Nu-Divus Organization in Supes, Suits and Boots | World Anvil


The Nu-Divus corporation started in 1901 as a family owned clothing store called Amen Clothing. They sold robes based on biblical fashion, piety was at a high at the time and the company made out like bandits. The money they made helped them buy out the competition, and soon they cornered the market. This continued until WWI when the then named "supermen" gained notoriety around the world. When this happened the family had an awakening, they felt like these were gods coming back to earth and they must earn their favor.

They tried to supply any powered person they could find with the best fashion. At this point they bought into weapon manufacturing companies, and created teams focused on researching supers. Over the years they acquired more companies and power, which changed their perspective giving the controlling family a slight change in ideals to say the least. They no longer wanted to help supers, that was work for pawns. They no longer considered themselves apart of the game of life, but masters of it. But to do so they need the ultimate pieces, they wanted to control the supers. They feared, no... they knew the supers would never be the gods they needed them to be, so they would rule instead. The only issue they'd have is getting superheroes to work for them, true heroes always turned on them. No matter how much money or fame they promised, they couldn't get the reputable ones to stay, so they changed course. Heroes wouldn't heel, but villains are loyal as long as their paychecks clear.

In modern times, they are a huge corporation with many arms and many resources. So in order to find their team, they held sponsorship drives all over the world. Looking for specific traits and backgrounds to develop a more easily manageable group. In the end they found exactly who they needed, creating the "hero" group known as Pantheon.

The future is Nu

Founding Date
Corporation, Conglomerate
Subsidiary Organizations