towards Satin Shadow


Date of Birth
March 10th
Year of Birth
1995 25 Years old
San Francisco, California
Current Residence
Dublin, Ireland
Brown, straight
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
188 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
  • English
  • Spanish
  • Mandarin
  • Swahili
  • Irish