Raven Character in Superverse | World Anvil
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Eunice Rosanne Chance-Steele (a.k.a. The Raven)

Eunice Chance-Steele, best known as the hero Raven (sometimes written fully as "the Raven"), is one of the The Unbroken, and the first to join the team after Jaya P.K. Patil founded it... even if she left before anyone else joined. Working with Jaya showed to Eunice the sort of impact their work could have on the world, leading Eunice to decide that her hometown needed such a helping hand, and the sooner the better. It was here that Eunice met another (former) Unbroken member: April Chance.   April and Eunice worked together regularly, combining their skills, knowledge, and experience to become a fearsome team. They grew increasingly closer, and eventually fell in love. By the time they left the Grove to chase down the Unbroken, having heard of their troubles, they had become a settled couple. Years later, they married, uniting their last names, and becoming the Chance-Steeles.

Physical Description

Facial Features

Bit of a resting bitch face, not aided by her usually serious demeanor. She'll soften up around her friends (teammates), though, and especially around her wife.

Specialized Equipment

Raven's signature, and most notable, equipment are her mechanical wings. Though they have gone through many iterations over the years, they have always been sturdy constructs inspired by bird wings, even if they (usually) lacked feathers. Modern iterations of the wings not only allow Eunice to fly while wearing them, but also grant her formidable maneuverability in the air (or any space large enough to use her wings), and are well-armed besides. The edges of the false feathers are razor-sharp, and the wings solid enough that they work very well as blunt force weapons as well.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

When Eunice first worked with Jaya, she went by Starling, wearing a fairly casual costume in shades of gray. Unlike Jaya, Eunice is Mundane, and she had only limited training as a fighter. She was a fairly direct fighter instead, delivering powerful punches and kicks, supplemented by steel-toed boots and gloves with reinforced knuckles.   It was during her stay in the Grove that Eunice developed her signature wings, and a matching fighting style, eventually becoming The Raven.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

Eunice is usually serious, but not always. When need be, she’s focused and to-the-point... sometimes to the point of frustration.

Vices & Personality flaws

While Eunice is often serious and focused, this is as much a downside as a positive. Her dogged determination can frustrate teammates, and while focus can be a boon, so can it make it easy to miss things.


Hobbies & Pets

When nothing urgent is happening, Eunice enjoys to spend her downtime either with her girlfriend, or outside. She can be seen flitting through the city a lot, both in and out of costume (although usually in-costume, going on patrols and making use of her wings to get around more easily).


Toxic Edge

Wife (Important)

Towards Raven




Wife (Important)

Towards Toxic Edge



Current Location
Date of Birth
26th of August, 1981
Year of Birth
1981 39 Years old
Dark brown
Black, typically kept short, often neat
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
1.63m or 5'4"
Aligned Organization

Cover image: by DarkNymfa


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